History of Iearth
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The History of Iearth is the carefully researched description of humanity's past on the planet Iearth. It is informed by archaeology, anthropology, genetics, linguistics, and other disciplines; and, for periods since the invention of writing, by recorded history and by secondary sources and studies. Records of major historical events, human developments, and natural phenomenon are instrumental in determining and piecing together periods of history.
- 2,200,000 BCE - Early humanids inhabit Yuan.
- 680,000 BCE - 780,000 BCE - The carbon-date for the hominid fossils of Skothia Man, a Homo erectus who used fire, were discovered in a cave at Shandia near Skithiana.
- 7000 BCE - Yuaneze proto-writing.
- 5000 BCE - Humans settle the Jandus River in Haduastan and establish the world's oldest writing system.
- 4452 BCE - The Åethnoa mythology states that the "Sky People” create the continent of Euronia, home to the Gladysynthian mainland, and its native inhabitants.
- 3339 BCE - The Åethnoa split into six main ethnic groups and settle in different areas of Euronia.
- 3000 BCE - Taupo is populated by Kalean and Yuaneze humans.
Classical Era
14th-5th Century B.C.E.
- 1300 BCE - Yuaneze explorers reach the western shores of the Cantalle Ocean near present-day Alecburgh, marking the first recorded instance of Adulan-Ausianan contact.
- 800 BCE - Rise of Alcarresean city-states.
- 678 BCE - Buddhism emerges in the mountains of Kint.
- 625 BCE - The Medeams People unify Emmiria as a nation and empire for the first time.
- 550 BCE - The Achaiminid Empire (550–330 BC), founded by Cryun the Great, is established as the first true global superpower state; it ruled from as far north as Raviannas and as far west south as Semalia, from their seat of power in Rhaga (at the time known as Cryunias).
- 508 BCE: Democracy instituted at the Republic of Verdusa.
- 400 BCE - Stratification and exclusion by caste emerges in Haduastan.
- 396 BCE - The Skoyan Tribe starts to form basic government and infrastructure and will be the future basis for Egilanak.
- 320 BCE - Cao Dynasty takes power in Yuan, the Imperial Age begins.
4th-1st Century B.C.E.
- 400 B.C.E. - Earliest known records list the founding of Duern on the present-day site of Durnen, Durnstaal.
- 293 B.C.E. - The Bezdekia Road connects civilizations across Adula, starting in the west in modern-day Prydania with cities as far east as Vongane, Quetana.
1st-5th Century
- 364 - Aliprand Eklund dies, and Berthold Eklund conquers Dravun in Durnstaal.
- 386 - The First Battle of Kolbt Valley in Durnstaal ends with no clear winner and begins The Stalemate
- 417 - The "Seven States of Egilanak" came together to form under a single body now known as Bronze Egilanak.
Post-Classical Era
6th-10th Century
- 573 - Islam emerges in Emmiria near the city of Al-Makkah.
- 633 - The Muslim conquest of Emmiria from Mulfulira (occuring from 633 to 654) ends the Achaiminid Empire and marks a turning point in Emmirian history. Islamization of Emmiria takes place during the eighth to tenth centuries.
- 802 - The beginning of the Egilanakan Empire began with Frensez I beginning to take over large portion of Eastern Euronia and started what is known as Golden Egilanak.
- 993 - The Egilanakan Empire reaches its height and will stay this way for almost 200 years.
11th-14th Century
- 1042 - Stanislav Aleksandru IV successfully pushes Emmirian forces out of Duern
- 1087 - The start of the fall of the Egilanakan Empire occurs and over 500 years will lead to where it currently is today.
- August 13th, 1128 - The Battle of São Warena (1128) takes place in Quetana.
- 1315 - Rio Palito is annexed by Quetana following a grant from King Maruian II in 1291.
- 1337-1389 - The Fifty Years War occurs between the Kingdom of Mayotte and the Second Drambenburg Empire, giving Drambenburg control over Aunistria.
Modern Era
15th Century
- 1405–1433: Admiral Duan Zhihao and a massive Yuaneze naval armada sails through the Cantalle Ocean to Aelekburge, Saint Croix, Qolaysia, and Zalluabed to spread Yuan's influence and sovereignty.
