Foreign Policy of Crystal Spires
The foreign policy of Crystal Spires is decided upon by the government, and enacted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Minister of Economic Affairs, The Minister of Contract Enforcement, and The Minister of National Defense. All is attended to by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Caltris, where decisions of foreign policy are executed and the proper people are delegated. Crystal Spires adopts the foreign policy driven by the ideological concept of "harmony without uniformity", which encourages diplomatic relations between states despite ideological differences. This policy has led Crystal Spires to support states that are regarded as dangerous or repressive by Spirean Standards which are considerably many. In recent decades, Crystal Spires has played an increasing role in calling for free trade areas and security pacts amongst its Ponyist Allies and Mystrian neighbors.
Foreign Policy Aims
The first strategic foreign policy objective of Crystal Spires is to secure the safety of the Spirean People at home and abroad. The second objective is to ensure the enforcement of sapient rights and minimize corruption, and the third is to create mutually beneficial contracts for lowering barriers to trade, and to promote Harmony and Peace. As a country with a more protectionist regulated economy, Crystal Spires keeps Trade Contracts as a secondary goal in Foreign Policy, and instead attaches great importance to actions in public policy. They believe in the foundation of a Just Society begins with being an example, and they consider solving international problems on an international scale to be of paramount importance, as a safer world is one that protects not only the people abroad, but the people of Crystal Spires. The government is also eager to promote values to which Spirean society attaches great importance to such as Sapient Rights, Helping the Poor and Less Fortunate, and Economic Liberalization.
World Assembly
World Assembly membership is considered paramount in Crystal Spires. The People of Crystal Spires are in favor of World Assembly membership due to the need and demand for sapient non-humans to pose a voice on the World Assembly, but they also speak as the voice for the Region as Mystria's Regional Delegate. Many Spireans consider the Assembly to be the seeds for a just world government, and they have a tendency to see proposed resolutions in that framework. Whereas resolutions promoting sentient rights, Economic Liberalism,social justice, environmental, and security cooperation are generally popular, most Spireans disapprove of resolutions labelled by the World Assembly as "moral decency", or human supremacist aims as they see Humans as inherently morally bankrupt and that they are incapable of overcoming their moral handicaps. A majority of Spireans also oppose resolutions which ban the use of military equipment. Resolutions that promote international security are favored, provided that they do not infringe on civil liberties, but resolutions that restrict gambling, drugs, or gun ownership are generally met with open hostility and defiance.
Multilateral Organisations
Full name | Membership status | Envoy |
The Coalition Against Genocide and State Terrorism | Founder | Tadroth Melson |
The International Union of Equality and Freedom | Founding Member | Maven Auryn |
The Amistad Declaration | Signatory | Maven Auryn |
The ICCPO | Member | Urden Yalton |
The Coalition of Ponyist States | Member (Defunct!) | Darrus Tethyr |
LUNA | Member (Defunct!) | Darrus Tethyr |
The Royal Pony Council | Member | Mellow Spirit |
Crystal Spires traditionally pursues its foreign policy largely within the framework of multilateral organisations. Crystal Spires was a founding member of the IUEF and joined the Coalition of Ponyist States, LUNA and the ICCPO, and as such has played an important part in promoting international trade and in pioneering closer ties between nations. Crystal Spires is usually happy to join multilateral treaties which furthers their defense, or promote Spirean values.
The Spirean Declaration of Rights states that it is the duty of government to promote the good and welfare of all beings, and Spires shall not be bound by treaty without prior approval of the High Council, except for those cases where law determines priority changes. If a treaty conflicts with the constitution, it has to be approved by a two thirds majority of the High Council.
By treaty legislative, administrative and judicial powers may be conferred on organisations established under international law. According to doctrine of treaty monism, treaties are in principle self-executing; no special transformation is needed by implementing special law, provided that the treaty is published. Laws can be tested against treaty norms and obligations. Crystal Spires is an economic aid donor, donating to various development aid programmes for education, science, and development.
