Stra Ma Kal

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Stra Ma Kal
NicknameSMK, S-42
  • Strah Mah Kal
MottoBlood shall spread against the dragon's will
PredecessorAzir 'King Dragon' Kirkosho
SuccessorBashir Zarakanri
Formation2nd of October, 1951
FounderSeregey B. Merzirnor
Legal statusHighly Active
Key people
Dima Keirzarn (Vice-Leader), Bashir Zarakanri( Leadership ), Andrei Tivikoshvonk (Right Hand Man of Bashir), Bezair Ahmed Workonov (Branch Leader and Business Cooperater), Dani Urgor (Gang's Council)
AffiliationsBazakov Eagles Alliance
90 000 - 100 000
Formerly called
Dagarenov East Gang

The Stra Ma Kal crime gang, or commonly known as the SMK or S-42 is a money laundering, drug trafficking, extortions and a organised crime gangs in Kamilistan, one of the most notorious and powerful criminal organisation in the nation. The SMK gang was first established during the 50s Criminal Wave in Kamilistan, during which the crime rate was high and the drug trafficking industry was booming. The SMK Gang owns magnificent amount of territory from the gang wars they won.

The SMK Gang is currently allied with the Gang 219, Blood Dragons Families, Moon Ghezake Azremgan, 9K Squadies and the Nas Tra Veskov in the Bazakov Eagles Alliance, which they agreed with full trust and will not attack on one another, and will help each other during gang wars. The SMK Gang is currently having a war with the Novadake New Era Cartel, Mazir Sahovor, Kaitkr Igorzo Cartel, Westira 23s, Lozonov West Cartel and the Southern Artvin Criops Le Cartel, and some local street gangs in the city of Arsavani, Vachinnazavani, Kalligunaram.


Founded during the 1950s Criminal Wave of Kamilistan by a group of defectors from the Kazare Groveia Families, due to the amount of unstability within the gang itself aswell the lose of power, the founder of the gang, Seregey Beizorkov Merzinor who which himself was one of the main officer within the KGF Gang defected along with 2 other gang officer along with those loyal to him. The gang earned its revenue by starting robberies in local banks, like the National Central Bank robbery in Arstavin, followed by kidnappings, extortions and turf wars with other gangs mostly with the smaller or di-organised types. The gang itself was founded in the Dagarenov District, located in the slum and crowded city of Arstavin, till this day Arstavin has been listed in one of the top cities with the the highest crime rate in Kamilistan, even as a Federal Admintrative City. The gang was founded in the East Dagarenov District in Dagerenov, as it has the highestrate of drug traffickers and aswell as brotels.

The Gang fought its way through other gangs within the Dagarenov District, from the Eastern Salo in Dagerenov all the way to Raztor Hangazr in the North part, soon followed the whole Arstasvin, this time was then that the gang got its reputation, the gang was renamed from the Dagarenov East Gang to the current name, Stra Ma Kal, Stra Ma Kal came from the words, Stzra Mah'l Khazlen or Strayers of the Society in the old Karagimskov Dialect (this Dialect can be only found in Kazaga, and that time it was exited within few others states before declining). It was in the 1960s the gang boomed, the old Kazare Groveia Families was disolved in 1962, facturing into the Gang 219 and Blood Dragons Families, most of them Anti-Monarchs that time as during the 60s Kamilistan was still a Monarch Country. The gang also did drive-bys on notable monarchs heads, like Mr. Sir Andrei Kiznavoir of the House of Haznavi, who got shot when he was at a outside cafe.

