Sex work laws in Manala: Difference between revisions

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There are a wide variety of forms of sex work including prostitution, exotic dancing, and creation of live or recorded media. The nations of Manala have many approaches when considering the legality of each of the various aspects of the sex industry. These legal approaches can be generally grouped into categories: prohibitionism, neo-abolitionism, abolitionism, decriminalization, and legalization. Some states may have a variety of laws within them based on subnational polities, which on the national level would mean multiple types of legality are in place.

  Legalization: This aspect of the industry is legal and regulated.
  Decriminalization: There are no criminal penalties for this aspect of the industry; this aspect of the industry is not regulated.
  Abolitionism: This aspect of the industry is legal, but organized activities such as brothels and pimping are illegal; this aspect of the industry is not regulated.
  Neo-abolitionism: This aspect of the industry is legal to offer by the primary party, but illegal to either purchase as a second party or to be included as a third party.
  Prohibitionism: This aspect of the industry is illegal in full.
  Legality varies with local laws or ambiguous.

Legality of sex work by country

Country Prostitution Exotic dances Pornography
In general Street prostitution Brothels
 The Furbish Islands Varies by jurisdiction Varies by jurisdiction Varies by jurisdiction Varies by jurisdiction Legalization
Legality varies by federal subject. However even in jurisdictions where prostitution and erotic dancing are illegal, laws are rarely enforced unless other illegal activities such as human trafficking is going on.