Bilateral relations
General policies
The government pursues a policy of reciprocal free trade with willing participants who adhere to Spirean conditions against genocide and slavery, and also Spirean Sapient rights. The government is open to negotiating alternative modes of trade with friendly foreign powers. Spirean government usually negotiates with foreign nations on the basis of mutual benefit. ("Creating win-win situations"). Spirean diplomacy is transparent and the Corruption in Crystal Spires is one of the lowest in the World as the WA puts the Spires at the top 1% of least corrupt governments.
Factors that contribute to a high popular opinion about foreign nations include a mixed economy, a democratic system of government and good civil rights records. Religious nations also find it easier to make friends with the Spireans, as they often display Sympathy towards organised religion, finding them usually to be moral centers of justice. Human rights violations such as torture, slavery and persecution of non-humans will lead to Spirean distaste of that nation.
Usually, Crystal Spires will send an Ambassador representing the High Council. Alternatively, an Emissary (or envoy) may be employed, representing the High Council in a consulate. Consulates are usually established in states deemed to be less friendly to the Spirean High Council.
Current bilateral relations
The table below lists the names of ambassadors and emissaries currently employed by Crystal Spires in foreign nations and to international organisations, as well as ambassadors and envoys from foreign nations to Crystal Spires. This is still a long WIP. An exchange of ambassadors can be requested in the Spirean Embassy Exchange programme.
Flag | Name in D'rɑgolɛth Meaning |
Spirean envoy | Foreign envoy | Treaties | Diplomatic appraisal | International reception of the Spires |
Allanea ɑlanɛya The Heroic Mercybringers |
Ambassador James Colvarn | Unknown | Brothers at Arms with the Amistad Declaration, Operation OPLAN: Generosity | The relationship between Allanea and Crystal Spires is friendly. Allaneans are themselves perfectly in line with Spirean interests against slavery, reducing persecution of Beastlings, gun ownership, and minimizing the effect of state intrusion in everyday life. The leader of Allanea, Alexander Kazansky, while responsible for many crimes against humanity, is widely admired for his steadfast unrelenting sense of justice. With justice as a core in Forntian Idealism, many human and beastling children aspire to Kazansky's many exploits of overcoming injustice with unrestrained ferocity that matches Spirean willpower. This leads to the perception that he is very much a folk hero. Crystal Spires is keen on discussing a Coalition with Greater Prussia and the Allaneans on reducing international barriers to a citizen's right to bear arms. | ||
File:SDU Behntasha Flag.png | Behntasha Bɛ'ntɑɑʃɑɑ They of the sandy wild dock |
Ambassador Malenia Kuleva | Unknown | Mutual Defense Pact, Free Economic Trade, Nuclear Arms Trade, and Humanitarian Aid | Crystal Spires has a positive impression of the government of Behntasha, and greatly values their people's well being, and relations between the two nations have been positive up until the recent changes with the Dominion of Lubyak which is seen as predatory upon the Behntashan poor. Due to the recent isolationism of Behntasha Crystal Spires continues to respect the Behntashan Sovereignty, while the Dominion of Lubyak is said to have claimed Behntasha as a commonwealth or a colony. Considered to be tea-blooded humans. | |
File:Cantalvia flag.jpg | Cantalvia kɑntɑlviyɑ The Sincere Kind folk in the Hills |
Ambassador Melisane Cranisa | Maria Jarvis-Langford | The Spirean-Cantalviani Free Trade Agreeement, The Spirean-Cantalviani Bilateral Military Pact, The Spirean-Cantalviani Bilateral Agreement for Cultural Exchange, Spirean-Cantalviani Bilateral Information Exchange, Spirean-Cantalviani bilateral Intelligence Exchange, and a Pact for Emergency Aid Relief | Crystal Spires's longstanding allies, the Cantalviani, are one of Spires's most important allies in the region, as there is a heavy longstanding understanding between the two nation and strong ties due to mutually shared ideals and aspirations, and in some cases, shared roots and heritage. Considered to be ice blooded humans. | |
