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List of Acts of Parliament of Gassasinia: Difference between revisions

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*Gender Recognition Act 1987
*Gender Recognition Act 1987
''An act to legally recognise change of gender.''
''An act to legally recognise change of gender.''
*Computer Fraud and Misuse Act 1989
*Computer Fraud Act 1989
''An act to make it unlawful to gain unauthorised access to computer materiel and networks with intent to engage in criminal activities or unauthorised modification of data.''
''An act to make it unlawful to gain unauthorised access to computer materiel and networks with intent to engage in criminal activities or unauthorised modification of data.''

Revision as of 16:18, 14 February 2022

Parliament of the State of Gassasinia

The following is an incomplete list of major acts of parliament within the State of Gassasinia, along with it's predecessors, the Dominion of Gassasinia (1949-1979) and Riamese Gassasinia (1891-1949).

By Decade


  • Personal Law Act 1921

An Act to make provision for and in connection with the recognition of the right to freely choose legal religious affiliation, to legislate inter-faith legal matters, and to restrict the recognition of further polygamous marriages between one man and two or more women.

  • Criminal Offences (Capital Offences) Act 1922

An act to abolish in totality mandatory death sentences in connection to all criminal offences mandating such; and the requirement of approval from a board headed by the Minister of Justice and the Prime Minister to pass the death sentence upon an offender.


  • Cruelty to Animals Act 1931

An act to consolidate and strengthen legislation against the mistreatment and abuse of animals.


  • Enfranchisement Act 1940

An act to make provision for and in connection with the enfranchisement of all adult men and women to partake in Parliamentary elections.

  • Civil Marriage and Personal Law Act 1949

An Act to make provision for and in connection with the dissolution of the segregation of legal systems based on faith, and to recognise civil marriage as officiated by secular means.

  • Gassasinia Act 1949

An act to make provision for, and in connection with, the establishment of the Dominion of Gassasinia as an independent sovereign country; and the dissolution of the City State Concessions.

  • Argwan Island Self-Governance Act 1949

An Act to recognise Argwan Island as an autonomous self-governing dependent territory of the Dominion of Gassasinia, and to recognise the recognition of Gassasinian legislation and courts in matters relating to the protection of individual rights of the person.



  • Public Security and Terrorism Act 1966
  • State Security Act 1969


  • Ambulance Clinician Act 1970

An act to give legal recognition to the independent clinician status of trained ambulance personnel, and to allocate resources to local authorities for the formation of paramedic units.

  • Defence Force Act 1977
  • National Police Act 1978

An act to establish a demilitarised police force, the establishment of new standards for police conduct, to restrict police use of force and militarisation, and for the establishment of an independent commission on police abuse and corruption.

  • Constitution Act 1979
  • Civil Defence and Emergency Medical Services Act 1979


  • Firearms Act 1981

An act to limit the possession of firearms and other deadly weapons, to regulate firearms licensing, and to create a national registry of authorised firearms owners and purchases of munitions.

  • Public Order Act 1981

An act to make provision for the preservation of public order and peace, and to introduce new summary and criminal offences in relation to the disturbance of public order.

  • Disability Rights and Access Act 1982

An act relating to fair access, accommodation and treatment towards those with disabilities; the responsibilities of employers, businesses and other parties to disabled persons within their duty of care, and the establishment of a government commission to protect the equal treatment of those with disabilities.

  • Sexual Offences Act 1983

An act to protect children under the age of 18 from sexual abuse and marriage, to raise the age of consent to 18, and to abolish the criminal offence of Sodomy.

  • Unconstitutional Organisations and Symbols Act 1984
  • Gender Recognition Act 1987

An act to legally recognise change of gender.

  • Computer Fraud Act 1989

An act to make it unlawful to gain unauthorised access to computer materiel and networks with intent to engage in criminal activities or unauthorised modification of data.


  • Telecommunications Act 1991


  • Data Protection Act 2001

An act to establish and protect the rights of individuals in the collection, processing, holding and disclosure of personal information.

  • Equality Act (Gender & Sexuality) 2003

An Act to make provision for and in connection with the official recognition of relationships between parties of the same-sex; the recognition of equal property, tax, next-of-kin, insurance, adoption rights for same-sex civil unions; the recognition of the right to equal treatment and freedom from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity; the right of members of the Gassasinian Defence Force to freely express their sexual orientation and gender identity; and the establishment of a government commission on GRSM rights.

  • Narcotics Act (Decriminalisation) 2004

An act to amend the Narcotics Act 1968, to decriminalise the possession of drugs for personal use, to provide drug users with safe facilities for injection, and to facilitate the rehabilitation of drug users.

  • Children's Health Act 2005

An act in relation to the protection and promotion of the health of children, the introduction of legal penalties for parents who neglect the health of a child, and the right for children to have access to sufficient physical activity and healthy diet.

  • Gender Recognition Act 2008
  • Telecommunications and Internet Conduct Act 2009

An act to make provision for and in relation to the regulation of conduct online, the criminalisation of harassment and abuse over the internet, and protective measures to limit access of young persons to inappropriate material online.

  • Public Health Act 2009

An act to make provision for the regulation of the sale, marketing and manufacturing of unhealthy food; and the marketing of unhealthy fast-food restaurants.

  • Medical Choice Act 2009

An act to recognise and protect the sex characteristics of Intersex persons.


  • Prisons Act 2011

An act to strengthen the powers of the Prisons Committee in the protection of the rights of offenders in prison custody.

  • Civil Marriage and Personal Law Act 2013

An act to amend the Civil Marriage and Personal Law Act 1949 to recognise marriage between parties of the same-sex.

  • Gender Recognition Act 2015
  • Medical Choice Act 2015