Aisling Air Corps: Difference between revisions

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(14 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{Infobox military unit
{{Infobox military unit
|unit_name= Imperial Air Force of Temuair <br> ''Forza Aérea Imperial de Temuair''
|unit_name= Aisling Air Corps <br> ''Aerchór Aisling''
|image= [[File:7xUSIIJ15.png|300px]]  
|image= [[File:7xUSIIJ15.png|300px]]  
|dates= 1908 - present
|country= {{Flag|Temuair}}  
|country= {{Flag|Temuair}}  
Line 14: Line 14:
|motto= Honra Levar Connosco a Través dos Ceos <br> <small>''Honor Carry us Through the Skies''
|motto= Honor Carry us Through the Skies <br> <small>''Onóir Déan Linn Trí na Spéartha''
|mascot= [[Cabaleiro Ceannlaidir]]
|mascot= [[Cabaleiro Ceannlaidir]]
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<!-- Senior Leaders -->
<!-- Senior Leaders -->
|commander1= [[Vitor Antón Avila]]  
|commander1= [[Gearóid Oswald]]  
|commander1_label= Emperador
|commander1_label= Ceannasaí
|commander2= Rodrigo Breixo Lua
|commander2= Micky Kerley
|commander2_label= Defense Minister
|commander2_label= Defense Minister
|commander3= Nicolau Alberte Millian
|commander3= Hyram Millian
|commander3_label= Knight-Commander
|commander3_label= Knight-Commander
|commander4= Antón Bieito Salas
|commander4= Scotty Stewart
|commander4_label= Sky Marshal
|commander4_label= Maor-ghinearál
<!-- Insignia -->
<!-- Insignia -->
|identification_symbol= [[File:IAFRoundel.png|100px]]
|identification_symbol_label= Roundel
|identification_symbol_label= Roundel
|identification_symbol_2= [[File:IAFRoundellv.png|100px]]
|identification_symbol_2_label= Low-visibility Roundel
|identification_symbol_2_label= Low-visibility Roundel
|identification_symbol_3= [[File:IAFFF.png|50px]]
|identification_symbol_3_label= Fin Flash  
|identification_symbol_3_label= Fin Flash  
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The '''Imperial Air Force of Temuair''' (Aisling: ''Forza Aérea Imperial de Temuair'', FAIT) is one of three branches of the [[Armed Forces of the Temuair Empire]] and is charged with the defense of the nation airspace, as well as supporting military operations through combat air support and logistical assistance. It is the youngest of the three military services within the Imperial Armed Forces, having been founded in 1908, actually making it one of the first organized independent air forces in history.  
The '''Aisling Air Corps''' (Aisling: ''Aerchór Aisling'') is one of three branches of the [[Aisling Defense Force]] and is charged with the defense of the nation airspace, as well as supporting military operations through combat air support and logistical assistance.

