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(Adding post Aroman history and Seylosian Civil War)
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[[File:Archive-ugent-be-79D46426-CC9D-11E3-B56B-4FBAD43445F2 DS-263 (cropped).jpg|200px|thumb|right|16th-century perception of Anglian soldiers.]]
[[File:Archive-ugent-be-79D46426-CC9D-11E3-B56B-4FBAD43445F2 DS-263 (cropped).jpg|200px|thumb|right|16th-century perception of Anglian soldiers.]]
===Post Aroman Collapse===
Anglia as an independent power has existed for almost a thousand years. After the collapse of the Aroman empire, a power vacuum led to several independent duchies and petty kingdoms to arise and vie for power. The former Aroman province suffered from extreme instability for decades and suffered one of the few instances in Eurth history of a “reverse colonization” by peoples from Argis. Around 970 CE Celtic peoples from Northern Argis started launching a series of raids around the Occident region and finding the Anglian province especially vulnerable focused much of their efforts on it. By 990 CE one especially aggressive Celtic lord by the name Arthfael Bricius launched an ambitious invasion of the country still too fragmented to fully respond. He gained multiple alliances throughout the peninsula and managed to unify the province under one feudal nation. With him, thousands of Celtic descent followed, settling in the southern peninsula of the province and establishing a Celtic presence for hundreds of years, each of these tribes claiming separate pieces for themselves. However, this new kingdom was not to last for long as Arthfael Bricius died in 997 CE which resulted in a fracture. Now the Celtic minority were on the losing side and an ambitious Anglian duke by the name of Godric Ceolmund launched his own campaign claiming most of Anglia for himself and putting the southern peninsula under siege. By 999 CE peace talks began with the original Celtic invaders bending the knee to the new King of Anglia knowing their resistance would prove in vain. King Godric ruled for the next fifty years until dying of old age at 91 years old. The foundation for the kingdom he created held firm and would not collapse after his death, solidifying the Kingdom of Anglia in Europa.
===Ten Years Civil War===
In 1534 Duke Harold in southern Anglia raised protest to a series of laws curtailing not only the powers of the nobility but also the Celtic minorities that very much still existed five hundred years after their initial arrival. The King of Anglia at the time, King Albin, reacted harshly by declaring Duke Harold a traitor to the crown initiating the beginning of the Anglian Civil war. Early in the conflict, Duke Harold achieved a series of startling victories against the Anglian Monarchy resulting in dozens of Anglian lords and dukes to side with him in the conflict. Not soon after the first attack, the Celtic lands in Anglia pledged their support to Harold as the true ruler of Anglia. The war would continue to grind for another six years before the tide began to turn against the beleaguered rebels. King Albin sensing his new upper hand demanded not only total victory from his nobility but the complete destruction of the peoples who had dared rebel against the crown. The rebels had begun to discuss amongst themselves on how to best survive their threatened destruction when several cities in their northernmost holdings were put to the sword by the Anglian armies. The decision was made to flee, as they could no longer hold off the overwhelming might of the Anglian forces. Over the next year, ships were constructed in haste to begin the mass migration. The Celtic people of Anglia knew of lands to the southeast of Argis that would be suitable for them to flee to. With their courses set, dozens of ships made the first journey to the island to be known as Seylos. As the Anglians closed in on their remaining port settlements by the end of 1543, the last rebel ships set sail carrying as many people with them to the fabled island as they could. Those that remained were slaughtered by the advancing Anglians.
* Prehistory. First occupation. Some Celtic tribes.
* Prehistory. First occupation. Some Celtic tribes.
* Classical period. Links with Alexandrian and [[Aroman Empire]]s. What happens after the Aroman disintegration?
* Classical period. Links with Alexandrian and [[Aroman Empire]]s. What happens after the Aroman disintegration?

Revision as of 22:22, 8 July 2021

Kingdom of Great Anglia
Flag of Great Anglia
Coat of arms of Great Anglia
Coat of arms
Official languagesAnglish
• King
Creighton III
• Prime Minister
Spencer Green
CurrencyAnglian Nomisma
Time zoneUTC+5
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideleft

Great Anglia, or formally the Kingdom of Great Anglia is a country located in Western Europa on Eurth, a large portion located on the Anglian peninsula. It is bordered by Suverina to the east and Adaptus to the north. Great Anglia lies on the coast of both the Ram Sea and the Amnalos Sea, as well as the Adlantic Ocean. Great Anglia is a monarchy, with its capital in the city of Godstone. Its monarch, King Creighton III, has reigned since 1997.


The name Anglia likely came from the Proto-Argic-Europan root *h₂enǵʰ-, meaning "narrow", meaning here "the Narrow [Water]", in reference to Widdeby Sound, the long inlet which runs between the Anglian isthmus and the Amnalos Sea. The root would be *angh-, "tight". There is also a theory that Anglia meant "hook" (as in angling for fish), in reference to the shape of the peninsula. It is also possible that the Angles may have been called such because they were a fishing people or were originally descended from such.


