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Administrative Divisions of the Kingly State of Lainan Level Number, Name, Capital
Lainan Administrative Divisions.png

  Sothern Phu(13)
  Mandate Cities(8)

Phu (府, phủ)
Southern Phu
(府南, phủ nam)
  • Mandate Cities are
  • Autonoums Tinzan Region
  • Autonomous north region
  • The Constituent
Mandate City
(城庯任務, thành phố nhiệm vụ)
Autonomous Region
(區自値, khu tự trị)
Constituent Kingdom
(王國成逅, vương quốc cấu thành)

South Misai

Government and Politics


Ai-Obama.png Emperor Akihito cropped 1 Barack Obama Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko 20140424 1.jpg
Ai Obama
President since 2016
Kenobe Takamaki
Premier since 2007

The Republic of Misai is a unitary constitutional republic with the president as the head of state and the premier as head of government. Highest political power in South Misai resides in the democratically-elected unicameral legislature, the Grand Diet (Hanasenese: 大議会, Dai Gikai).

The President of the Republic of Misai (Hanasenese: 美西共和国大統領, Misai Kyōwakoku Daitōryō) is largely a symbolic role but it still retains some appointive powers as well as power over foreign policy however, even this is shared with the Misai Council. The presidency is officially defined as the head of state of the Republic of Misai as well as the head of the Republican Armed Forces in the constitution. Over most of its history, South Misai had a semi-presidential system but in recent decades the powers of the president have been diminished significantly. The current sitting president of South Misai, Ai Obama is the first democratically-elected disabled head of state as she has cerebral palsy and is paralysed from her neck down but retains the use of her right hand.

Executive power in South Misai primarily resides in the Premier (Hanasenese: 美西共和国の首相, Misai Kyōwakoku no Shushō) who wields it with the consent of the Grand Diet. The premier is appointed by the Grand Diet to a term of 5 years that is indefinetly renewable. The premier is usually the individual who is most trusted by the majority of the representatives of the Grand Diet. This means that the premier is most often the head of the largest political party or multi-party coalition. It is up to the Premier to assemble a cabinet whose members are appointed by the president with the premier's recomendation.

Judicial power in South Misai resides in the Supreme Administrative Court (Hanasenese: 最高行政裁判所, Saikō Gyōsei Saibansho), the memebers of which are appointed by the president. Unlike in some other countries, the Supreme Administrative Court is an apolitical institution. A member of the Supreme Administrative Court can serve their an indefinite term, yet most members choose to retire after a de facto term of 20 years.

Legislative power is vested within the Grand Diet (Hanasenese: 大議会, Dai Gikai) that is defined in the constitution as being the wielder of supreme legislative authority within the Republic of Misai. Representatives to the 200-seat Grand Diet are elected every 8 years according to the D'Hondt method. The Grand Diet can draft laws, alter existing laws and the constitution, dismiss the premier or their cabinet as well as override presidential vetoes. The Grand Diet is not subject to judicial review instead, a committee within the Grand Diet evaluates the constitutionality of a given proposal. The Grand Diet can be dismissed by the president with the recommendation of the premier, however, this has never been used since 1988. Before 1988 the Grand Diet was dismissed numerous times when the act was the sole prerogative of the president.

Administrative Divisions

Foreign Relations

Misai South Islands High Government

South MisaiMisai South Islands High GovernmentSouth MisaiSouth MisaiColonial MisaiPrecolonial MisaiHistory of Misai

|- |}

Political Parties

Logo Name Misainese Name Leader Seats in the Grand Diet Current Diet Coalition
Lainan-DaiHoi.png South MST
Minami Minshutō
Kenobe Takamaki
50 / 200
Self-determination League
Jiko Kettei Rengō
Lainan-DaiHoi.png Radical Pacifist Party
Kageki Heiwatō
Ai Obama
42 / 200
Self-determination League
Jiko Kettei Rengō
Lainan-DaiHoi.png Left MST
Hidari Minshutō
34 / 200
Equality Now
Ima Byōdō
Lainan-DaiHoi.png Shin Misai
Shin Misai
26 / 200
Unity Front
Danketsu Shōmen
Lainan-DaiHoi.png Minshuto
20 / 200
Union for Prosperity
Han'ei no Tame no Rengō
Lainan-DaiHoi.png Pacifist Party
16 / 200
Self-determination League
Jiko Kettei Rengō
Lainan-DaiHoi.png Misai Reunification Party
美西 統一党
Misai Tōitsutō
12 / 200
Unity Front
Danketsu Shōmen