File:Better conclespian flag.png | Conclespia kohnklɛspija The Passage through the Juniper Overlook |
none | Blizzard Waterstone | The Spirean-Conclespian Bilateral Military Pact, The Spirean-Conclespian Bilateral Agreement for Cultural Exchange, Spirean-Conclespian Bilateral Information Exchange, Spirean-Conclespian bilateral Intelligence Exchange, and a Pact for Emergency Aid Relief | Crystal Spires's apprehensive allies, the Conclespians are slightly mistrusted due to Spires's lack of exposure in the area and in some cases the Spires is willing to make a proper diplomatic appeal to the Conclespians for peace which is a shared ideal. | |
File:Ctanflag.jpg | C'tan K'tɑn The Polite Ones |
Ambassador Reythorn Traven | Praetia Heir-Apparent of House Astraeus. | Brothers at Arms in Amistad, the Union of Equality and Freedom | Crystal Spire's troubled history and inability to resolve the question of the legitimacy of the Spirean state fills the Spireans with much fear of the mechanical unbidden, the Necrons. During the Times of Sorrow, the mechanical sapients released played a role in the massacre of the Caltrean Uncorruptibles, this built a large fear of the Necrontyr Empire because of their large necron population. Despite the general fear, the Necrontyr Empire of the C'tan is seen by the Spires as an important source of stability in the Interstellar Future of the Universe. They believe in the Necrontyr concept of the universal law, and therefore the ideals of the Necrontyr Empire of the C'tan are deeply shared, as is their common understanding on the benefits of scholarly pursuits. Spires is however leagues behind in technological development, and wishes to establish a student exchange program with the C'tan, but has not yet begun diplomatic negotiations. Furthermore, Crystal Spires sees C'tan as moderate and liberal nation in Amistad. There is much credence to the belief that one day C'tan will overtake Allanea in intergalactic dominance. There would be a massive war for dominance of the universe and in this instance Crystal Spires would ally with the Necrontyr empire, and would swear fealty to them. Crystal Spires believes there is few more merciful than the Necrontyr, yet should there be any manner of displeasure from the necrons, there would be no greater devastation to the country. | |
File:Princess luna.jpg | Princess Luna Nimrione Land of the Savior |
Ambassadorial relations nonexistant due to Spirean Intransigence | Consul to be appointed upon completion of C'tani Chancery | Royal Pony Council | After the Shrill Crisis, Princess Luna was considered to be a very heroic religious leader and one to be admired. The common folk consider her to be an incarnation of Nenya in one of her many forms, or as another Goddess of Mystria. This has been encouraged by the Forntian Templars, as the Forntian Templars view Princess Luna as a potential threat to Spirean religious leadership. Her popularity made it better to include Luna in the pantheon than exclude her, but the faithful in the upper eschelons believe that Luna plans an unpleasant fate for the Spirean people, and that ultimately her kindness is preludes for an even worse cruelty to come. | |
File:The dinolands.png | The Dinolands ljsɑrdlɑndɛ The Land of the Lizards |
none | Ambassador Salïsa Drëþna | Dinoland/Spirean Free Trade Agreement, Dinoland/Spirean Military Alliance, Dinoland/Spirean Cultural Exchange, Dinoland/Spirean Information Exchange, Dinoland/Spirean Intelligence Exchange, Dinoland/Spirean Emergency Aid Relief | Crystal Spire's position on the Lizardfolk of Dinoland is a positive and optimistic with their respect for social welfare and sapient rights. The Spireans are very strong with their promotion of sapient rights. | |
File:Dyste flag.png | Dyste Djsti The Happy Ones |
Ambassador Cleyre Falumis | Ambassador Elynah Crescent | Dystian/Spirean Free Trade Agreement, Dystian/Spirean Military Alliance, Dystian/Spirean Cultural Exchange, Dystian/Spirean Information Exchange, Dystian/Spirean Intelligence Exchange, Dystian/Spirean Emergency Aid Relief, The Union of Equality and Freedom. | Crystal Spire's position on the Draconids of Dyste is a warm friendliness with respect for their upholding of Mage traditions. The Spireans are very strong with their promotion of Magecraft, and thus have a strong approval of student exchange, however the isolationist stances of the Draconids also allows for little cultural mixing. | |
