Greater Olympus

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Greater Olympus
GO Country Map.png
AreaXXX km2
XXX sq mi
Population densityXX/km2 (XX/sq mi)
CountriesSee Nations
Largest citiesVarious

Greater Olympus is a region (technically a planet, but whatever) located in the Greater Solar System2, which consists of 8 planets. These are, in order of closest to the sun; Hermes, Aphrodite, Greater Olympus, Ares, Zeus, Cronos, Poseidon, and Hades. Greater Olympus also has one moon, Selene.



GO Continent Map.png

The following is a list of the 7 internationally officially recognized continents, as well as Kyros.

Name Largest country Population Landmass
Kanchaka N/A 03 TBA km²
Kyros N/A 04 TBA km²
Lira  Ecelea 555,116,815 TBA km²
Lov'aniwa  Vadkness 58,830,000 TBA km²
Meridiq Template:Country data Kiatiane 181,668,033 TBA km²
Mu-kal N/A 03 TBA km²
Neris Template:Country data Dacaotalamh 87,527,762 TBA km²
Nori Storsnia Storsnia 303,734,201 TBA km²
Total Storsnia Storsnia 1,186,876,811 TBA km²


The following are all the internationally recognized, independent countries currently in the world.

Short and formal names Capital Population Area (km²) Density (km²) Government
 Abutu - Republic of Abutu Kansoso 41,000,000 Military Dictatorship
 Achkadia - Armed Republic of Achkadia Warezen 42,950,000 Stratocracy
 Agoslia - Kingdom of Agoslia Kumiga 40,174,072 Constitutional Monarchy
 Al-Meriq - Sultanate of Al-Meriq Djerb 26,971,212 1,343,879 20.06 Absolute Monarchy
 Altair - The Altarian Empire Altair 56,000,000 Federal Republic under a Military Junta
 Arideo - Kingdom of Arideo Gvardio de Monteto 39,336,853 Absolute Monarchy
 Ascolla-East Ternev - United Kingdoms of Ascolla-East Ternev Tardania 41,874,284 Constitutional Diarchy
 Auhlervia - Republic of Auhlervia Hagulsburg 66,117,481 Federal Parliamentary Republic
 Bnnu - Kingdom of Bnnu Sifaks 62,341,762 Absolute Monarchy
 Caras - Kingdom of Caras Silberburg 29,504,720 Absolute Monarchy
 Carelia - Republic of Carelia Revais 61,148,786 Presidential Republic
 Cherusccia - Federal Republic of Cherusccia Jungtag Kitat 72,983,470 Presidential Representative Democracy
 Choclyic - Free Lands of Choclyic Cocacao 2,800,000 N/A
 Ecelea - Federal Republic of Ecelea Carenroth 32,860,000 Parliamentary Republic
 Eskeiura - Order State of Eskeiura Kresla 36,450,000 32,740 1,113.31 Military order
 Grenzeria - Kingdom of Grenzeria Breisgau 46,367,000 Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
 Jashnagar - Transcendent Kingdom of Jashnagar Yuram 34,250,000 Theocratic-Ecclesiocracy
 Kaitiane - Theocracy of Kaitiane Arrakeen 42,765,222 Theocracy
 Kiteahu - State of Kiteahu Awanui 42,765,222 Authoritarian Single-party State
 Larsaka - Federal Republic of Larsaka Larsaka City 15,236,842 Presidential Republic
 Lunderfrau - Matriarchy of Lunderfrau Laubenhugel 64,000,000 Absolute Monarchy
 Lykens - Federal Republic of Lykens Lykens 61,991,821 Federal Parliamentary Republic
 Manoba - Syndicalist Union of Manoba Zyrvek 41,342,102 Syndicalist Union
 Nunavestland - Democratic People's Republic of Nunavestland Katimaq 32,457,000 Multi-Party Socialist Republic
 Oceania - The Oceanian Republic Annheim 98,400,000 Unitary Presidential Republic
 Parthonopia - Kingdom of Parthonopia Ancona 80,483,000 Unicameral Constitutional Federal Monarchy
 Produzland - Kingdom of Produzland Aatream 48,121,184 Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
 Redacres - Constitutional Commonwealth of Redacres Tengākau 36,250,000 Provincial Oligarchy
 Sepura - Sepuranese People's Republic Tengākau 14,212,000 Dictatorship
 Sino Manala - Republic of Sino Manala Gate 17,267,000 Presidential Dictatorship
Storsnia Storsnia - United Republic of Storsnia Farsund 17,342,000 2,873,680 6.00 Parliamentary Republic
 Tauke Manuye - Empire of Tauke Manuye Tauke Dane Botau 50,212,000 Absolute Monarchy
 Tavok - Republic of Tavok Tyyrik 23,000,000 Federal Constitutional Republic
 Tero Malstreciga - Respubliko Tero Malstreciga Urbo de Liberico 13,542,000 Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic
 TSPR - Tanaya Soviet People's Republic Plamen 52,520,520 Soviet Republic
 Vadkness - Federation of Vadkness Vexby 8,610,000 Absolute Monarchy
 Valley Green - Federal Republic of Valley Green Van Der Stam 46,350,984 Parliamentary Republic
 Vanquaria - Vanquaria Federation Auraxis 31,500,000 Federal Presidential Republic
 Velkanika - People's Republic of Velkanika Kuvongrad 50,220,000 Single-party Federal Socialist Republic
 Winst - Republic of Winst Silvus 35,328,400 Executive Parliamentary Republic
 Zanaro - Koto'Ara of Zanaro Torman 32,458,045 440,995 73.60 Absolute Monarchy


The following religions are considered world religions.


1.^ Number is subject to change as more citizens join GO.
2.^ Name pending approval.
3.^ No nations currently reside on Mu-kal or Kanchaka.
4.^ No permanent population due to its arctic nature.