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Since the 11th century, sumo wrestling was a popular sport and past time for common folk. Referred to as the "Supōtsu no Kyojin" or "Sport of Giants" Rikishi (wrestlers) were starting to be held in high regards among society. Rikishi sat at a high position in society and were revered for their strength, size, and prowess. As the rikishi gained prowess, eventually their influence and social holdings allowed them to effectively seized power from the central government and aristocracy and established a feudal system in which the strong, the Rikishi, gained some political powers while the toshiyori, or aristocracy, remained the de jure rulers. Umegatani Tōtarō, the most promiment of the Ozeki (champions) was awarded the rank of Yokozuna and is the only Yokozuna to date who was appointed the title and the political system he developed later would soon determine the position be held by the Rikishi who was strong enough to defeat a Yokozuna in the ring for the title.
Since the 11th century, sumo wrestling was a popular sport and past time for common folk. Referred to as the "Supōtsu no Kyojin" or "Sport of Giants" Rikishi (wrestlers) were starting to be held in high regards among society. Rikishi sat at a high position in society and were revered for their strength, size, and prowess. As the rikishi gained prowess, eventually their influence and social holdings allowed them to effectively seized power from the local government and established a feudal system in which the strong, the Rikishi, gained some political powers while the Aehl court remained the de jure rulers of the area. Umegatani Tōtarō, the most promiment of the Ozeki (champions) was awarded the rank of Yokozuna and is the only Yokozuna to date who was appointed the title and the political system he developed later would soon determine the position be held by the Rikishi who was strong enough to defeat a Yokozuna in the ring for the title.

Revision as of 23:53, 26 April 2020

Yokozuna of Dohyo no Deshi
Koda Yataro
The 71st Yokozuna Koda Yataro
Yokozuna of Dohyo no Deshi
Reign19 June 2014 – present
Promotion19 June 2014
PredecessorHisakawa Taki
OzekiOkita Rkuemon (East)
Yamazaki Yoshinobu (West)
Born (1985-08-30) 30 August 1985 (age 39)

Yokozuna is the highest rank in the Sumo Class and the highest office of Dohyo no Deshi as the de facto ruler of the country. The Yokozuna acts as the ceremonial leader of Dohyo society within the civil space. He is defined as "the symbol of the ring and of the strength of the people." Since the inception of the sumo society hierarchy within the Dohyo civilization, there have been 71 Yokozunas. While the role of the Yokozuna is of high regard and power, the way to the position is rigorous and unforgiving. Due to the kraterocractic nature of sumo society, like most of the upper ranks the only way one achieves the esteemed office of Yokozuna is to unseat the current Yokozuna. Due to this the average tenure of a Yokozuna rarely exceeds 15 years. However, unlike the rest of the ranks, the Yokozuna does not have compete regularly in order to maintain the rank and instead only when challenged which may be done from anyone at a San'yaku position or higher at any time. While the Yokozuna has been historically and in the modern world a man, one woman, Morita Ritsuko, has assumed the position. The current Yokozuna is Koda Yataro who has reigned since 2014 after defeating Yokozuna Hisakawa Taki. Yokozuna Yataro has been challenged 7 times and emerged victorious each time.


The name "Yokozuna" translates literally to "horizontal rope" and comes from the symbol of the authority, the white rope worn around the waist. The rope resembles shimenawa which serves to purify and mark off its content in the Shinto religion. So not only does the rope resemble authority but purity of mind, body, and spirit within the Yokozuna.


Since the 11th century, sumo wrestling was a popular sport and past time for common folk. Referred to as the "Supōtsu no Kyojin" or "Sport of Giants" Rikishi (wrestlers) were starting to be held in high regards among society. Rikishi sat at a high position in society and were revered for their strength, size, and prowess. As the rikishi gained prowess, eventually their influence and social holdings allowed them to effectively seized power from the local government and established a feudal system in which the strong, the Rikishi, gained some political powers while the Aehl court remained the de jure rulers of the area. Umegatani Tōtarō, the most promiment of the Ozeki (champions) was awarded the rank of Yokozuna and is the only Yokozuna to date who was appointed the title and the political system he developed later would soon determine the position be held by the Rikishi who was strong enough to defeat a Yokozuna in the ring for the title.