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Haydag language

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Qazh, Qash, Qazhshavan
Native to Qazhshava
RegionSouthern Thuadia
Native speakers
L1 (Anteria): 58,400,000
L2 (Anteria): 24,600,000

L1 (Eurth): 4,570,000
L2 (Eurth): 630,000
  • Elmo-Adusian
    • Adusian
      • Upper
        • Haydag
Standard forms
  • Coastal
  • Inland
  • Southern
  • Nashean
Official status
Official language in
Recognised minority
language in

Language codes
ISO 639-1hd
ISO 639-2hdg
ISO 639-3-
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The Mokhavian language is the widely spoken of it's family, called Mokhavic, and the official language of the nation of Qazhshava. It is an ancient Thuadian tounge with no known ancestral conection to the surrounding Thuado-Thrismaran languages.


The mokhavian langauge is an indigenous langauge spoken in central Argis, it is believed to be conected to the Vostauc langauges, mainly the Elmoric langauge, due to similar cognates, this hypothesis states that the Vostauc-Mokhavic langauges split around 5000 BCE.


As of yet, any attempts to link the Mokhavian languages to any other languages in the world have failed, altough some still believe its a very old relative to the Thuado-Thrismaran languages/Indo-European languages, which is only backed up by similar features which have been speculated and some proven to have come due to influence from said languages, and some reconstructed-proto words and existign root words that seem to have been borrowod from early forms of the slavic and germanic languages.


The standart form of the Mokhavian language is based on the mezhian dialect, also known as the Southern Hill dialect.





Labial Dental Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar Uvular
Nasal m n ŋ~ɴ
Plosive voiceless p t k q
voiced b d
Affricate voiceless t͡s
voiced d͡z d͡z̙
Fricative voiceless f s s̙ (s̙ʷ) x
voiced v ð (ðʷ) z ɣ (ɣʷ)
Aproximant voiced w l
j ɥ
voiceless ʍ
Tap & Trill voiced ɾ


Front Central Back
R- R+ R- R+ R- R+
Close i ɨ ɯ̞ u
Open-Mid ɛ ɔ
Open a~ɑ


Stress in Mokhavian used to fall on the first syllable of the root, and rarely on other syllables, but in the last few decades a stress shift has occured and currently stress isnt of much importance, mostly depending on the speaker.

Writing System

Mokhavian is written using the Govoric script, which was adopted around the 11th century, and used ever sence
Govoric version:

А а Б б В в Г г Д д Дз дз Е е Ж ж Ӝ ӝ З з Ҙ ҙ
И и Й й К к Ӄ ӄ Л л Ԓ ԓ М м Н н Ӈ ӈ О о П п
Р р С с Т т Тԓ тԓ У у Ў ў Ӱ ӱ Ф ф Х х Хў хў Ц ц
Ч ч Ӵ ӵ Ш ш Ы ы Ӹ ӹ Ь ь Ю ю Я я

In the late 18th cnetury Lakhian and Lakkathan traders and travlers coming back from the Qazhshavan colony in Encessia brought back the Mkhedruli script which was adopted for their languages, due to the area being hard to access at the time, literacy rates in the mountains were low compared to other regions and the Mkhedruli script started being tought by locals to locals, eventually becoming part of the culture there.