File:Ealdurim 58903.png | Ealdurim eɑldurim The Fierce Ash Tree |
Ambassador Maerin Aveni | Ambassador Ýridhrenel nos Erannon | International Broadcast Agreement
Student Exchange Program Research and patents agreement Intelligence Agreement Unilateral Immediate Emergency Notification Unilateral Emergency Aid Agreement Unilateral Military Protection Mutual Nuclear Cooperation No Tariffs or barriers to Trade agreements Unilateral Diplomatic Immunity |
Crystal Spires has a tenuously unequal alliance with Ealdurim with the Ealdurimites being given several advantages over the Crystal Spires, and has very little regard for the well-being of the nations around them. The Ealdurimites are staunch isolationists, and do not often become involved in affairs that do not directly concern it, which makes Crystal Spires unable to depend on Ealdurim in the slightest. Common Spireans view this an alliance of convenience which only exists because of the enmity between Elves and Changelings, and Spires was contributor to the survival of the Elves during the Wars of Attrition. | |
File:Flagver1.png | Greater Pony Herd ɔʃeɑrdur The Great Family of Ponies |
Ambassador Kylon Mordroth | Ambassador Sungrazer | Spires/GPH International Broadcast Agreement
Spires/GPH Student Exchange Program Spires/GPH Research and patents agreement Spires/GPH Intelligence Agreement Spires/GPH Immediate Emergency Notification Spires/GPH Emergency Aid Agreement Spires/GPH Military Protection Spires/GPH Mutual Nuclear Cooperation Spires/GPH No Tariffs or barriers to Trade agreements Brothers in Arms in Amistad. Spires/GPH Diplomatic Immunity |
Crystal Spires has a positive impression of the Greater Pony Herd for their ruthlessness on slavers, and their wholesome conduct in international affairs. As a Great Power in the Pony Lands, the Greater Pony Herd stands out as a moral power as well compared to the less savory Dominion of Lubyak, as a result Crystal Spires is firmly on the Herd's side in any manner of conflict. The passion and ideological freedom of the Herd does charm many Spireans who seek dual citizenship with the Herd, and many engage in frequent tourism of the Greater Pony Herd. The strong leadership of abolitionists and harmonists also give the common Spirean a good impression of the Herd. Minister of Ministries Morning Star has been commemorated with a memorial in Vinyelaujor for his fierce justice forward stances. | |
File:Havenmoor.png | Havenmoor ɲorut͡ʃyda Field Home |
Ambassador Gaven Makal | Unknown | Agreements on Free Trade
Agreements for a Military Alliance Agreements on Cultural Exchange Agreements on Information Exchange Agreements on Intelligence Exchange Agreements on Emergency Aid Relief |
Crystal Spires's position on the Frogloks of Havenmoor is one of love and respect. They appreciate their shield brothers of the region with negligible ideological differences between the two. They promote Harmony without Uniformity, in hopes the two nations can rely on a mutual desire for peace. The relationship between Havenmoor and Crystal Spires as a result is friendly. | |
File:Flag clean.png | Hobbiest Republic hɔbjist The Ocean Dwellers |
Ambassador Taliesin Fallbrook | Ambassador Mana Jules Marilquist | International Broadcast Programs Available Student Exhange Program Open No Tariffs or barriers to Trade Exist Spirean Scientific Research and patents are available Intelligence relevant to your nation is open and available Immediate Emergency Notification is Active Emergency Aid is free and available to your nation in case of emergency Military Protection is mutually available to nations upon summons |
