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! 1/1 000
! 1/1 000
| colspan="2" |''рацан
| colspan="2" |''рацан
=Alpha-syllabary wip=
{| class="wikitable"
! rowspan="2" |
! colspan="6" | onset-nucleus
! rowspan="2" | coda
! a
! y
! o
! u
! e
! i
! Ø
| style="background:#F0F0F0" |
! p
| style="background:#F0F0F0" |
! p'
| style="background:#F0F0F0" |
! b
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! t
| style="background:#F0F0F0" |
! t'
| style="background:#F0F0F0" |
! d
| style="background:#F0F0F0" |
! k
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! k'
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! g
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! c'
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! zh
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! n
! l
! j
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! w
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! r
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{{wp|Lord's Prayer|Lord's prayer}}:
{| class="wikitable"
! English
! Tayamo (Cyrillic)
! Tayamo (Latin)
! Tayamo (Tayamese)
| Our Father in heaven,
| Ба коныцыно ўахацыда'та,
| Ba konycyno wahacyda'ta,
| hallowed be your name.
| ая ры данасы катама'та удано.
| aya ry danasy katama'ta udano.
| Your kingdom come.
| Ая то одора'та удано.
| Aya to odora'ta udano.
| Your will be done,
| Тала'та удацы я ры жакесы,
| Tala'ta udacy ya ty zakesy,
| on earth as it is in heaven.
| гидада'та ларе ры ўахацыда'та.
| gidada'ta lare ry wahacyda'ta.
| Give us today our daily bread
| Хонсы'та коныцыно п'ита сыйкыцу дахонда
| Hansy'ta konycyno p'ita syikycu dahonda
| and forgive us our debts,
| га жанай даг'а коныцыно,
| ga zanai dagha konycyno,
| as we forgive our debtors.
| ларе коныцы зананхы даг'ажыцы коныцыно.
| lare konycy zananhy daghaxycy konycyno.
| And do not bring us into temptation,
| Га реталкыци сыкусымада,
| Ga retalkyci sykusymada,
| but rescue us from the evil one.
| а к'аўайкыци кара татарысы'та.
| a k'awaikyci kara tatarysy'ta.

Latest revision as of 16:44, 6 March 2022



Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
voiced b d d͡z̻ ɡ
voiceless p t t͡s̻ k
ejective t͡s̻ʼ
Fricative voiced ʁ̟
voiceless x
Nasal m n
Approximant ʋ~w j
Rhotic ɾ


Front Central back
Close i ɨ u
Mid ɛ o
Open a

Writing System

Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Latin upper case A B C C' D E F G Gh H I J K K' L M N O P P' Q R S T T' U V W X Y Z Zh
Latin lower case a b c c' d e f g gh h i j k k' l m n o p p' q r s t t' u v w x y z zh
Cyrillic upper case А Б Ц Ц' Д Е Ф Г Г' Х И Ж К К' Л М Н О П П' К Р С Т Т' У В Ў Кс Ы Ж З
Cyrillic lower case а б ц ц' д е ф г г' х и ж к к' л м н о п п' к р с т т' у в ў кс ы ж з
IPA sound a b t͡s̻ t͡s̻ʼ d ɛ f* ɡ ʁ̟ x i k l* m n o p k ɾ t u ʋ~w ks ɨ d͡z̻



Tayamo is an SVO language, however the word order is generally free due to noun declensions, when the personal pronouns are used as clitics and not stressed, the word order becomes SOV, with pronouns it's only SVO when the Object is stressed.


Case and Number

There are two numbers in Tayamo, singular and plural, historically it had a paucal number that fell out of use during middle Tayamo. Tayamo has 6 noun cases:

Case Signular
Affix Example Question
Nominative к'а (rock), зан (bear) мо (what), мы (who)
Dative -ў/у к'аў (to a rock), зану (to a bear) моў (to what), мыў (to who)
Genetive -но к'ано (of a rock), занно (of a bear) моно (of what), мыно (whose)
Accusitive -й/и к'ай (rock), зани (bear) мой (what), мый (who)
Instrumental -г'а к'аг'а (with a rock), занг'а (with a bear) мог'а (with what), мыг'а (with who)
Locative -да к'ада (on a rock), занда (on a bear) мода (where), мыда (at who)
Case Plural
Affix Example Question
Nominative -(а)цы к'ацы (rocks), занцы (bears) моцы (what), мыцы (who)
Dative -(а)цу к'ацу (to rocks), занцу (to bears) моцу (to what), мыцу (whose)
Genetive -(а)цын к'ацын (оf rocks), занцын (оf bears) моцын (оf what), мыцын (оf who)
Accusitive -(а)ци к'аци (rocks), занци (bears) моци (what), мыци (who)
Instrumental -(а)цыг'а к'ацыг'а (with rocks), занцыг'а (with bears) моцыг'а (with what), мыцыг'а (with who)
Locative -(a)цыда к'ацыда (on rocks), занцыда (on bears) моцыда (where), мыцыда (at who)

The definite article

Due to Thuado-Thrismaran influence, during the period of Middle Tayamo a definite article developed in the form of the та(н) particle, which is placed infront of a word (та мак'о, тан итары). Some more conservative dialects don't use the Definite article, but it's a part of the Standard language.

