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Collective Defence Initiative
Inceptum Communa Praesidium
Πρωτοβουλία Συλλογικής Άμυνας
Iniciativa e Mbrojtjes Kolektive
מרכז הגנה יוזמת
مبادرة الدفاع المركزية
File:CDI Emblem.png
FormationOctober 20, 1962
TypeMilitary Alliance
Official language
English, Latin
Arthurista Charles Goodworth
Belfras James Olstead
Spokesman of the I.D.
Template:Country data Confederate Republic of Emmeria Marcus Gray

The Collective Defence Initiative (abbreviated: CDI), also referred to as the Continental Alliance is an intergovernmental mutual defense military organisation operating in the world. Following many negotiations in the early 1960s following the 1959-60 Winter War and escalated immediately after the resolution of the 1962 Bomber Crisis at the height of the Cold War, the initiative was established after the ratification of the Laesico Accords, on the 20th of October 1962, which constitute the core principles of the organization. The organization served as a united institution for the defense of the Free World and espoused an anticommunist, capitalist, and self-representative ideology in direct contention with the Otterup Pact and the latter's advocacy of revolutionary socialism, communism, and authoritarianism.

In the aftermath of the Cold War, the CDI has continued its role as a defender of the Free World, now from what it perceives as an emerging bloc of authoritarian, expansionistic, and state capitalist powers.

Presently the CDI is composed of seven member-states: the Kingdom of Belfras, the Commonwealth of Arthurista, the Empire of Belhavia, the Confederate Republic of Emmeria, the Empire of Temuair, the Eaglelander Republic, and the Victorian Free State. The organisation pursues cooperation between member-states by joint military operations, under which dissolving military activities of an external party.

The CDI has joint military facilities are stationed across the globe, predominately around the areas of the Central Ocean and the Victorian Ocean, as well as the Eastern Ocean, comprising a dense network of naval-, army-, and air-bases sufficient to conduct collective military operations. The necessary amount of assets and military personnel are necessary for the effective prosecution of potential wars. According to article III, "In the event that war is declared upon one member of the CDI, the other member-states are expected to mobilise and treat this as if it were a direct attack upon their very own nation", which brings forth the compulsory demanding of the alliance. The alliance operational zone and sphere of interest lies inherently tied to the Central Ocean and Victorian Ocean, but can operate outside of its comfort zone as well anywhere in the world.

The organisation is supervised by the Council Assembly of the CDI, consisting of five councillors per member-state, the council spokesman, and the secretary-general (main executive). The latter two are democratically elected by the council and stay in office for 2 years.


The name "Collective" derives self-explanatorily from the term collective, referring to the organization's mandate as an organized institution to oppose the Communist World and defense of the Free World. The term "Defense" brings forth its purpose, as to coming to the alliance's defence, through military collaboration. The term "Initiative" has a self-explanatory function.


Origins (1950s - early 1960s)

In 1953, the Cold War is believed to have emerged formally with the creation of Otterup Pact, globalizing the Communist bloc from its previous base in Lusankya to include the DSRA from the Anikatian Civil War (1948 - 1951) in the Far East. The various Anticommunist Powers relied on an interwoven set of individual, bilateral military and defense treaties to coordinate anti-communist military actions

In the aftermath of the 1959-60 Winter War between Belhavia and Tule and their respective allies, which was the first conventional war between the Free and Communist blocs as well as the first time that the presence of nuclear weapons almost led to nuclear Armageddon, sparked discussions among the various leading anticommunist powers, including Belfras, Arthurista, Belhavia, and Temuair, to formalize a unified institution as the Anticommunist equivalent to the Communist bloc's Otterup Pact rather than rely on Great War-era and other individual alliances and military treaties.

Meetings were held intermittently between June 1960 and February 1961 in Isn Deslen, Belfras, Loweport, Arthurista, and Dakos, Belhavia to negotiate an organization form and division of resources. Progress was slow at first as the nations' delegations argued over how to pay for the organization and how joint forces would be organized and led. At one point in April 1962, the Aisling delegation withdrew temporarily from the talks in frustration at being asked to shoulder a large share of the costs and manpower.

With Anikatian General-Secretary Kai Seul-ki's infamous "We will bury them" speech at the January 1962 World Council session igniting the Ovidalian Bomber Crisis, attention was delayed as Arthuro-Belfrasian forces worked to defeat the DSRA's placement of nuclear-armed bombers within striking distance of Southern Lusankya.

File:CDI council 2001.png
CDI Council Assembly in November 1962, restored to color picture.

Founding (1962)

As the Bomber Crisis came to a close in the summer of 1962, the leading Anticommunist Powers reconvened and agreed to a blueprint for the to-be-CDI. By October, the Laesico summit of the nation-states partaking the mutual defence agreement had put forth the establishment of a collective defence organisation, the "COLLECTIVE DEFENCE INITIATIVE." In that same month, October 15th, the delegation of all member-states agreed to make the organisation fully operational, introduce its secretary general, council spokesman, and a representative to the Intelligence branch.

In months to come the officials of the CDI began the first steps in the creation of the military structure and the rapid reaction force, the Central Collective Reaction Force.

Middle Cold War (1962 - 1978)



Late Cold War (1978 - 2001)



Post-Cold War (2001 - present)

Member states and foreign relations

Former members

Future membership and potential candidates

Since the fall of the communist regime in the 1997 Blue Revolution, many leading public figures in Hornatyia have called for applying for CDI membership.