Crystal Spires's International relation with Hobbiest Republic is one of cautious cooperation. Spires upholds a strong interest in peace with the Hobbiest Republic for being a close ally of the United States of Allanea. There is however a deep fear that the Hobbiest Republic keeps close ties with slavers, is attempting a major power grab with CoNS, is exercising cannibalism still, is using advanced technology to possibly threaten the well being of the Spires, is cloning sapient beings to forcibly conscript them for only use in war (therefore are slavers), and that their close ties with great powers and their open coalitions will prove to be problematic upon open censure. | The Hobbiest Republic's view of the Crystal Spires is one of general kinship through the Spireans generally cuddly appearance and tragic national history. The Hobbiest Republican Empire has expressed no intention to add Crystal Spires to their Empire by conquest, they see Spires as more of an 'international aid' proving ground to their allies in the Greater Pony Herd and the United States of Allanea. Their primary stated purpose of Spirean Recovery to eventual stability directing their policy in interacting with the Spireans. |
File:Imerian flag.png | Imeriata Imɛriɑɑtə Lost Souls of the Air |
None | None | Brothers in Arms with the Amistad Agreement | Spires's bilateral relations with Imeriata are fairly broken. There's much mistrust and rage with historical Imerian attempts at land grabbing, and their role in the strength of the slave trade, and support of Altean trade made Imeriata fairly high on the list of historically unfriendly nations. Spires called for an exalted march upon Imeriata many times, but the journey to Imeriata was perilous and the the Order of Idealists were often bogged down with war with Altea. After abolishing Slavery, there was a slight dampening in Spires's call for an exalted march, but many feel that there is no reason to believe the Imerians will hold their vow, given humanity's propensity to break deals with Hinnid's Order. | The absolute royal federation's general view of crystal spires is in general a ignorant one and the public mostly knows it as "That place with all the animals" or a nest of pirates and brutes. Officially though so is the federation still rather cold to the nation and sees it as a place of little importance more than a chance to win some fame and glory, however with the obvious exposed situation of the free city of Sirmeria so is it still in the federation's interest to stop the monsters at Scarfell and two alternatives are considered ideal by the federation. Either for the federation itself to improve the native forces ability to fend of further incursions from Scarfell or for the federation itself to take over the defence of the Vigil's Helm. |
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Kouralia Korɑliɑɑ The Masters of Change |
Ambassador Fetris Malson | Ambassador Sir Richard Fenton of The Queen's Domain | Agreements on Free Trade Agreements for a Military Alliance Agreements on Cultural Exchange Agreements on Information Exchange Agreements on Intelligence Exchange Agreements on Emergency Aid Relief |
Crystal Spires's International relation with Kouralia is one of general mutual friendliness and also cooperation on trade and mutual interests of peace. There is optimism that Kouralia could be a strong ally with more contact with Crystal Spires. Kouralian assistance on natural and post-nefreedian war recovery has helped to bolster support of Kouralians and give Spires a very positive impression of the Kouralians, and their propensity to blend with Spires with their beliefs in honor and politeness also contribute to the belief that Kouralians are not normal humans, and tea blooded humans. | The Royal Union's position on the Beastling States is complex. The Government went to a reasonable length to create a great deal of news stories on the month that Hippostania was destroyed. In addition, certain documents were released or fabricated to turn what could be seen as an unwarranted genocide into the plucky underdog daring to strike first when it had the fleeting and momentary advantage. In this manner, the Spirean people are unique in that they are the only non-monarchy to be seen as a 'great civilisation' by the Royal Union as opposed to a varying degree of barbarism. The Spireans are greatly respected as a hardy people, and their politeness and honour despite the adverse country is another major plus in the eyes of the Kouralian people. It is perhaps this which resulted in the Government's desire to ally with them despite there being little-to-no material gain from such. In any case, the Royal Union sees the Crystal Spires as great friends, despite the brevity of their alliance, and will likely do much to keep it that way or to assist the Beastling States. |