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! style="width:33%;"| Rank
! style="width:33%;"| Rank
| N/A || No insignia || Aspirante Oficial
| N/A || No insignia || Dalta
| O-1 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore poručnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Tenente
| O-1 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore poručnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Dara-leifteanant
| O-2 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore natporučnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Señor Tenente
| O-2 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore natporučnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Leifteanant
| O-3 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore satnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Capitán
| O-3 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore satnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Captaen
| O-4 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Comandante
| O-4 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Ceannfort
| O-5 ||  [[File:Naramenica službene odore pukovnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Tenente Coronel
| O-5 ||  [[File:Naramenica službene odore pukovnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Leifteanantchoirnéal
| O-6 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore brigadira HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Coronel
| O-6 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore brigadira HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Coirnéal
| O-7 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore brigadnog generala HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Tenente Xeneral
| O-7 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore brigadnog generala HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Briogáidire-ghinearál
| O-8 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore generala bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Capitán Xeneral
| O-8 || [[File:Naramenica službene odore generala bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Maor-ghinearál
| O-9 ||  [[File:Naramenica službene odore generala pukovnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Comandante Xeneral
| O-10 ||  [[File:Naramenica službene odore generala zbora HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Coronel Xeneral
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! style="width:33%;"| Rank
! style="width:33%;"| Rank
| E-1 || No insignia || Reclutar Aviador
| E-1 || No insignia || Earcach
| E-2 || [[File:Naramenica odore pozornika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Avión
| E-2 || [[File:Naramenica odore pozornika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Printíseach
| E-3 || [[File:Naramenica odore razvodnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Señor Avión
| E-3 || [[File:Naramenica odore razvodnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Dara Eitleoir
| E-4 || [[File:Naramenica odore skupnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Avión Xefe
| E-4 || [[File:Naramenica odore skupnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Ceannaire
| E-5 || [[File:Naramenica odore desetnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Sarxento
| E-5 || [[File:Naramenica odore desetnika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Sáirsint
| E-6 || [[File:Naramenica odore narednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Señor Sargento
| E-6 || [[File:Naramenica odore narednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]]  || Ceathrúsháirsint eitleoige
| E-7 || [[File:Naramenica odore nadnarednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Sarxento Avión
| E-7 || [[File:Naramenica odore nadnarednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Sáirsint eitleoige
| E-8 || [[File:Naramenica odore stožernog narednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Señor Sarxento Avión
| E-8 || [[File:Naramenica odore stožernog narednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Ceathrúsháirsint reisiminte
| E-9 || [[File:Naramenica odore stožernog narednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Sarxento Avión Senior da Forza Aérea
| E-9 || [[File:Naramenica odore stožernog narednika HRZ i PZO.svg|50px]] || Maor-sáirsint reisiminte
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===Tactical Air Command===
===Tactical Air Command===
===Intelligence Command===
Tactical Air Command (TAC), formerly Fighter and Interception Command,  is responsible for overseeing the nations {{Wpl|Fighter aircraft|fighter}} and {{Wpl|Strike fighter|strike}} aircraft. Its headquarters is located at [[Bieito-Cambra Imperial Air Force Base]], near [[Piet]] in central [[Temuair]], but its forces are located at multiple sites throughout the nation.
===Operational Support Command===
Previously, TAC was referred to simply as Fighter and Interception Command, with its present name being assumed in 2004. The name change was enacted to represent the commands transition from an all fighter force to a force being made up primarily of {{Wpl|Multirole combat aircraft|multirole}} aircraft capable of undertaking a variety of missions. As part of the merger, Bomber Command was also merged into Tactical Air Command.
===Support Command===
Support command exists to maintain and oversee the operation of support aircraft within the Imperial Air Force. In practice, however, during an operation, support aircraft and attached to Tactical Air Command or Strike Command. Aircraft operated by support command include transports, specifically by its subordinate unit, Airlift Command, refueling craft, and special applications aircraft including intelligence platforms and command and control systems.
====Airlift Command====
====Airlift Command====
Subset of Support Command, stationed at Ardentinny Imperial Air Force base, operates the nations fleet of airlift aircraft. Airlift Command is responsible for the maintenance and utilization of the nation's transport aircraft in support of missions around the world, including supporting Imperial Army and Homeguard operations both domestically and abroad.
===Training Command===
===Training Command===

Training Command is responsible for the basic training and continued education of all airmen enlisted or commissioned within the Imperial Air Force. Training Command is responsible for preparing standards and curriculum for basic training, advanced individual training and rectification courses. Training Command is headquartered at [[Chonia Imperial Air Force Base]] in Carnota, located in the [[Administrative Divisions of Temuair|Mileth Division]], which is also where all Imperial Air Force basic training courses are conducted.
Training Command is responsible for the basic training and continued education of all airmen enlisted or commissioned within the Air Corps. Training Command is responsible for preparing standards and curriculum for basic training, advanced individual training and rectification courses. Training Command is headquartered at [[Chonia Imperial Air Force Base]] in Carnota, located in the [[Administrative Divisions of Temuair|Tuatha Mileth]], which is also where all Air Corps basic training courses are conducted.

