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===Romani Settlement===
===Romani Settlement===

Although 1385 marks the first recorded transaction for a Romani slave in Wallachia, they were issued safe conduct by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund in 1417.  
It is assumed that the first Roma arrived on Romanian territory around 1241, in correspondence with the invasion of the Mongols of Eastern Europe. Jonathan Fox claims that historical sources trace this event back to the 11th century. Another researcher, Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, traced back to a document by Mircea the Elder that suggest migration from the 12th century.

A 1596 English statute, however, gave Romanis special privileges that other wanderers lacked; France passed a similar law in 1683. Catherine the Great of Russia declared the Romanies "crown slaves" (a status superior to serfs), but also kept them out of certain parts of the capital. In 1595, Ştefan Răzvan overcame his birth into slavery, and became the Prince of Moldavia. To this day, his face adorns the 100-love note.
In a document of 1385 the voivoda Dan I of Wallachia donates the possessions of the Tismana monastery to the Vodița monastery of Drobeta-Turnu Severin , owned by his uncle Vladislav I of Wallachia , and which had 40 "ațigani" inside.

Although some Romani could be kept as slaves in Wallachia and Moldavia until abolition in 1856, the majority were traveling as free nomads with their wagons, as alluded to in the spoked wheel symbol in the national flag. Elsewhere in Europe, they were subject to ethnic cleansing, abduction of their children, and forced labor. In England, Romani were sometimes expelled from small communities or hanged; in France, they were branded and their heads were shaved; in Moravia and Bohemia, the women were marked by their ears being severed. As a result, large groups of the Romani moved to the East, toward Poland, which was more tolerant, and Russia, where the Romani were treated more fairly as long as they paid the annual taxes.
After coming to Romania, they were soon enslaved by local boyars and Orthodox monasteries. Slave conditions were often inhumane, and many times Roma could not leave the property of their masters. Traditional Roma customs were banned in many places. For example in Transylvania, if a Roma spoke the Romani language he was punished with twenty-five lashes. Most of the Roma were woodcutters, horse breeders and musicians.
During the 14th and 15th centuries there were very few slaves in the cities. Only from the beginning of the 16th century, when monasteries began to open in cities, did the monks bring the Roma with them and soon even the bourgeois citizens began to use them for various tasks. The Roma lived in settlements consisting of sălaşe,rudimentary dwellings, established in some suburbs, which were then called țigănie (from țigan which in Romanian means gypsy) and soon, in almost all cities, Roma can be found.

===Emancipation Movement===
===Emancipation Movement===

Revision as of 06:01, 26 July 2020

Romani Republic
Manshutka Romani
Flag of Romani State, Romanistan
Coat of arms of Romani State, Romanistan
Coat of arms
Motto: "(national_motto)"
Anthem: (national_anthem)
Location of Romani State, Romanistan
Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#coordinates" was not found.
Largest city(largest_city)
Official languagesRomani (official), Romanian, Hungarian, Ukrainian
Ethnic groups
• (leader_title1)
• (leader_title2)
• (leader_title3)
• (leader_title4)
• (leader_title5)
• (...event1)
• (...event2)
• (...event3)
• (...event4)
• Total
[convert: invalid number] ((...rank))
• Water (%)
• (...year) estimate
(population_estimate) ((...rank)')
• (...year) census
• Density
[convert: invalid number] ((...rank))
GDP (PPP)(...year) estimate
• Total
(GDP_PPP) ((...rank))
• Per capita
(...per_capita) (...rank)
GDP (nominal)(...year) estimate
• Total
(GDP_nominal) ((...rank))
• Per capita
(...per_capita) ((...rank))
HDI ((...year))(HDI)
Error: Invalid HDI value ((...rank))
CurrencyLove (RRL)
Time zoneUTCutc_offset (time_zone)
• Summer (DST)
UTC(utc_offset_DST) ((time_zone_DST))
Calling code(calling_code)
Internet TLD.rr

Romani State (Romanian: Romani Stato /(/ˈrɒməni stəto/), officially the Romani Republic (Manshutka Romani), is a country located in Europe. It shares borders with Ukraine in the North, Hungary in the West, and Romania in the south and East. It's capital is Romanivar.

Romani people arrived to Europe from India on the 12th century and spread throughout the continent. Most of them were enslaved by Europeans, they also were not well viewed by Christians because of the practice of hand-reading and fortune-telling and they were also expelled from different cities and regions. Antiziganist legislations were common in Europe, especially against their nomad lifestyle. Nazi Germany declared Romani along with the Jews as "enemies of the race-based state" and they were almost annihilated in Nazi occupied Europe, the Romani Holocaust is known by Romani people as Porrajmos (devouration) or Samudaripen (mass killing).

After World War II, the Soviets punished both Romania and Hungary which were both Axis Powers due to their anti-Ziganist and anti-Semitic policies. Portions of Romania and Hungary were given to a neutral zone, with most of the prewar population ordered to be "repatriated" to Romania and Hungary. They were replaced in turn by Romani refugees, which were given a state of own provided they become loyal to the Soviet Union. The Romani People's Republic was founded in April 8, 1947 from the transitional Spviet occupation authorities, and ordered to sort the Romani migrants and resettle them into collective farms.