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Legokiller virpoʃɪnɛn Block killer |
Ambassador Hadriana Haldron | Ambassador Max Grey | International Broadcast Programs Available Student Exhange Program Open Research and patents are available Intelligence relevant to your nation is open and available. Immediate Emergency Notification is Active Emergency Aid is free and available to Legokiller in case of emergency. Military Protection is mutually available to nation upon summons. Diplomatic Immunity is respected. Brothers at arms in Amistad Declaration |
Crystal Spires's International relation with Legokiller is one of mutual respect and kindness. There is clear cooperation with trade and mutual interests in peace. Crystal Spires considers the nation of Legokiller to be concentrated upon peacemaking and maintaining moral uprightness, so the impression they have is a good one. There is also the contribution and help the Legokillerans had given during the Shrill crisis which left a positive impression by the common Spirean | |
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Lord Atum beastlingo ' |
None Return | No Official Contact | N/A | There was a rumor that there was abductions by starblooded humans called the Go'auld who kidnap and disappear Spireans, and they are never found again. This has caused the Spireans to be paranoid about the System Lords of the Hundred Worlds, and Crystal Spires steers rightly clear from them. Attempts to rescue the lost people have resulted in abject failure and more disappearances. | Crystal Spires is seen as a valuable resource by the System Lords of the Hundred Worlds, and operations are underway to recruit clandestine immigrants as both slaves and citizens (if such a term can be used) for various reasons, including for training as clergy. |
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Malgrave Mɑlgrejv The Graceful Gem |
Ambassador Meglan Kurst | Ambassador Emily Gosling | International Broadcast Programs Available Student Exchange Program Open Research and patents are available Intelligence relevant to your nation is open and available. Immediate Emergency Notification is Active Emergency Aid is free and available to your nation in case of emergency Military Protection is available to Malgrave upon summons. No Tariffs or barriers to Trade Exist Diplomatic Immunity is respected Cooperative Research on MIDD |
Crystal Spires's International relation with Malgrave is one of general mutual friendliness and also cooperation on trade and mutual interests of peace and discovery. There is optimism that Malgrave could prove to be a strong hub of intellectual capital, and that Crystal Spires would benefit with more contact with Malgraveans. Malgravean assistance on natural and post-nefreedian war recovery has helped to bolster support of Malgrave,and in addition to this, the sympathy is with Malgrave with helping discover a cure to Malgravean Immuno-Deficiency Disorder(MIDD) has given Spires another outlet to expansion of medical discovery. They are not considered normal humans, and are called tea blooded humans. | The Malgravean Government view Crystal Spires as one of its closet allies with the country regarded as one of the few civilised countries in the world fighting against the forces of barbarity and anti-intellectualism. Spirean citizens are seen as intellectually equal and have been allowed equal co-operation in the effort to cure MIDD. Crystal Spires is also one of the few countries recommended by the Foreign Ministry for foreign travel and investment, a rare honour considering the tough requirements for recommendation. |
File:Menelmacar 999093.jpg | Menelmacar Mɛnɛlmɑkɑr The Conquerors of the Skies |