In Modern Tayamo, the particle has moved into a suffix:

syllable type suffix example
open /a, ɨ̞/
closed* /j, w/
-'та кана'та (the song)
мары'та (the horse)
open /ɛ, i, o, u/ -'то хоне'то (the friend)
токо'то (the town)
closed -'а там'а (the fish)
ўен'а (the bell)
  • Note: an apostrohpe is added before the article to help distinguish words.


One thing that as brought into Tayamo from the Aschari language is the polite/formal pronouns, which did not exist in the language before Aschari influence, however it is very simple when comapared to Aschari, only having 2 levels of politeness, being polite/formal and impolite/informal.

Number and Person Nominative Accusitive
(Direct object)
(Indirect object)
Genitive Instrumental Locative
stressed clitic stressed clitic
Singular First Коны Кони -ки Кону -ку Коно Ког'а Кода
Second Formal Уда Уди -ди Уду -ду Удано Удаг'а Удада
Imformal Да Ди Ду Дано Даг'а Дада
Third То Той -ти Тоў -ту Тоно Тог'а Тода
Plural First Коныцы Коци -кыци Коцу -кыцу Коцыно Коцыг'а Коцыда
Second Formal Удацы Удаци -дыци Удацу -дыцу Удацыно Удацыг'а Удацыда
Imformal Дацы Даци Дацу Дацыно Дацыг'а Дацыда
Third Тоцы Тоци -тыци Тоцу -тыцу Тоцыно Тоцыг'а Тоцыда

The clitic suffixes are used to form Polypersonal verbs.

Adjectives and Adverbs

Comparison forms of Adjectives and Adverbs:

  • Positive - Bassic form of the word: big - ян
  • Negative - Negation of the word: unbig* - ре-ян
  • Comparitive - Form for comparison relative to something: bigger - п'а-ян
  • Superlative - Form showing absolute relative to a group: biggest - не-ян


Tense, Aspect, Mood

The language allows pro drop, where the pronoun can be dropped from the sentance becouse it is inflicted by the verb conjugation, the pronoun can be added for the purpose to add stress to the one doing the action.

Number &
Indicative Imperative
Past imperfect Past/Present
Present Future Past Future
Singular First катат'а
я катано
я дамно
ят'а катано
ят'а дамно
Second катак'а
я катаўа
я дамўа
яц'а катаўа
яц'а дамўа
Third катаю
я ката
я дам
яц'а ката
яц'а дам
Plural First катат'ахы
я катанохы
я дамнохы
ят'а катанохы
ят'а дамнохы
Second катак'ахы
я катаўхы
я дамўхы
яц'а катаўхы
яц'а дамўхы
Third катаюхы
я катахы
я дамхы
яц'а катахы
яц'а дамхы
ката - say, tell
дам - drink
Imperfective verb Perfective verb Meaning
арино юарино i read
аесено юйаесено i nuy
сайно юсайно i write

Verbs can be negated with the ре- suffix:

тоўа (you give) ретоўа (you don't give).


The word order for the copula verb in standart Tayamo is SOV, due to the language being pro drop, if the pronoun isn's stressed it can be dropped, it acts as a suffix to the object, if the copua is stressed it's put infront of the word. In the western dialects the copula can be left out unless it's stressed, instead using the pronouns.

Number &
Past Resultative
Present Future Aorist Imperative
Singular First -дет'а -деюно -дено -ядено -деруно
Second -дец'а -деюўа -деўа -ядеўа -деруўа -дей
Third -дею -де -яде -деру
Plural First -дет'ахы -деюнохы -денохы -яденохы -дерунохы
Second -дец'ахы -деюўахы -деўахы -ядеўахы -деруўахы -дехый
Third -деюхы -дехы -ядехы -дерухы
I'm (a) tayamo Т'аямодено
I am (a) tayamo Коны т'аямодено
I am (a) tayamo Коны дено т'аямо


particle: йо


Affix Used to create: Example(s)
-жы agents from verbs/nouns сай (to write) → сайжы (writer)
-е verbs from nouns п'ана (fire) → п'анае (to burn)
-ма nouns from verbs ма (see) → мама (vision)
-сыте collective nouns еякы (boat) → еякысыте (fleet)
-сы adjectives жана (forgive) → жанасы (forgiving)
-ки adverbs бежы (fast) → бежыки (fastly)
-сырег'а adjectives indicating the lack of something т'аў (home) → т'аўсырег'а (homeless)
-ма nouns from adjectives пой (cute) → пойма (cute thing)
-ной diminutives of nouns маке (dog) → макеной (doggie)
-дай augmentatives of nouns еякы (boat) → еякыдай (ship)
-ра locations ахе (to fly) → ахера (airport)
-мо inhabitants токо (town) → токомо (citizen, resident)
-пе decendents (names and nicknames) руян (rain) → руянпе (of (the) rain*)
-то relative саймо (why) → саймото (becouse)
мы (who) → мыто (whoever)


Tayamo is a Decimal (Base-10) language. There are two ways to form numerals in Tayamo, the Old way, which is how numbers were build in the original Tayamo language, the second, New way, which came from the Thuado-Thrismaran ways, it exists due to their influence on the language. In Modern Tayamo the Old way is used mainly with smaller numbers like 1-99, and in literary scenarios, while the New way is used with large numbers like the hunderds, thousands and millions and in colloquial situations.