The region has a varied history. It was once part of the Kingdom of Dacia (82 BC–106 AD). In 106 AD the Roman Empire conquered the territory, systematically exploiting its resources. After the Roman legions withdrew in 271 AD, it was overrun by a succession of various tribes, bringing it under the control of the Carpi, Visigoths, Huns, Gepids, Avars and Slavs. From 9th to 11th century Bulgarians ruled Transylvania, including the future Romani state.

The Magyars conquered much of Central Europe at the end of the 9th century and for almost six hundred years, Transylvania had been a voivodeship in the Kingdom of Hungary. After the Battle of Mohács in 1526, and the Hungarian defeat by the Ottomans, Transylvania became a semi-independent principality (Principality of Transylvania) under local Hungarian nobility rule but owing suzerainty to the Ottoman empire, then a province (Principality/Grand Principality of Transylvania) of the Habsburg Monarchy/Austrian Empire as being Land of the Hungarian Crown, and after 1848, again from 1867 to 1918 incorporated to the Kingdom of Hungary within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The dual monarchy dissolved after World War I.

The ethnic Romanians, who formed the majority population of Transylvania, elected representatives who proclaimed the Union with Romania, on 1 December 1918. The Proclamation of Union of Alba Iulia was adopted by the Deputies of the Romanians from Transylvania, supported one month later by the vote of the Deputies of the Saxons from Transylvania. Eventually in 1920 the Treaty of Trianon assigned Transylvania to the Kingdom of Romania.

Romani Settlement

It is assumed that the first Roma arrived on Romanian territory around 1241, in correspondence with the invasion of the Mongols of Eastern Europe. Jonathan Fox claims that historical sources trace this event back to the 11th century. Another researcher, Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, traced back to a document by Mircea the Elder that suggest migration from the 12th century.

In a document of 1385 the voivoda Dan I of Wallachia donates the possessions of the Tismana monastery to the Vodița monastery of Drobeta-Turnu Severin , owned by his uncle Vladislav I of Wallachia , and which had 40 "ațigani" inside.

After coming to Romania, they were soon enslaved by local boyars and Orthodox monasteries. Slave conditions were often inhumane, and many times Roma could not leave the property of their masters. Traditional Roma customs were banned in many places. For example in Transylvania, if a Roma spoke the Romani language he was punished with twenty-five lashes. Most of the Roma were woodcutters, horse breeders and musicians.

During the 14th and 15th centuries there were very few slaves in the cities. Only from the beginning of the 16th century, when monasteries began to open in cities, did the monks bring the Roma with them and soon even the bourgeois citizens began to use them for various tasks. The Roma lived in settlements consisting of sălaşe,rudimentary dwellings, established in some suburbs, which were then called țigănie (from țigan which in Romanian means gypsy) and soon, in almost all cities, Roma can be found.

Emancipation Movement

Romani were officially emancipated from slavery in Transylvania in 1700 and in the neighboring Romanian Principalities in 1866. However, they are still treated as an unwanted minority and forced to manual labor.


The Romani State operates under a parliamentary system as a presidential and democratic republic with universal suffrage.

There are four branches of government: the Congress, the Parliament, the Executive, and the Kris. The President is the head of the Executive Branch, called the Secretariat, and is considered to be the head of state and government of the Romani State. The President must be of Romani nationality, speaks the Romani language, and at least thirty years of age. The President is elected for a four year term, can be re-elected only once and consecutively. He organizes the Parliament's two sessions.

The Congress and the Parliament, although are technically separate branches of government, are deemed to be the lower and upper houses of the Romani State's legislative. Requirements for both are at lest twenty-five years of age, can read or write, and have no criminal record.

Legal system

The Romani State has a two-tier court system. At the lowest level are magistrate courts, situated in most cities across the country. The highest tier is the Supreme Court (known in Romani as simply the Kris, located in the capital; it serves a dual role as the highest court of appeals and the highest court of justice. In the latter role, the Kris rules as a court of first instance, allowing individuals, both citizens and non-citizens, to petition against the decisions of state authorities.

The Romani State's legal system combines civil law and traditional Romani law (or Rromano zakono). It is based on the principle of stare decisis (precedent) and is an adversarial system, where the parties in the suit bring evidence before the court. Court cases are decided by professional judges rather than juries. The more conservative political parties want to convert to traditional Romani in its entirety, seeing the current law as "unjust" to both prosecutors and defendants and seem to value punishment more than rehabilitation.


The Romani state spends 1.3 percent of its GDP on defense. The Romani Republic Defense Forces is the military of the country, and is headed by its Chief of General Staff, the Vajda, subordinate to the Minister of Defence. The RRDF consist of the army and the air force. It was founded during the 1947 from Romani partisan militias and territorial militias founded by the Soviet civil government.

Romanis are drafted into the military at the age of 18, compulsory for males. Following mandatory service, Romani men join the reserve forces and usually do up to several weeks of reserve duty every year until their forties. Romani women can volunteer provided they meet the same standards as men. If a citizen does not want to do the military service on health and conscientious ground, he or she will be involved in a program of service in hospitals, schools and other social welfare frameworks. The Romani State maintains 30,000 troops and 56,000 reservists.

Most of the weapons, armored vehicles and aircrafts are imported from the former Soviet Union, but a modernization program has seen influx of Western armaments as well.

Administrative divisions






See also


External links

(example of how to list the three major resources)