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Member of Dzathe

Racayita was the music and aether deity ancient Bhaga society. Racayita was generally considered the least substantial of the Mazde and Dzathe gods, but tipped the balance in favour of the Dzathe and allowed society to flourish as a result. Associated with the night sky, opposite Jenyanaka in the day sky, Racayita was the protector of the poor and unfortunates born at night. He delighted in the activities of mankind and composed songs for them to document their history and to celebrate great heroes. Although generally benevolent, Racayita was also the least aligned of the gods and sometimes appears as a negative influence in the form of frenzy or satirical music.

Despite his humble origin as the minstrel of the great gods of Bhaga, Racayita's position as patron of musicians and artists gradually expanded his following. Rituals concerning Racayita became elaborate and fanciful, but also included more escoteric elements as he became the revealer of hidden truths.