In the Old way, numbers are build agglutinatively: 6 - 1-on-5, 11 - 1-on-10, 20 - 2_10, 21 - 1-on-2_10 and so on. While in the new way, numbers above 20 are build with the conjunctioн га (and): 21 - 20-and-1, 31 - 30-and-1, 101 - 100-and-1, 121 - 100-20-and-1, and so on.

Cardinal numbers

All cardinal numerals end in the cardinal suffix -цы, this is a particle left over from the original Tayamo language, the suffix has disapeared in the western dialects.

List of Tayamo cardinal numbers:

Old way New way Old way New way Old way New way Old way New way
0 нулыцы 21 тиминедацы мине-га-тицы 600 тикадапайцы
1 тицы 11 тинедацы 26 тикадаминедацы мине-га-тикадацы 1 000 цанцы
2 мицы 12 минедацы 30 ренецы 1 001 тицандацы цан-га-тицы
3 рецы 13 ренедацы 40 юнецы 2 000 мицанцы
4 юцы 14 юнедацы 50 канецы 6 000 тикадацанцы
5 кацы 15 канедацы 60 тикаданецы 10 000 ўанцы
6 тикадацы 16 тикаданедацы 100 пайцы 10 001 тиўандацы ўан-га-тицы
7 микадацы 17 микаданедацы 101 типайдацы пай-га-тицы 20 000 миўанцы
8 рекадацы 18 рекаданедацы 110 непайдацы пай-га-нецы 60 000 тикадаўанцы
9 юкадацы 19 юкаданедацы 111 тинедапайдацы пай-га-тинедацы 1 000 000
(100x10 000)
10 (не)нецы 20 минецы 200 нипайцы

Ordinal numbers

In Tayamo the circumfix г'а-...-и/й produces ordinal numbers, the cardinal suffix -цы is dropped.

List of Tayamo ordinal numbers:

Old way New way Old way New way Old way New way Old way New way
1st г'атий 11th г'атинедай 21st г'атиминедай г'амине-га-тий 1 001st г'атицандай г'ацан-га-тий
2nd г'амий 12th г'аминедай 26th г'атикадаминедай г'амине-га-тикадай 2 000th г'амицани
3d г'арей 13th г'аренедай 60th г'атикаданей 6 000th г'атикадацани
4th г'аюй 14th г'аюнедай 100th г'апайи 10 000th г'аўани
5th г'акай 15th г'аканедай 101st г'атипайдай г'апай-га-тий 10 0001st г'атиўандай г'аўан-га-тий
6th г'атикадай 16th г'атикаданедай 110th г'анепайдай г'апай-га-ней 20 000th г'амиўани
7th г'амикадай 17th г'амикаданедай 111th г'атинедапайдай г'апай-га-тинедай 60 000th г'атикадаўани
8th г'арекадай 18th г'арекаданедай 200th г'амипайи 1 000 000th
(100x10 000th)
9th г'аюкадай 19th г'аюкаданедай 600th г'атикадапайи
10th г'аней 20th г'аминей 1 000th г'ацани

Fractional numbers

In Tayamo the prefix ра- produces ordinal numbers, the cardinal suffix -цы is dropped.

List of Tayamo Fractional numbers:

Old way New way Old way New way Old way New way Old way New way
Whole тира 1/11 ратинеда 1/21 ратиминеда рамине-га-ти 1/1 001 ратицанда рацан-га-ти
Half апо 1/12 раминеда 1/26 ратикадаминеда рамине-га-тикада 1/2 000 рамицан
1/3 раре 1/13 раренеда 1/60 ратикадане 1/6 000 ратикадацан
1/4 раю 1/14 раюнеда 1/100 рапай 1/10 000 раўан
1/5 рака 1/15 раканеда 1/101 ратипайда рапай-га-ти 1/10 0001 ратиўанда раўан-га-ти
1/6 ратикада 1/16 ратикаданеда 1/110 ранепайда рапай-га-не 1/20 000 рамиўан
1/7 рамикада 1/17 рамикаданеда 1/111 ратинедапайда рапай-га-тинеда 1/60 000 ратикадаўан
1/8 рарекада 1/18 рарекаданеда 1/200 рамипай 1/1 000 000
(100x10 000)
1/9 раюкада 1/19 раюкаданеда 1/600 ратикадапай
1/10 ране 1/20 рамине 1/1 000 рацан