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! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Fighters
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Fighters
| [[Parada-Vara L-3 Puma]]  
| [[I-38|Trinovantan Aerospace Systems I-38]] || {{flag|Trinovantum}} || I-38E/10: 12 <br> I-38E: 24 ||  
| rowspan="5" | <center> {{Flag|Temuair}} || L-3B:  ||
| [[Athar L-5 Víbora]] || L-5F: <hr> L-5H: 60 ||
| [[Athar L-7 Jararaca]] || L-7: ||
| [[Athar L-9 Espirito]]  || L-9: 72 ||  
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Attack
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Attack
| [[Athar A-4 Zangão]]
| rowspan="2" | <center> {{Flag|Temuair}} || A-4:  ||
| [[Athar A-2 Raposo]] || A-2:  ||
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Reconnaissance
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Reconnaissance
| [[Parada-Vara B-4 Onza|Parada-Vara RB-4]]
| rowspan="1" | <center> {{Flag|Temuair}} || RB-4C: 24
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Bomber   
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Bomber   
| [[Athar B-3 Oso]]
| rowspan="3" | <center> {{Flag|Temuair}} || B-3F: 48 ||
| [[Parada-Vara B-4 Onza]]  || B-4C: <hr> B-4D: ||
| [[Parada-Vara B-5 Jaguar]] || B-5A: 84 <br> B-5B: 12 ||
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Trainer
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Trainer
| {{Wpl|Pilatus PC-7|Athar U-3 Grimoire}}
| rowspan="1" | <center> {{Flag|Temuair}} || U-3B: ||
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Transport
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Transport
| {{wpl|EADS CASA C-295|Athar C-6 Xirafa}}
| rowspan="3" | <center> {{Flag|Temuair}}  ||  C-6A: || 
| {{wpl|Boeing YC-14|Parada-Vara C-4}} || C-4C: ||
| [[Athar C-7 Alce]] || C-7: ||
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Electronic warfare and support
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Electronic warfare and support
| [[Parada-Vara EB-3 Corvo]]
| rowspan="1" | <center> {{Flag|Temuair}} || EB-3C: ||
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Utility
! style="background: lavender;" colspan="4" | Utility
| {{wpl|Fieseler Fi 156|Bvz 156 Storch}}
| rowspan="1" | <center> {{Flag|Dniegua}} || U-1: ||
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[[Category: Temuair]]
[[Category: Temuair]]
[[Category: Armed Forces of the Temuair Empire]]
[[Category: Aisling Defense Force]]

Latest revision as of 04:03, 18 June 2022

Aisling Air Corps
Aerchór Aisling
Country Temuair
Motto(s)Honor Carry us Through the Skies
Onóir Déan Linn Trí na Spéartha
Mascot(s)Cabaleiro Ceannlaidir
CeannasaíGearóid Oswald
Defense MinisterMicky Kerley
Knight-CommanderHyram Millian
Maor-ghinearálScotty Stewart
Low-visibility RoundelIAFRoundellv.png
Fin FlashIAFFF.png

The Aisling Air Corps (Aisling: Aerchór Aisling) is one of three branches of the Aisling Defense Force and is charged with the defense of the nation airspace, as well as supporting military operations through combat air support and logistical assistance.




Grade Image Rank
N/A No insignia Dalta
O-1 Naramenica službene odore poručnika HRZ i PZO.svg Dara-leifteanant
O-2 Naramenica službene odore natporučnika HRZ i PZO.svg Leifteanant
O-3 Naramenica službene odore satnika HRZ i PZO.svg Captaen
O-4 Naramenica službene odore bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg Ceannfort
O-5 Naramenica službene odore pukovnika HRZ i PZO.svg Leifteanantchoirnéal
O-6 Naramenica službene odore brigadira HRZ i PZO.svg Coirnéal
O-7 Naramenica službene odore brigadnog generala HRZ i PZO.svg Briogáidire-ghinearál
O-8 Naramenica službene odore generala bojnika HRZ i PZO.svg Maor-ghinearál

Non-Commissioned and Enlisted

Grade Image Rank
E-1 No insignia Earcach
E-2 Naramenica odore pozornika HRZ i PZO.svg Printíseach
E-3 Naramenica odore razvodnika HRZ i PZO.svg Dara Eitleoir
E-4 Naramenica odore skupnika HRZ i PZO.svg Ceannaire
E-5 Naramenica odore desetnika HRZ i PZO.svg Sáirsint
E-6 Naramenica odore narednika HRZ i PZO.svg Ceathrúsháirsint eitleoige
E-7 Naramenica odore nadnarednika HRZ i PZO.svg Sáirsint eitleoige
E-8 Naramenica odore stožernog narednika HRZ i PZO.svg Ceathrúsháirsint reisiminte
E-9 Naramenica odore stožernog narednika HRZ i PZO.svg Maor-sáirsint reisiminte


Tactical Air Command

Intelligence Command

Operational Support Command

Airlift Command

Training Command

Training Command is responsible for the basic training and continued education of all airmen enlisted or commissioned within the Air Corps. Training Command is responsible for preparing standards and curriculum for basic training, advanced individual training and rectification courses. Training Command is headquartered at Chonia Imperial Air Force Base in Carnota, located in the Tuatha Mileth, which is also where all Air Corps basic training courses are conducted.


Name Origin Number Notes
Trinovantan Aerospace Systems I-38  Trinovantum I-38E/10: 12
I-38E: 24
Electronic warfare and support