Detailed table

Govoric Name IPA Rom. Mkhe. Notes
А а а /a~ɑ/ a /ɐ/ when reduced.
Б б бӹ /b/ b
В в вӹ /v/ v
Г г гӹ /ɣ/ g გ/ღ
Д д дӹ /d/ d
Дз дз дзӹ /d͡z/ dz
Е е е /ɛ/ e /e~ɪ/ when reduced.
Ж ж жӹ /z̙/ ž
Ӝ ӝ жӹ /d͡z̙/ Ǧ ǧ
З з зӹ /z/ z
Ҙ ҙ ҙӹ /ð/ đ ზ̭
И и и /i/ i
Й й йӹ /j/ y ი́ It appears as a first letter and after a vowel.
К к кӹ /k/ k
Ӄ ӄ ӄӹ /q/ q
Л л лӹ /l/ l In words, between vowels gets changed to ⟨ԓ⟩. (aҙыл -> aҙыԓым)
Ԓ ԓ ԓӹ /ɬ/ ł ლ᷄
Тԓ тԓ тԓӹ /t͡ɬ/ თლ᷄
М м мӹ /m/ m
Н н нӹ /n/ n In words, between vowels gets changed to ⟨ӈ⟩. (єн -> єӈым)
Ӈ ӈ ӈӹ /ŋ~ɴ/ ň ნ̭
О о о /ɔ/ o
П п пӹ /p/ p
Р р рӹ /ɾ/, /r/ r
С с сӹ /s/ s
Т т тӹ /t/ t
У у у /u/ u
Ў ў ўӹ /w/ w ვ́
Ӱ ӱ ӱӹ /ɥ/ ÿ უ́
Ф ф фӹ /f/ f
х х хӹ /x/ h
Хў хў хўӹ /ʍ/ hw
Ц ц цӹ /t͡s/ c
Ч ч чӹ /t͡s̙/ č Used only in foreign words.
Ӵ ӵ чӹ /c͡ç/ ć
Ш ш шӹ /s̙/ š
Ы ы ы /ɨ/ ï ი̈
Ӹ ӹ ӹ /ɯ̞/ ü ი̋ Usually written as /ɯ/ in phonetic transcriptions.
Commonly pronounced as /ɤ/ in casual conversation, /ə/ when reduced.
Ь ь єр бовал /◌ʲ/ y ი́ Used after consonants.
Ю ю ю /ju/ yu ი́უ
Я я я /ja/ ya/е ი́ა



Keyboard layout



Syllable structure

Mokhavian's syllable structure is classed as fairly complex.

  • (C)(C)V(C)(C)


Mokha Number Singular Plural
Affix Ø -(ⓥ)х
Examples пушы (dog)
ӵур (tent)
машўата (eye)
пушых (dogs)
ӵурух (tents)
машўатах (eyes)
  • ⓥ - vowel harmony (simple)

Vowel Harmony

Mokha Vowel Harmony Front Central Back
R- R+
Vowel a /a/ е /ɛ/ и /i/ ы /ɨ/ ӹ /ɯ̞/ у /u/ о /ɔ/
Simple a e ӹ у
Complex ӹ и ы ӹ у
  • Simple harmony is the common one that apears in the majority suffixes
  • Complex harmony apears in a few suffixes, like personal possessive and articles.


Type Word Аffix Example
Proximal-demonstrative гоӈӹй -н/ӈⓥг ӄaӈӹг (this rock)
Distal-demonstrative гойӹй -йⓥг ӄaйӹг (that rock)
Partitive докай -кⓥй ӄakӹй (some rocks)
Partitive-Collective сокай -сⓥй ӄaсӹй (most rocks)
Non-Partitive рукӹй -рⓥй ӄaрӹй (no rocks)
  • ⓥ - vowel harmony (complex)


Haydag has 18 grammatical cases:

I declension - words ending in consonants other than fricatives & aproximants
Case Name Indefinite Definite
Suffix Example Suffix Example
Nominative гайд (a canoe - NOM) -ⓥл гайд (the canoe - NOM)
Genitive -ⓥр гайд (of a canoe) -ⓥрⓥл гайдaрaл (of the canoe)
Dative -ⓥб гайд (((giving)to a canoe) -ⓥбⓥл гайдaбaл (((giving)to the canoe)
Accusative -ⓥт гайдат (a canoe - ACC) -ⓥтԓ гайдатԓ (the canoe - ACC)
Instrumental -ⓥӝⓥ гайдaӝа (using a canoe) -ⓥӝⓥл гайдaӝал (using the canoe)
Comitative -ⓥў гайд (with a canoe) -ⓥўⓥл гайдaўaл (with the canoe)
Comparative -ⓥӱⓥ гайдaӱа (than a canoe) -ⓥӱⓥл гайдaӱaл (than the canoe)
Inessive -ⓥхўⓥ гайдахўа (in(side) a canoe) -ⓥхўⓥл гайдахўaл (in(side) the canoe)
Adessive -ⓥӈ гайдаӈ (neer a canoe) -ⓥӈⓥл гайдаӈал (neer the canoe)
Postessive -ⓥԓⓥ гайдaԓa (behind a canoe) -ⓥԓⓥл гайдаԓал (behind the canoe)
Superessive -ⓥг гайдаг (on top of a canoe) -ⓥгⓥл гайдагал (on top of the canoe)
Subessive -ⓥш гайдаш (under a canoe) -ⓥшⓥл гайдашал (under the canoe)
Allative -ⓥв гайдав (towards a canoe) -ⓥвⓥл гайдавал (towards the canoe)
Ablative -ⓥй гайдай (from a canoe) -ⓥйⓥл гайдайал (from the canoe)
Lative -ⓥжⓥ гайдажа (in(side) a canoe) -ⓥжⓥл гайдажал (in(side) the canoe)
Elative -ⓥшӄⓥ гайдашӄа (out of a canoe) -ⓥшӄⓥл гайдашӄал (out of the canoe)
Benefactial -ⓥҙⓥ гайдаҙа (for (the benefit of) a canoe) -ⓥҙⓥл гайдаҙал (for (the benefit of) the canoe)
Vocative гайде (canoe!) -ⓥл гайдел ((the) canoe!)
  • ⓥ - vowel harmony (simple)

II declension - words ending in fricatives & aproximants
Case Name Indefinite Definite
Suffix Example Suffix Example
Nominative ԓaй (breath - NOM) -ⓥл ԓaял (the breath - NOM)
Genitive -ⓥр ԓaйяр (of a canoe) -рⓥл ԓaйрaл (of the canoe)
Dative -ⓥб ԓaй ((giving)to a canoe) -бⓥл ԓaйбaл ((giving)to the canoe)
Accusative -ⓥт ԓaят (a canoe - ACC) -ⓥтԓ ԓaятԓ (the canoe - ACC)
Instrumental -ӝⓥ ԓaйӝа (using a canoe) -ӝⓥл ԓaйӝал (using the canoe)
Comitative -ⓥў ԓaяў (with a canoe) -ⓥўⓥл ԓaяўaл (with the canoe)
Comparative -ӱⓥ ԓaйӱа (than a canoe) -ӱⓥл ԓaйӱaл (than the canoe)
Inessive -хўⓥ ԓaйхўа (in(side) a canoe) -хўⓥл ԓaйхўaл (in(side) the canoe)
Adessive -ⓥӈ ԓaяӈ (neer a canoe) -ӈⓥл ԓaйӈал (neer the canoe)
Postessive -ԓⓥ ԓaйԓa (behind a canoe) -ⓥԓⓥл ԓaйԓал (behind the canoe)
Superessive -ⓥг ԓaяг (on top of a canoe) -гⓥл ԓaйгал (on top of the canoe)
Subessive -шⓥ ԓaяш (under a canoe) -шⓥл ԓaйшал (under the canoe)
Allative -ⓥв ԓaяв (towards a canoe) -вⓥл ԓaйвал (towards the canoe)
Ablative -ⓥй ԓaяй (from a canoe) -ⓥйⓥл ԓaяял (from the canoe)
Lative -жⓥ ԓaйжа (in(side) a canoe) -жⓥл ԓaйжал (in(side) the canoe)
Elative -ⓥшӄⓥ ԓaяшӄа (out of a canoe) -ⓥшӄⓥл ԓaяшӄал (out of the canoe)
Benefactial -ҙⓥ ԓaйҙа (for (the benefit of) a canoe) -ҙⓥл ԓaйҙал (for (the benefit of) the canoe)
Vocative ԓaйе (canoe!) -ⓥл ԓaял ((the) canoe!)
  • ⓥ - vowel harmony (simple)
  • note that since ⟨й⟩ meets ⟨a⟩, it becomes ⟨я⟩