Turshmanzir Rekecep Erkansin Centre Hill shootout

The Turshmanzir Rekecep Erkansin Centre Hill Shootout, or easyly simplified as the Turshmanzir Shootings took place at the apartment block in Erkansin, 5:09 P.M. 2 Hours before the gang leader ((Whom is the 3rd, as the 2nd didint last long, now is Arslan 'Weston' Kiliçli) and a group of 5 convoys were heading to the Turshmanzir Rekecep Erkansin Centre Hill Apartment Block for a meeting with the Gang 219 leader, which they owns the West Kalargamniz Block Apartment Area to meet in the Centre Hill Complex, as they were starting to form an alliance ((Which is the current alliance they are in)) with each other,

First Young Leader in the SMK

Current Operations

The SMK currently owns most of the east part of Kamilistan, notabally the state of Centre Batumi, West Coast Batumi, East Batumi-Nomangrad and Kaliganks. They are highly active within these 4 states, as most of the majority members came from, the K-9 Highway that leads from Gazini-Osetia to Arstavin and Gisra, all the way to Ponticia, Turkish Federation and to the ongoing zone of Ashlanke controlled by the Al-Wasrahi National Front is one of their main routes of drug trafficking, Kaznir Pass Highway from North Kalsakia, then through the Orshlein Clifs within the pass, highest peak of the pass Shashnasi-Tanz Osk and decending downwards to the Igaka Flooded Roads before ending in the two towns, Ajekov and Soouslai. These two towns are controlled by the SMK themselves, as these two towns are on of the main inter-routes of the drug trade, formerly owned by the 45th Night Mercenaries Group before they kicked them out of the town, now as the starting point of thesmuggling road to the Russian Union.

The SMK is highly active with their activities, aswell as Hitman Contracts made by them, they mostly agreed to contracts that are against enemies AND buisnessman or buisnesswomen with a high price, raging about 3 400 Kaluns to 6 100 Kaluns or 30-60 USD. But killing politicians are likely to be very rare, due to the fact they dont want to get busted by the authorities but however, there is a notabale politician assasination, which is the assasination of the Secretary-General and Head of the Party's Council for the Order and Unity Party, Vazrig Ginosyan on Saturday, July 19th, 2004. He was killed in his office in Karazjir Orn Leskoanish, Orokon, 11.3 K.M away from Arstavin by a group of 5 SMK Hitman in Security Uniform, one of them, named Recon Mask shot Vazrig in the throat then in the head, andkilling 2 others in his office, the rest killed about 4-9 people inside his office before leaving the preamesis.

Illegal Brotels are also part of their buisness, human trafficking made by the 9K Squadies before giving the smuggled victims to the SMK, most of the Brotels are in Arstavin, in the District of North Arstavin, Dazaregein, Dagarenov, SouthEast Ozaran-Hasg Haselun Town and Izgarnan. Last week alone they busted about 5 brotels in North Arstavin belonging to the SMK, and 50 other members were arrested. The Federal Adminstrative Police Branch of the Federal City of Arstavin or Tezderai Polisziaka Arstavin called this as the 'First and Biggest bust ever seen in history'.

They currently owned the border line at the Chechnya-Sadago Borderline after they took over the checkpoint district and the town Cacilvanzinziani.


Each branches has their own so called Branch Officer, under them is Branch Sub-Officer. Each may have their own slogans, names and their own turf under the SMK gang, Mountain Eagle or ME, is a rank that is given to the 3rd highest, under Vice Leadership, and aswell as Leadership, they are the one who choose potential members, mostly from the ranks from Hill Eagles and Street Swipers. They have to go through a certain initation to become a Branch Officer. East branch may be shown as followed aswell their leader, and and sub officer, and some inactive ones

  • Kiason Roads Gunmen | Branch Officer : Bashir Zarakanri (Leader of the Gang) | Branch Sub-Officer: Azim Hekmed Khalid
  • Eaka 21 | Branch Officer: Sergey 'king' Tiskovokni | Branch Sub-Officer:
  • Dagarenov District Sweepers
  • 44k Throwers
  • Herkani Street S-42
  • 23 Yangai Iotu
  • 24 Border Hoopers
  • Basike 88 Kiorkoe
  • Central Dragons
  • Eastern Far Strayers
  • Kadushe North Boys
  • South Dessert Runners
  • East Coast Shooters
  • Tazinme Long Routeers
  • 345th Sakilongam Tangirman
  • Tibiilisia City Gunners
  • Arstavin East Checkion
  • Airport Boys Road
  • Yerekan Puppeters
  • Borzir Town Soldiers (Declared Inactive due to the losed of the territory they owned)