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| {{flag|Magia Regnum}}
| {{flag|Magia Regnum}}
| '''Ḿaŋqŋeq'''
| {{flag|The Dze Confederation}}
| The concept of ḿaŋqŋeq, dubbed the "Dze Aura", appears to be a passive and weak form of magic that results in an effect surrounding an individual, or most prominently certain inanimate objects like stelai or totems, that calms creatures around it, slows decay and fostering growth. This effects are most noticeable in the surroundings of inanimate objects, as in individuals there doesn't seem to be any effects around it save for the faint aura they emanate from the perspective of other magic users.
| Panicking creatures suddenly calming down, slowing of decay of live matter and increased growth of life around it.
| {{flag|The Dze Confederation}}


Revision as of 15:18, 31 May 2023

This page is made to create an overview of magic around Sparkalia. It is supposed to classify types of magic in a very broad and general way. It is not meant to be a list of specific applications of magic. For example, do not make entries for a specific type of magical technology; or for a specific sub-type of spells. We don't need multiple sub-fields of a type of magic. If you can make it fit under a more general and broad category, do that. You can put all your own details and applications of magic on their own page. Keep this page clean and simple, so it wont become a cluttered mess of hundreds of very specific entries.

Title: What is the type of magic called.
Used in: In which nations is it used in.
Description: A short description of how the magic works.
Effect Examples: Examples of what effects can be achieved.
Author: Who wrote the entry.

Title Used in: Description Effect Examples Author:
Sorcery  Indefinite Color

 The Regal See
 Magia Regnum

Sorcery is a classic form of magic. One can create effects by expending mana. Sorcerers have the ability to shape mana with their will to create the desired effect. Movement, emotion, speech, music, and general presentation can help steer the effect. Wands and other items can help, even if just a regular wooden stick, because they give a certain direction, feel, and presentation to the spell. Because Sorcery is mainly about mindset, feel, and presentation of the the Sorcerer. Mana can be contained in a person, or come as crystals, liquid, gas, or more. Create a ball of fire. Make something invisible. Teleport to a location. Make plants grow. Heal a wound.  Indefinite Color
Thaumaturgy  Indefinite Color
The Regal See

 The Regal See
 Magia Regnum

Science and technology is about researching, developing, and applying laws of the universe. Magic is a law of the world like any other. Thaumaturgy is not a specific type of magic but the scientific field of researching, developing, and applying magic more generally. Make a portal to another place. Make bullets that magically pass through iron. Create a hat that contains a whole inventory.  Indefinite Color
Platovex  Indefinite Color Platovex is about interacting with abstract concepts like they are physical objects. Often do physical objects act as 'avatars' and symbols of certain platonic ideas, the shapes these symbols take are depended on how the concept is perceived and associated with. One can use symbols to then influence both the abstract and physical world, turning symbolic power into real effects. Bake a cake made of dreams. Banish someone within a mirror. Create a compass that will guide the lost.  Indefinite Color
Chroma Spectralia  Indefinite Color Certain colors are magical and affect and influence the world in certain ways. They are Spectra Colors, and created when light is split or morphed a certain magical way. It is less about their physical quality like wavelength and more about the Qualia of color. One color may cause fire and rage and spectacle, one maybe glitter and hope and potential and inspiration, one maybe amnesia and shadows and decay. With the right combination of color mixing, almost all effects are possible. Chroma Spectralia often carries more than one effect simultaneously, as such unpredictable side effects are common. Set something ablaze. Cause the smell of honey. Inflict anger. Give inspiration. Make something heavy. Make something be forgotten.  Indefinite Color
Lyria Threading  Indefinite Color The world is permeated by an giant invisible web of threads, the Lyric Law. A system of deterministic chaos. The strings of coincidence, irony, drama, narrative, luck, fate, destiny. It shapes stories and fables. It is influenced by things symbolic. The strings represent consequence, all affecting each other. One can only utilize it holistically. Making it more a tool for creating opportunity, instead of planned effects. Predict some randomly picked event. Increase chance of favorable outcomes. Attract drama and irony.  Indefinite Color
Technomagie  Shinkei Technomagie (Technomagic) is a magic form developed by the Shinkei Research Group. The idea surrounds the form is that all technology requires a form of magical energy to operate and magic requires technology to develop and thrive. The form requires the user to fuse or idealize their energy with some sort technology or machinery, creating a perpetual form that can only be stopped once the wanted results are achieved Control machines and technologies. Give autonomy over objects. Meddle with biological, technological, digital properties.  Shinkei

 The Regal See

The Animateus is a person's soul, but in this case it refers to a rare and special set of magic manifested from a user's innermost thoughts, unlike those of sorcery (drawing mana from surroundings), and Vitraiika (drawing power from spiritual realms). It is considered a near-impossibility for one to manifest an Animateus out of any established ritual, a phenomenon occuring by pure chance. Many of those who are unable to control their Animateus, or for the instance over-relies on it as a crutch, can corrode their own sense of control, either temporarily succumbing to their innermost desires, or even permanentally suffering corruption, and turning into an aberration. It is essentially mental or spiritual thoughts brought into the physical realm. Animateus users are able to cast spells independent of any outside factors, fuelled entirely by their emotions. Although arbitary in power levels, an animateus user excels above the standard magi. For example, a self-destructive or passionate person may be able to manifest flames from their body. Should their way of thinking change so drastically that their inner-self is affected, a change in how the Animateus is casted may be reflected as well.

