List of cities in Orioni

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Most cities in Orioni from the First Empire carry the classical suffix -polis (/ˈpɒlɨs/; plural poleis (/ˈpɒleɪz/, [póleːs]), which literally means "city". Historically, most of these poleis organised themselves as monarchy and mainly focussed on trade. Certain cities specialised in one particular type of commodity. Some colonies experimented with other forms of government, such as the oligarch republic of Primahoris.


<imgur thumb="yes" w="250" comment="Map of the O'polis metro system.">rG64o2t.png</imgur> O'polis (Oharic: Ohbuli) or Omnipolis ("city of all"). The original city-state led by tribeswoman Anahita that first comprised 5 city-states, and later grew into a Queendom, forming the epicentre of the Empire. In ancient times this area was also referred to as Magna Orioni ("Greater Orioni"). Both internationally and in daily conversations, the city is referred to as O’polis.

Imperial Summerpalace, est. 967 CE.

Major cities


Andro (Oharic: Entiro). A city ruled by a line of male monarchs, contrary to most other city-states in the Empire which were matriarchies. The name evolved from Andropolis ("city of men") into Andro.

  • academy

Corona Borealis

Corona Borealis (Oharic: Korontaj). City in the far north of the Empire. The name evolved from Boreapolis ("city of the north") into Borealis. When the civil war erupted in 1023, it forced the imperial family to flee in 1063 to the loyalist northern part of the island. Because of this, they temporarily moved the political capital to Boreapolis, prompting the name change to Corona Borealis ("northern crown").


Cygnus (Oharic: Hangsa). Colony-city found by merchants from Vega, it became famous for its high-quality metallurgy, thanks to the nearby rich ore veins in the Oromiyaa massif. The name evolved from Cygnopolis ("$meaning?") into Cygnus.

  • The origins of the name "Hangsa" are lost in antiquity. The name first appears in the 11th century BCE: a vassal lord from the Hangsa area sent a type of softshell turtle known as "Hangsa softshell turtle" to the Dion king as a tribute. In the 2nd century CE, historian Ying Šao wrote that the Nintoku dynasty use of the name Hangsa for the area was a continuance of its old name.
  • The port of Cygnus is the largest iron ore loading port in Orioni and one of the largest in the world. Located in the XXX Region of Northern Orioni, the port recorded a throughput of over 550 million tons between 2016 and 2017. In March 2017, Port Cygnus had its record single shipment of 297.000 tons, which was aboard the HL Bedok, a 340 m long (1,115-foot) vessel from Miiros.


Dion (Oharic: Dion). City of king Dion, who believed he had magical powers that granted his forests exceptional quality. Dion was a major exporter of timber for shipbuilding. The name evolved from Dionpolis ("city of Dion") into Dion. The Dion Naval Base is a nearby military facility.


Gruis (Oharic: Crus). The city known for its massive harbour cranes. It was the most important transfer port between the central and northern regions. The name evolved from Gripolis ("city of cranes") into Gruis.


Meda (Oharic: Mideya). City devoted to the goddess Medea, a renowned sorceress and daughter of the sun goddess Osiri. The inhabitants of Meda were known as experienced sailors, many of whom longed for a return to the original homeland of Amma. They call this desire "nostoi". To support their endeavour the cult of Medea used up vast amounts of resources, sadly never achieving their goal. Other cities continued selling goods to Medea, while the city itself wasted all on their hopeless quest. This story gave easterners the reputation of being stubborn and wasteful. The name evolved from Medeapolis ("city of Medea") into Meda.

  • Medani
  • There's also the Stoned Emperor legend for the former Byzantine Empire, where people believed the last Byzantine Emperor (Konstantinos Palaiologos) didn't die at the Siege of Constantinople but was taken by angels, turned into stone and entombed him inside the walls/placed him at the bottom of the Marmara sea. And that when the time comes, he'll rise again and take back the city.
  • companies
  • Symbol of Portára


Nordhaven (Oharic: Uttura). A city that started out as a Viking settlement during the 11-12th-century crisis. The site lay beside the seaway from north to south Europa. In Oharic the city is referred to as Uttara ("harbour of the north"), although in daily conversations they use the name Nordhaven.


Oris (Oharic: Horisi). Named after Horis, the god of war, this city run as an oligarchic republic. Its financial clout reached soaring levels thanks to its important role in the now-forbidden regional slave trade. The name evolved from Primahoris ("first warriors") into Oris. This location is currently used by the Oris Naval Base.


Perseus (Oharic: Parishya). City bids home to the Persei tribe, renowned for their intricate textiles. The name evolved from Persipolis ("city of the Persei") into Persis, and later became Perseus. This location is currently used by the Perseus Naval Base.

Inspiration backlog:


Pontus (Oharic: Bandas). A city that is known for its fish exports and whale hunting. Its excellent location on both the high-seas and enclosed sea provided for a diverse supply of marine food. The name evolved from Pontipolis ("city of the sea") into Pontis, and later became Pontus.


Sirius (Oharic: Siriyus). A city known for its wheat export, produced by its productive hinterland on the fertile western plains. For seven days from mid- to late April, the Cerealia was celebrated, a major festival for the grain goddess Ceres. The name evolved from Cerespolis ("city of bread") into Sirius.


Tauri (Oharic: Dari) is located in Alnilam on the northern edge of the Oromiyaa massif and plateau. The Taurini are an ancient people, rarely mentioned in history. They were mostly farmers and collectors of nuts. In 218 BCE they were conquered by the First Empire of Orioni and a colony was established shortly thereafter.


Vega. A city located on the Caroni river. The name Vega comes from a loose transliteration of the Oharic word na-sran la vāqi‘ meaning "the landing eagle". The 'eagle' was a ship type that could sail in both coastal waters and on rivers, making it an ideal transport for small traders. Colonists from Vega founded the northern daughter-city of Cygnus. This location is currently used by the Vega Naval Base.


Zuidhaven (Oharic: Ierakshini). A city located in the Orinoco river delta south of O’polis. Originally called Hierapolis (“sacred city”), it became a wealthy merchant city thanks to their trade of scents, perfumes and other religious items. Adhamed sacked the city in 1174, marking the end of the civil war. In 1224 a mixed band of merchants re-founded the city as Zuidhaven (“harbour of the south”), drawing inspiration from earlier successes at Nordhaven. In Oharic the city was referred to as Irebuli. Zuidhaven is the empire’s economic centre, with a population of over 10 million inhabitants. The unofficial metropolitan area extends far beyond, housing about 13 million inhabitants, granting it the classification as a megalopolis.

Minor cities

Former cities

  • Arrochar
  • Doriapolis ("city of Dorias”). A city ruled by Dorias I the Great and famous for its library. The city lost much of its former glory when local power shifted towards O'polis. It was ultimately abandoned in 356 CE.
  • Eridanus ("city of the river"). A city located near the inlet east of Sirius. Abandoned when its river dried out. The name lives on as Eridanus bay.
  • Iskandropolis (“city of Iskander”). City founded by Iskander, a general from Andro(polis) who was a crucial figure in the colonisation of the northeast. The name lives on as a reference to the Hiskandria river.
  • Tripolis. Tripolis ("three cities"). City that started out as a collection of three cities, located in the inlet of Great Sea of Dragon Tears (<$Rename>). The city was lost in 79 CE when a massive landslide pushed the entire city into the sea. There are also various legends of medieval origin about cities that sank underground or into the sea because of some collective sin committed by the inhabitants. These towns return to earth every hundred years for a few hours, only to sink back to their eternal existence in perpetual limbo. Seeing this as an omen from the gods, no effort was made to re-found the city.

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