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Gog are known to have a quick rate of recovery. Injuries that would take days to heal would instead take minutes.
Gog are known to have a quick rate of recovery. Injuries that would take days to heal would instead take minutes.

[[Category: Realms]] [[Category: Realms species]] [[Category: Sentient species]] [[Category: Species]]
[[Category: Realms]] [[Category: Realms species]] [[Category: Sentient species]] [[Category: Sentient species in Realms]] [[Category: Species]]

Revision as of 16:14, 24 July 2023

Total population
Unknown c. (2049)

The Gog (Chinese: 歌革 Gēgé, Arabic: يَأْجُوجُ Yaʾjūj) are a race of strong, feline-like humanoids with regenerative capabilities.


As Scourge is the only Gog seen so far, one could hypothesize that all male Gog are humanoid beings with reddish/yellowish brown skin and hair, five digits on each hand and foot ending in retractable claws, fangs, and a tail ending in a hairy tuft not unlike the tail of a lion. No female Gog have been seen so far.


All Gog were descended from Adam and Eve, and it is not known when they evolved their healing factor, claws, fangs and tail.

Millenia before the mainstream timeline took place, the Gog were a violent raiders and pillagers who rode across central Asia and terrorized humans in the area. After one fateful raid, a group of survivors from the ravaged settlement migrated to a nearby village, where they would meet Dzulqarnain (Realms) and tell the king of their grievances towards the Gog hordes. Under the instruction of God and using their spiritual capabilities, Dzulqarnain and his men raised a wall containing the entire horde of Gog made of various metals and covered it with rocks, then soil. He then warned the people of the surrounding tribes that one day, in the last age, God will remove the barrier, and that when that happens, the horde will be so large that its vanguard would be in Syria and its rear in Khorasan. Every single day for millennia to come, the Gog would try to break through the barrier, only for it to be restored to pristine condition by God every midnight.

Realms of the Multiverse

Scourge is the only Gog character in the game, faced as a boss in (placeholder). No playable Gog characters have appeared so far.

Species traits

Type Name Effect
Example Regeneration [Character] heals at a faster rate than humans. Health regeneration rate increased by 10%.
Example Scourge of God [Character] is a member of a species created to cause destruction in the Apocalypse. [He/she] recovers from damage-over-time 5% faster and deal 2% more damage with weapons.
Example Thick fur [Character] has hair that protects [him/her] from the elements. [He/she] takes 1% less ice and wind damage and 50% less damage from weather effects.



Gog are known to have a quick rate of recovery. Injuries that would take days to heal would instead take minutes.