- 1482 - Quetanan explorer Almirian Gamor discovers Antartique.
- 1498-1501 - Quetanan explorer Miguelito Passos circumnavigates the globe.
16th Century
- 1523 - A smallpox outbreak eradicates a Potiananus civilization in modern-day Cayenne.
17th Century

The territorial extent of the Heng Dynasty (1630-1908)
- 1630 - The Heng Dynasty rises to power in Yuan
- 1638 - Modern Egilanak is what it is today by its territory and government and marks what is known as Silver Egilanak
- 1639 - The Kingdom of Rumaztria is established.
- 1672 - Leaders of a group of rebel marauders author a document known as the Siempra Gladysynthia, which established the Gladysynthian Empire, encompassing modern day Gladysynthia, Northern Zamastan, and much of Baytonia and Llihc.
- 1756 - The Federated Union of Durnstaal is formed from the kingdoms of Duern, Khurn, Euron, and Liverthaer.
18th Century
- September 3rd, 1704 - Captain Percy Armillio establishes a Skithan Imperial colony at Tofino.
- January 6th, 1724 - The 1724 Vongane earthquake kills over 50,000 in Vongane, Quetana.
- June 4th, 1734 - The Selleauxvian Trade Embargo Conflict ends in Avergnon following Lewis Pontegnone's victory at the Defense of Merideth Crossing.
- February 8th, 1784 - Hang Almarez II becomes King of Skith.
- May 17th, 1789 - Alexander Agostinio begins his colonization and conquest of Vitosium.
19th Century
- July 17th, 1802 - October 28th, 1804 - Zamastan War of Independence.
- June 4th, 1809 - Kuresa peacefully partitions away from the Skithan Empire.
- 1806-1823 - The Chezian Wars of Independence.
- 1813 - The Empire of Skith grants independence to Rio Palito and Caspiaa.
- 1830-1838 - The Barretoan Wars are fought between the Coalition of Durnstaal, Alcarres, Alonnisosa, Emmiria, and Timeria against Skith. Quetana and Mulfulira are liberated, and Skith loses their overseas colonies, including in Qolaysia, Zalluabed, Saint Croix and Bens, and Nebetia.
- 1838 - The Pia Peninsular War is fought between Kuresa and Vitosium
- 1843 - Ruskayn conquers and claims the Conwin Isles off the coast of Greland.
- 1864-65 - Cadair defeats Kint in the Oraniah War, with the Treaty of Kinchula ceding the Oraniah Plateau and reservoirs to Cadair.
- July 19, 1867 - King Almarez II of Skith dies at the age of 103.
- January 5th, 1871 - May 17th, 1876 - Parabocan War/Great Cardoza War.
- 1882 - Merchants from Quetana, Vitosium, Timeria, Zamastan, and other major Adulan powers establish the first "Influence circles" in leased cities that become centers of commerce in Xiani, Sancheon, Shanghan, and Guanjan.
- April 2nd, 1891 - Zamastan claims the Holish Islands in the south Samson Ocean.
20th Century

Construction work on the Vulkarian Pass in 1907.
- September 6th, 1904 - Arbery Jacob Henderson achieves the first heavier-than-air flight in a motor-powered airplane in Fougere, Zamastan.
- April 9th, 1905 - The Treaty of Tiaking ends the Yellow Flag Rebellion and results in Yuan giving the island of Gangkou to Zamastan.
- May 6th, 1908 - Communist Party of Yuan Chairman Deng Zhelan formally proclaimed the establishment of the People's Republic of Yuan
- September 5th, 1910 - Quetana experiences a revolution, toppling the monarchy and establishing the Quetanan Republic.
- July 6th, 1911 - The Elkjop War breaks out between Caruban and Zamastan over the status of the Vulkarian Pass
- August 18th, 1911 - The 1911 Zamastan coup d'état attempt, led by 2 rogue army generals, attempt to overthrow President Jean Levasseur.
- September 3rd, 1918 - The Confederation of East Besmenian States is founded, after the East Besmenian states break away from the Besmenian Kingdom.
- October 7th, 1918 - The Besmenian civil war begins.