III declension - words ending in vowels
Case Name Indefinite Definite
Suffix Example Suffix Example
Nominative тԓешы (a river - NOM) тԓешыл (the river - NOM)
Genitive тԓешыр (of a river) -рⓥл тԓешырӹл (of the river)
Dative тԓешыб ((giving)to a river) -бⓥл тԓешыбӹл ((giving)to the river)
Accusative тԓешыт (a river - ACC) -тԓ тԓешытԓ (the river - ACC)
Instrumental -ӝⓥ тԓешыӝӹ (using a river) -ӝⓥл тԓешыӝӹл (using the river)
Comitative тԓешыў (with a river) -ўⓥл тԓешыўӹл (with the river)
Comparative -ӱⓥ тԓешыӱӹ (than a river) -ӱⓥл тԓешыӱӹл (than the river)
Inessive -хўⓥ тԓешыхўӹ (in(side) a river) -хўⓥл тԓешыхўӹл (in(side) the river)
Adessive тԓешыӈ (neer a river) -ӈⓥл тԓешыӈӹл (neer the river)
Postessive -ԓⓥ тԓешыԓӹ (behind a river) -ԓⓥл тԓешыԓӹл (behind the river)
Superessive тԓешыг (on top of a river) -гⓥл тԓешыгӹл (on top of the river)
Subessive тԓешыш (under a river) -шⓥл тԓешышӹл (under the river)
Allative тԓешыв (towards a river) -вⓥл тԓешывӹл (towards the river)
Ablative тԓешый (from a river) -йⓥл тԓешыйӹл (from the river)
Lative -жⓥ тԓешыжӹ (in(side) a river) -жⓥл тԓешыжӹл (in(side) the river)
Elative -шӄⓥ тԓешышӄӹ (out of a river) -шӄⓥл тԓешышӄӹл (out of the river)
Benefactial -ҙⓥ тԓешыҙӹ (for (the benefit of) a river) -ҙⓥл тԓешыҙӹл (for (the benefit of) the river)
Vocative -/о тԓешо (river!) тԓешыл ((the) river!)
  • ⓥ - vowel harmony (simple)
  • Positive - Bassic form of the word- fine - жыл
  • Negative - Negation of the word - "unfine" - йехжыл
  • Comparitive - Form for comparison relative to something, used with the Comparative case - finier - быгжыл
  • Superlative - Form showing absolute relative to a group - finiest - ривжыл


Mokhavian has a high number of inflected pronouns due to the number of cases it has.

  Nom. Gen. Dat. Acu. Ins. Com. Compr. Ine. Ade. Poste. Supe. Sube All. Abl. Lat. Ela. Bene. Voc. Adj. Adv.
Singular First ме мейс ми йец мено мемах менле мейш мека мези мема мепша меле месао мехк мепе мейжба - мейв мейдӑл
Second шен шес ше шейц шено шемах шенле шейш шека шези шема шепша шеле шесао шехк шепе шейжба ши! шев шедӑл
Third proximal ой ойс йо ойц ойно оймах ойнле ойш ойка ойзи ойма ойпша ойле ойсао ойхк ойпе ойжба - ойв ойдӑл
distal ая аяс айо айц аяно аямах аянле аяш аяка аязи аяма аяпша аяле аясао аяхк аяпе аяйжба - аяв аявдӑл
Plural First чен ченaс че ченно ченмах ченнле ченaш ченка чензи ченма ченпша ченле ченсао ченахк ченпе ченижба - ченав чендӑл
Second смен сменaс сме сменно сменмах сменнле сменaш сменка смензи сменма сменпша сменле сменсао сменахк сменпе сменижба сме! сменав смендӑл
Third proximal они онис нийо ониц онино онимах онинле ониш оника онизи онима онипша ониле онисао онихк онипе онийжба - онив онидӑл
distal ана анас анао анац анано анамах ананле анаш анака анази анама анапша анале анасао анахк анапе анайжба - анав анавдӑл
Self тоф тофaс то тофно тофмах тофнле тофaш тофка тофзи тофма тофпша тофле тофсао тофахк тофпе тофижба - тофав тофдӑл