 The Regal See


 The Regal See

Vitraiika is the art of manifesting one's soul into Elysium, a spiritual realm thought to house infinite amounts of magical energy, as a channel to draw power back into the real world. Magi with affinity to Vitraiika are able to sense their connection to the world beyond, but the art of Vitraiika is extremely dangerous, and uncontrollable. People who practice Vitraiika often have to bear with unpredictable side-effects that comes from the interaction between "the Strange" of Elysium and "the Proper" of how our world should work, having immediate access to what would be considered as high-level spells, but at the same time being at risk of annihilating themselves and those around them. Vitraiika is also considered to be a "dirty magic" that pollutes surroundings with excess magical energy from usage, akin to radiation, these may cause wild and outlandish sicknesses, and mutations throughout lands that have experienced its presence. Conjure spirits from the world beyond, Draw upon it as an alternate source of "mana", Evoke unusual, and often nonsensical spells (turning computers into wild mechanical animals), cause magical cancer and kill people through exposure.

 The Regal See

Elemental Magic  Japuile
 Magia Regnum
Elemental magic in the Grand Duchy of Japuile is wielded by the Shamans, a caste of people who inherited the ability to use this magic from their parents. There are two tiers of elemental magic: the basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air) and the advanced elements (Nature, Magma, Tornado, and Rock).

To use elemental magic, the Shamans have to think about the effect they want to achieve and then make the appropriate gestures. More experienced Shamans can use elemental wands to help them focus their thoughts and achieve the desired effect. However, the most important limitation of elemental magic is the presence of the element itself. While Shamans can create elements out of nothing, it takes a lot of work and can be very tiring, even for more experienced Shamans.

Only the Shaman caste can use elemental magic, as the ability is passed down through generations. Overuse of elemental magic can lead to nature needing to repair, and inaccurate use of the magic can harm others or oneself.

While Shamans were once seen as spiritual guides and saviors from the forces of nature, society has since "technologized" and locked Shamans into a caste. As a result, the Grand Duke established a special region where Shamans can live and learn in a more natural way. The use of Shamanic Magic is also supervised and researched by the Academy of Magical Arts.

Air Ride, create a bridge of water, create a shield of stone.  Japuile
Magitek  Regeliana Magitek is a field of technology focused on making people without magical potential capable of channeling and utilizing magical energy through the use of technology. While most natural magics use either one's own magical ability or connect them to a natural well of magical power, Magitek users use technology to channel scattered magical energy around them into a usable energy capable of performing the things that traditional magic users can, as long as the magitek items are powered.

The exact integration of Magitek varies from user to user. Magitek can be embedded into the user in the form of things like cybernetics, or can be items anyone can use to channel magic if they are charged. The former has been known to drive users insane if they malfuncfion, due to an "overdose" of magical energy the bodies of Magitek users are not used to. The inherent dangers to the technology used to facilitate Magitek users has continued to be stigmatized as a result.

Channel outside magic into a traditional magic spell. Artificially turn a normal person into a magic user.  Regeliana
Linguaflux  Magia Regnum Users harness this magical school to heighten auditory perception from which they can discern the subtle nuances of pronunciation, tone, and rhythm that others may miss. Their cognitive enhancement allows them to absorb linguistic information swiftly and retain it with ease, facilitating the learning of new languages and the deciphering of unfamiliar dialects. Through their intuitive understanding of linguistic patterns, the user can effortlessly discern underlying grammatical rules, syntactic arrangements, and semantic associations. This profound comprehension enables them to make connections between similar words, identify recurring patterns, and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar terms. Additionally, the Magian establishes an empathetic link with language speakers, allowing them to absorb not only the words but also the emotions and intentions conveyed. This empathetic connection grants them deeper insights into the cultural context and subtle nuances of the language. Lastly, their talent for linguistic synthesis empowers the Magian to combine elements from different languages, creating new words, expressions, or even constructed languages that serve as bridges in communication. Channel magic to decipher, bridge, and influence languages, enabling them to connect with others, convey messages, and navigate diverse linguistic landscapes.  Magia Regnum
Ḿaŋqŋeq  The Dze Confederation The concept of ḿaŋqŋeq, dubbed the "Dze Aura", appears to be a passive and weak form of magic that results in an effect surrounding an individual, or most prominently certain inanimate objects like stelai or totems, that calms creatures around it, slows decay and fostering growth. This effects are most noticeable in the surroundings of inanimate objects, as in individuals there doesn't seem to be any effects around it save for the faint aura they emanate from the perspective of other magic users. Panicking creatures suddenly calming down, slowing of decay of live matter and increased growth of life around it.  The Dze Confederation