- January 12th, 1919 - 1919 Tofino Earthquake kills nearly 78,000 across the northwest coast of Zamastan.
- July 7th, 1919 - The ratification of the Hickling Act grants Jyau and Nancaya independence from Vitosium.
- January 25th, 1920 - A peace treaty is signed in Freiz, officially ending the Besmenian civil war and guarantying the independence of the Confederation of East Besmenian States.
- July 2nd, 1920 - The Federal Republic of East Besmenia is founded while the Kingdom of Besmenia remains in the west.
- January 19th, 1922 - The Zamastanian oceanliner MS Westland sinks in the Olympic Ocean.
- October 21th, 1923 - Karl Ochsenbein comes to power in the Kingdom of Besmenia.
- November 18th, 1923 - In the West Besmenian kingdom, a fascist dictatorship is established with Karl Ochsenbein as supreme leader.
- 1923-24 - A massive drought in the Zamastanian province of Pahl kills over 15,000 people.
- January 1st, 1924 - The Federation of Skith is formed.
- June 11th, 1925 - The Vulkarian Pass is fully completed.
- February 5th, 1926 - President Elias Blanco signs the Blanco Initiative, which is attributed to creating the first widescale modern economic boom in Zamastan.
- July 17th, 1932 - The Chanchajillan Civil War begins.
- January 5th, 1936 - Albarinean forces occupy Buckingla. Two years later, they occupy Peoratia.

General Anthony Fox of the Zamastanian Armed Forces wades ashore during the Battle of Sennepal in the World War.
- June 25th, 1942 - Peoratia gains independence from Albarine . One year later, Buckingla is also granted independence.
- August 2nd-9th, 1945 - First Danaska Conflict.
- April 12th, 1949 - The World War begins when Drambenburg invades Avergnon.
- March 2nd, 1950 - Drambenburg sends the first satellite, Sattelit-1, into space.
- July 2nd, 1950 - The DSC begins the Aveirs Genocide.
- July 29th, 1953 - The Gladysynthian Civil War begins.
- May 9th, 1954 - Karl Ochsenbein dies, and Lars Schreim succeeds him.
- November 12th, 1954 - The World War ends with the Allied Powers defeating the League Powers of Drambenburg, the DSC, and Rumaztria.
- January 1st, 1955 - The Partition of Haduastan results in the creation of Haduastan and Barangadesh.
- May 7th, 1956 - Zamastan tests the first nuclear bomb in the Orion-1 Nuclear Test.
- August 6th, 1957 - Zamastan sends their first satellite, Cyan-1, into space.
- April 9th, 1959 - A Beleroskovian bomber crashes onto Beruina Atoll in the Toyana Ocean, causing the four atomic weapons aboard to detonate in the Beruina Atoll Nuclear Disaster.
- May 18th, 1959 - Wan Liang begins the Cultural Revolution in Yuan.

Zamastanian astronaut John Bennett looks back at the Blue Falcon Lunar Module on the surface of the moon on the historic June 3rd, 1972 mission.
- June 6th, 1962 - The Marri-1 launch puts the first Zamastanian astronauts, Casey Giverston and Demarcus Free, into space.
- February 14th, 1963 - Utobania, New Anea, Yubonia, and Siniapore form the United Federation of Utobania.
- June 1st, 1965 - Siniapore becomes independent from the United Federation of Utobania.
- May 20th, 1966 - Begin of the West Besmenian Revolution in West Besmenia.
- June 7th, 1966 - End of the West Besmenian Revolution. Collapse of the fascist regime.
- June 9th, 1966 - The Besmenian Republic is established in West Besmenia.
- June 25th, 1967 - East Besmenian Prime Minister Johannes Schmidt and West Besmenian President Horst Lommberg signing the Besmenian Reunification treaty in Freiz, East Besmenia.
- August 12th, 1967 - The Gladysynthian Civil War ends with the signing of the Carson Accords; Tetrazoa officially becomes an independent nation.
- September 14th, 1967 - Besmenian reunification. The West Besmenian Republic joins East Besmenia. The Besmenian division ends after 47 years.
- September 24th - October 25th, 1970 - The Tariel War/Second Danaska Conflict is fought between Zamastan and Gladysynthia.