Instead of using an auxiliary word for am/are/is the language instead has contracted forms of the pronouns and the word be

Past Present Future Future
in the past
-was -NEG.was -be
Singular First тех ютех вам ювам ўa юўa хелум юлум
Second цех юцех ци юци цўе юцўе хелуц юлуц
Third proximal ех йех ар уюр ўе юўе хелу юлу
Plural First чех ючех веч ювеч ўач юлуч хелуч юхелуч
Second смех юсмех вемс ювемс сўем юлумс хелумс юхелумс
Third proximal сех юсех сер юсер ўес юўес хелус юлус

The language also uses possessive sufixes, one could say my dog and another dog-my, the only diference being that using a pronoun brings more emphasis to it.

Suffix Example
Singular First -й/им кичим (my dog)
Second -й/иш кичиш (your dog - sin.)
Third Proximal -(и)йо кичийо (his/her dog)
Distal -й/ия кичия (his/her dog)
Plural First -ен кичен (our dog)
Second -(е)сен кичесен (your dog - plr)
Third Proximal -(и)йоч кичийоч (their dog)
Distal -й/ияч кичияйч (their dog)



Mokhavian dosen't have conjunctions, if a verb dosen't fit into the template a filler affix -и- is incerted, and in the
бод - walk

Mood Person Number Past Present Future Future
in the
Simple Perfect Simple Simple Perfect Simple Perfect
Indicative 1st Singular бодвади бодкфади бодва бодвани бодкфани брабодвани брабодкфани
Plural бодчади бодбчади бодча бодчани бодбчани брабодчани брабодбчани
2nd Singular бодсди боджди бодс бодсани бодждани храбодсани храбодждани
Plural бодсемди бодмзди бодсем бодсмани бодмздани храбодсмани храбодмздани
3d Singular бодиди боддади бодий бодини боддни залбодини залбоддни
Plural боднди боддинди бодни сбодно сбоддини залбодно залбоддини
Imperative All Singular бодчи бодчти
Plural бодчат бодчтат


Mokhavian has a Polypersional agreement where a verb contains both the body doing the action and the body expiriencing the action.

Self Singular то- тас- тобцесва (i drank myself - "i got drunk") таскьемева кич (i love my dog)
Plural тобцесча (we drank ourselves - "we got drunk") таскьемеча кичар (we love our dogs)
1st pers. Singular ме- мис- меможди (you hit me) мискьемева кич (i love my dog)
Plural че- чис- чеӄрехс (you peel us) чискьемей (he/she loves us)
2nd pers. Singular ши- сьи- шимовади (i hit you) сьикьемева ӄеда (i love your hair)
Plural мсе- сне- мсемовади (i hit you) снебцесвади брицаяр (i drank your beer)
3d pers. Singular и- из- ипсесди (you kissed him/her) изяӄжди пичар (you eat his/her food)
Plural ай- ич айпсесди (you hit them) ичяӄжди пичар (you eat their food)


For negation the prefix "ю(р)-" is added in singular, for example ибцесва(i drank it) and 'юрибцесва' (i didn't drank it).