Yakima has off-and-on been rumored to be considering CDI membership since 2001, when then-Prime Minister Ozawa Jun declared his intent to investigate securing Yakimese overseas security interests by joining the CDI. However, by 2003, a white paper by his government was inconclusive on the prospect. Analysts speculated that Yakima's constitutional neutrality, in place since the conclusion of the Great Eastern War in 1946, had become to ingrained in Yakimese society and political culture, and that many Yakimese did not want to give up the geopolitical power it had accumulated as a leading Neutral power and frequent Chief of the World Council Grand Tribunal.

In 2009 and 2010, with the rise of the RCO, again efforts to consider the move were discussed in the public sphere. However, the ruling government refused to consider it, and a vote was never cast in the Diet. The effort has been quiet since 2010, though several high-ranking Yakimese military commanders and defense officials continue to advocate for it.

Recent developments (2010s)

The recent 7th Pontite War between Eagleland and the Ankaran Union has been watched with concern by the CDI but no plans have been made by the CDI Assembly to invoke Accord protocols authorizing joint CDI military intervention to assist the Eaglelander Republic.

The organization has no official stance regarding the Romula Cooperation Organization, though it made comments critical of it during tense geopolitical crises, and the CDI and RCO often make dueling press statements referred to as a "war of words" by member-states in both organizations. This has been ongoing since the RCO's founding in February 2009, and with its predecessor organization, WECA (2001 - 2009).

In January 2015, elements of the Ulthrannic government threatened to use military force to forcibly retake CDI territories in Southwest Ashizwe owned by Belhavia (Tobia), Belfras (Deinden Islands), and Arthurista (Tarangyika). In response, CDI forces have elevated their readiness levels, conducted joint naval exercises in the area, and have pledged to defend their sovereign lands from foreign invasion.

In late 2014 and early 2015, Bogoria underwent civil unrest that transformed into an open civil war. The so-called "North Bogoria" government, the continuation and incumbent government from before the civil war, is supported by the CDI, including CDI personnel at Camp/Base Tatra. The self-declared regime in so-called "South Bogoria", the Bogorian Christian Republic, is supported by Rodarion and allegedly by the RCO.

The civil war in Bogoria has underwent a number of skirmishes and peace agreements throughout early, mid, and late 2015. In September 2015, Rodarion escalated the conflict by unilaterally intervening militarily.

Cultural and geopolitical image

The CDI is considered synonymous with Free World. Because of this geopolitical heft in world affairs, WECA and later RCO were explicitly formed as "alternatives" to the defensive alliance.

Despite the rise of the Far East-based regional pact, ARCS, the simmering CDI-RCO relationship is still the overarching geopolitical concern of world politics.

Foreign Interventions

Military facilities and structure

File:Map of CDI military installations.png
Major Military Installations of the CDI
  Military airbases
  Military naval bases or other installations
  CDI Headquarters in Laesico
File:CDI OTHRs.png
Map Indicating all CDI Over-the-horizon radars in the Central Ocean

Central Collective Reaction Force

CDI Central Collective Reaction Force (CCRF) is a rapid and collective reaction unit, deployable in the CDI sphere of interest. It has a land, air, and naval branch, altogether with a black ops component. The force is intended to be used to repulse military aggression, and to conduct anti-terrorist operations as a collective elite. Ever since the force was fully operational, its 100,000 strong manpower was capable to be deployed all around the globe in less than 10 days. It's consistent of 10 military divisions, equally divided by each member state. The unit is supervised by the First Marshal as military official, which takes direct orders from the Secretary General whom preserves the official commander-in-chief status of the forces.

CDI reporting names

CDI nuclear sharing program

CDI Taveria Command (CDITC)

The CDITC is a standing deployment of units garrisoned in northern Belhavia. CDI member states commit to maintain a 'credible permanently deployed presence' in Belhavia, as well as stocks of vehicles, armaments and ammunition pre-sited in depots in central Belhavia. In the event of an emergency, personnel will be ferried to these mobilisation sites by air, reconstitute their formations in situ and be able to operate against local crises immediately.

CDI Central Lusankya Command

The CCLC is based on Belfras, intended to assist in the defence of the border with Rodarion and , to a lesser extent, cover military contingencies in the Former Western States. CDI member states commit to maintain a 'credible permanently deployed presence' in Belfras, as well as stocks of vehicles, armaments and ammunition pre-sited in depots in central Belfras. In the event of an emergency, personnel will be ferried to these mobilisation sites by air, reconstitute their formations in situ and be able to operate against the invaders immediately.

Camp Stein

Camp Stein is a large joint forces Central Defence Initiative military base located in northern Belhavia. Built in the late winter months of 1993 after Belhavia's acceptance into the Initiative, the base was intended to be able to host a large number of combat units and due to its geographical location, is able to host substantial aerial, naval and land units.

Camp/Base Rashi

Camp/Base Rashi is a large joint forces Central Defence Initiative military base located in the Ross Archipelagos, a crown territory of Belhavia in the eastern Central Ocean. Built in the late winter months of 1992 in anticipation of Belhavia's acceptance into the Initiative, the base was intended to be able to host a large number of combat units and due to its geographical location, is able to host substantial aerial, naval and land units. A large port is able to hold ships up to six hundred thousand tonnes in displacement (equivalent to two modern battlegroups) and also deep enough for submarines, while the airfield is large enough to hold and host an entire Air Wing. The barracks can hold up to four battalions or equivalent of ground forces.

Camp/Base Tatra

Camp/Base Tatra is a large military base in northern Bogoria in the Hradec province. It was built in August of 2000 to be able to hold the CDI forces committed to training the fledgling Bogorian Armed Forces. It has forces from Arthurista and Belhavia as well as serving as a transitory point for Emmerian forces.

See also