Ambassador Noruinivel nos Ivenil | Tercáno Edraithil nos Eärendil | Brothers at Arms in Amistad, the Union of Equality and Freedom, Menelmacari/Spirean Emergency Aid Relief, Menelmacari/Spirean Infrastructure Reconstruction Agreement, Menelmacari/Spirean Free Trade Agreement | Crystal Spires's position on the elves of Menelmacar is an uneasy fear and respect. They fear the Menelmacari weaponry, but also the ideological differences between the two. They promote Harmony without Uniformity, in hopes the two nations can rely on a mutual desire for peace. The relationship between Menelmacar and Crystal Spires as a result is friendly. Menelmacari are themselves perfectly in line with Spirean interests against slavery, reducing persecution of Beastlings, gun ownership, and minimizing the effect of state intrusion in everyday life. With justice as a core in Forntian Idealism, many elven and beastling girls aspire to The Elentari's many exploits of overcoming injustice with unrestrained ferocity that matches Spirean willpower. This leads to the perception that she is very much a folk hero. Crystal Spires is keen on discussing a Coalition with Menelmacar on reducing international barriers to trade. | |
File:Altea flag.jpg | Mystrian Altea ɑltɛyɑ Brutal Ones |
None | None | Hinnid's Order (DEFUNCT!) | Spires's bilateral relations with Altea are fairly broken. There's much mistrust and rage since the North Altean colony of Kashion was taken over by the Sixth Legion of the Allied Faiths of Serion and broke Hinnid's Order of peace which was meant to sate Altean Land grabbing, and the result of breaking Hinnid's Order meant the Beastlings did not believe the Alteans would honor any agreements. This made them enraged at the abject corruption of the region of Kashion in the City of Kalron, and Spires desired to do an Exalted march that was denied to the Templars of the Order of Idealists. Spires ordered an immediate retaliation upon Kashion and Kalron, which meant they had to break Hinnid's Order again and again to keep the Order of the Flame from running down Mephiste. Deep Racism and enslavement of beastlings made Crystal Spires deeply hostile to Altea and vice versa. Travel Advisories exist, as do economic sanctions and embargoes in trade . | Altea historically denied the existence of the Spirean state, and also refused to recognize Spirean people as persons protected by law, and thus there were no protections for citizens of Crystal Spires up until the intervention by the File:Ctanflag.jpgNecrontyr Empire of the C'tan which has left behind the notion of status quo 'law'. There continues to be open and flagrant disrespect of Beastling rights, as a norm which makes the C'tani efforts to enforce anti-discrimination laws difficult without public support. If forced to recognize the existence of the Spirean state, Altea shall attempt to enforce Trade Blacklist with Crystal Spires, Travel Blacklists, along with sanctions and Embargoes. |
File:FlagoftheGreatShyOnes.png | The Great Shy Ones ʃʊʊbe̞ɛni The Shy Folk |
Ambassador Kalisah Artinaya | Ambassador Austere Vein | Free Trade Agreement Cultural Exchange Agreement Information Exchange Agreement Emergency Aid Relief Agreements |
Crystal Spires's International relation with The Great Shy Ones is one of general mutual friendliness and also cooperation on trade and mutual interests of peace. There is optimism that the Great Shy Ones could be a strong ally with more contact with Crystal Spires. Limited exposure however makes the Spires uneasy as it is fairly reminiscent of the Ealdurimites, so the Spires worries for greatly unequal alliances with the Shy Ones. | |
File:Riemaia flaggy.jpg | Riemaia rijemajya Truth Clear as Glass |
Ambassador Irena Maluvias | Ambassador Lady Caithe Mori-Mehon Gi Atyl | Free Trade Agreement Cultural Exchange Agreement Information Exchange Agreement Emergency Aid Relief Agreement |
Crystal Spires's International relation with Riemaia is one of general mutual friendliness and also cooperation on trade and mutual interests of peace. They are still fairly limited in their exposure to the Riemaians, and are curious of their history as they seem to differ massively from the Alteans in both culture, attitudes, and manner. The Spires views them as peace loving and war hating, which means that they're less likely to take large risks in military actions, but are fairly reliable. There is optimism that the Riemaia could be a strong ally with more contact with Crystal Spires. Limited exposure however makes the Spires uneasy as it is fairly reminiscent of the Ealdurimites, so the Spires worries for greatly unequal alliances with Riemaia, and they are known as 'Elf Blooded Humans' and 'Ice Blooded Humans'. |