In Mokhavian there is the infinitive prefix 'де-', for example: тодeбцесва ((me) to get drunk)


There is also a repetitive suffix '-чки-' which conveys the meaning that the action happened multiple times and/or is repetitive, for example: бцесчкива (i am drinking/i drink multiple times/repetitivly)


basic Noun Template
Comparison Noun Plurality Possessive suffix Case suffix Definite article
basic Verb Template
Negation prefix Direction prefix Infinite prefix (Tense prefix) Stem Repetitive suffix Tense/person/number Question suffix


Mokhavian is a pro-drop SOV-S language where possessees come before possessors, adjectives before nouns and it has postpositions.

Example of pro-drop (verbs are formed in OVS):

  • ме ше мекьева - i love you
  • шимекьева - i love you


Yes or No Questions

To form yes or no questions the suffix -(а)ка is used: for example "did i drink" - бцесвака


Mokhavian English
рамдо how much/many
рое which
робча how
тао why
мао where
мой when


Mokhavian uses a word-derivation system. By using a root, and adding some definite prefixes, suffixes and conbining words, one can derive many nouns and adjectives from the root. For example, from the root -мохш-, the following words can be derived: Мохшали (a Mokhavian person), Намохшдене (the Mokhavian language) and Амохшфети (Mokhavia/Qazhshava), also сўан (word) + ача (book/read) becomes сўаняча (dictionary).


The Mokhavian numberal system is decimal.

Cardinal numbers

Mokhavian Lakhian Zal Tghok
1 Цех - - -
2 Кер - - -
3 Сем - - -
4 Ошт - - -
5 Боў̑г - - -
6 Лушну - - -
7 Швен - - -
8 Рор - - -
9 Цхет - - -
10 Ен - - -
11 Енцехсен - - -
12 Енкерсен - - -
13 Енсемсен - - -
14 Еноштсен - - -
15 Енбоў̑гсен - - -
20 Керен - - -
21 Керен де цех - - -
30 Семен - - -
40 Оштен - - -
50 Боў̑ген - - -
60 Лушнўен - - -
70 Швенен - - -
80 Рорен - - -
90 Цхетен - - -
100 Ошӑр - - -
101 Ошӑр де цех - - -
102 Ошӑр де кер - - -
110 Ошӑр де ен - - -
200 Керошӑр - - -
500 Боў̑гошӑр - - -
1000 Витӑш - - -
1999 Витӑш цхетшӑр
де цхетен де цхет
- - -
2000 Кервитӑш - - -
10000 Енвитӑш - - -

Ordinal numbers

In mokhavian the circumfix

Mokhavian Lakhian/Echin Zal/Saqga Tghok/Haydġa
  Mokhavian Lakhian/Echin Zal/Saqga Tghok/Haydġa
1st Мартане - - -
2nd Тукерне - - -
3rd Тусемне - - -
4th Туоштне - - -
5th Тубоўгане - - -

Language examples

Word examples

Category English Mokhavian
Basic expressions yes то (to)
no йо/ю (yo/yu)
hello нагчи (nagči) (informal)
нагодчи ,нагодчат (nagodči, nagodčat) (formal)
goodbye ачао (аčao) (informal)
бере лей (bere ley) (formal)
good morning ӄачўав кайто (qačwav kayto)
good afternoon ӄачўав антьеў (qačwav antyew)
good evening ӄачўав йесўа (qačwav yeswa)
ӄачўав сисо (qačwav siso)
good night йехт сисо
my name is ___ точў̑гева ___
менахий ___
ц̑гванойми ар ___
мейс ц̑гваноти ар ___
Colours black мавр (mavr)
blue лезеб (lezeb)
brown кафев (kafev)
grey тўеца (tweca)
green зӑй (zӑy)
orange оран̑гe (oranġe)
pink тўевўе (twevwe)
purple липу (lipu)
red савўе (savwe)
white тўера (twera)
yellow аӄа (aqa)

Sentance examples

English Mokhavian Gloss
Preparation, speed, precision,
these are essential when it
comes to saving lives.
Накода, рив, бар̑га,
хойр сех сагав мой
яй депой ч̑гач̑генар.
Preparation , speed, percision,
these base-adj when
need-3s INF-save-3s life-PL