Great Anglia is a peninsula, bordered by the Ram Sea to the north, the Adlantic Ocean to the west and the Amnalos Sea to the south. Its land borders consist of Suverina to the east and Adaptus to the north. Great Anglia's border with Suverina is roughly delineated by the ($MOUNTAINS), save for the Suverin possession of Cluy-Napoca, which lies on the Anglian side of the same mountain range. Great Anglia's border with Adaptus is altogether less defined, with a portion of the border comprising a straight line from the eastern Anglian highlands to the Ram Sea coast.

Great Anglia is roughly divided in half by Widdeby Sound, a long inlet which separates the peninsula of Anglia-proper from the eastern Anglian regions. West of the Sound, the landscape of Anglia is very flat, with the tallest hill on the peninsula being Hybarrow, standing at 368 metres (1207 feet) above sea level. The eastern regions, however, have a far greater variation in height, roughly sloping from Tarentum in the southwest to the highest points of the ($MOUNTAINS).


16th-century perception of Anglian soldiers.


Post Aroman Collapse

Anglia as an independent power has existed for almost a thousand years. After the collapse of the Aroman empire, a power vacuum led to several independent duchies and petty kingdoms to arise and vie for power. The former Aroman province suffered from extreme instability for decades and suffered one of the few instances in Eurth history of a “reverse colonization” by peoples from Argis. Around 970 CE Celtic peoples from Northern Argis started launching a series of raids around the Occident region and finding the Anglian province especially vulnerable focused much of their efforts on it. By 990 CE one especially aggressive Celtic lord by the name Arthfael Bricius launched an ambitious invasion of the country still too fragmented to fully respond. He gained multiple alliances throughout the peninsula and managed to unify the province under one feudal nation. With him, thousands of Celtic descent followed, settling in the southern peninsula of the province and establishing a Celtic presence for hundreds of years, each of these tribes claiming separate pieces for themselves. However, this new kingdom was not to last for long as Arthfael Bricius died in 997 CE which resulted in a fracture. Now the Celtic minority were on the losing side and an ambitious Anglian duke by the name of Godric Ceolmund launched his own campaign claiming most of Anglia for himself and putting the southern peninsula under siege. By 999 CE peace talks began with the original Celtic invaders bending the knee to the new King of Anglia knowing their resistance would prove in vain. King Godric ruled for the next fifty years until dying of old age at 91 years old. The foundation for the kingdom he created held firm and would not collapse after his death, solidifying the Kingdom of Anglia in Europa.

Ten Years Civil War

In 1534 Duke Harold in southern Anglia raised protest to a series of laws curtailing not only the powers of the nobility but also the Celtic minorities that very much still existed five hundred years after their initial arrival. The King of Anglia at the time, King Albin, reacted harshly by declaring Duke Harold a traitor to the crown initiating the beginning of the Anglian Civil war. Early in the conflict, Duke Harold achieved a series of startling victories against the Anglian Monarchy resulting in dozens of Anglian lords and dukes to side with him in the conflict. Not soon after the first attack, the Celtic lands in Anglia pledged their support to Harold as the true ruler of Anglia. The war would continue to grind for another six years before the tide began to turn against the beleaguered rebels. King Albin sensing his new upper hand demanded not only total victory from his nobility but the complete destruction of the peoples who had dared rebel against the crown. The rebels had begun to discuss amongst themselves on how to best survive their threatened destruction when several cities in their northernmost holdings were put to the sword by the Anglian armies. The decision was made to flee, as they could no longer hold off the overwhelming might of the Anglian forces. Over the next year, ships were constructed in haste to begin the mass migration. The Celtic people of Anglia knew of lands to the southeast of Argis that would be suitable for them to flee to. With their courses set, dozens of ships made the first journey to the island to be known as Seylos. As the Anglians closed in on their remaining port settlements by the end of 1543, the last rebel ships set sail carrying as many people with them to the fabled island as they could. Those that remained were slaughtered by the advancing Anglians.

  • Prehistory. First occupation. Some Celtic tribes.
  • Classical period. Links with Alexandrian and Aroman Empires. What happens after the Aroman disintegration?
  • Medieval period. When did they move out into the Adlantic Ocean?
  • Modern period. Link to early modern and modern histories.
  • 21st century. In early 2021 begin a series of wars against its neighbours, a conflict known as the 2021 Anglian War.


King Creighton III
PM Spencer Green
Royal Palace in Godstone
  • Head of State: King Creighton III of House of Odell.
  • Head of Government: $Person
  • Foreign Minister: Sir Algernon Edgeyton


(What does it make and sell? Who are the trade partners? Which currency do they use?)


(Anything in particular to describe?)