- June 3rd, 1972 - Zamastan becomes the first country to land humans on the Moon, with Blue Falcon 3 and astronauts John Bennett, Vincent Steward, and Edward Wood Chambers being the first to walk on the moon.
- September 29th, 1972 - President of Zamastan, Marvin Gaviria, is assassinated in Tofino, Zamastan.
- June 3rd, 1975 - Nana Nguena overthrows the government of Bongsisi Farikou in Peoratia, establishing a socialist dictatorship.
- November 18th, 1975 - The Coalition of Crown Albatross is founded.
- April 4th, 1976 - 83 Zamastanians are taken hostage at the Zamastanian embassy in Barangadesh.
- May 2nd, 1976 - Beleroskovian fighter jets shootdown Zian Airways Flight 127, killing all 276 people onboard and heightening tensions between the Capitalist and Communist powers.
- October 4th, 1976 - A 9.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Vulkaria, killing tens of thousands of people.
- November 13th, 1976 - The Helios Island nuclear accident occurs in Little Tribe River, Pahl, Zamastan.
- March 5th, 1978 - The Albatross Islamic Alliance is founded by Muslim-majority nations such as Emmiria, Qantir, Mulfulira, and Arakinistan.
- April 8th, 1978 - New Anea becomes independent from the United Federation of Utobania.
- August 3rd, 1979 - 8 Austrolisian athletes are kidnapped and killed in Feldkirch during the Olympic Games.
- April 8th, 1981 - The Peoratia civil war begins.
- April 2th, 1982 - The Malvarian Liberation Front attempts and fails to overthrow the government of Vulkaria in the 1982 Vulkaria Coup D'etat.
- May 6th, 1982 - A drop in oil production in Emmiria and Drambenburg leads to the. 1982 Oil Depression Crisis
- October 5th, 1982 - Beleroskov invades Jaginistan, overthrowing their government and kickstarting the Jaginistan Civil War.
- November 6th, 1982 - President Damian Lorrie is killed in a plane crash. Cassious Castovia becomes President of Zamastan.
- March 1st, 1983 - Jean-Noël Anouilh and his government are removed from power in a coup led by Jacob Plantier and Martin Saint-Yves in Ossinia.
- April 2nd, 1983 - The UCSS invades Ossotia.
- June 19th, 1983 - Beginning of the Kuye War between Skith and Emmiria. Khaytan becomes independent.
- July 6th, 1983 - The First War in Vulkaria begins, drawing Zamastanian involvement following the Alanis Pride Parade Bombing.
- January 16th, 1985 - The Eskiftanes Stock Market Collapse occurs in Rumaztria, crippling the economies of much of Central Ausiana.
- June 1st, 1986 - The Tofino Agreement brings Rumaztria into the Coalition of Crown Albatross, ending that nation's nearly 3 decade long isolation from global politics.
- September 22nd, 1986 - Josiah Elliott is elected President of Zamastan.
- March 18th, 1987 - The Verdusa Civil War begins.
- June 1st, 1989 - The Alliance of Nortuan States is founded by Besmenia, Elbresia, Candatora, Arenoran Isles and Versenia.
- September 22nd, 1990 - Elijah Daniels is elected President of Zamastan.
- April 23th, 1991 - The First War in Vulkaria ends.
- May 5th, 1991 - Besmenian PM Martin Beiter is assassinated in Melmingia by Michael-Joe Lammer.
- October 4th, 1991 - The Courbagne General Peace Accords mark the end of the Peoratia civil war. More than a million people were killed and over 3 million displaced over the course of the war. Kevin Mbombo institutes sweeping government changes and establishes democratic elections.
- 1992-1995 - The Chezian War (1992-95) is waged in Western Nortua, involving the nations of Constantio, Cechena, Beatavic, Cylata, Artaska, Syraranto, and Achijan.
- January 26th, 1992 - The Treviso Nuclear Crisis occurs in Treviso, West Chanchajilla.
- February 2nd, 1993 - Nichiaman Square protests are suppressed violently in Shanghan.
- January 3rd, 1993 - Yubonia becomes independent from the United Federation of Ubotania.
- September 10th, 1995 - In a referendum, the Besmenian population votes in favor of a nuclear phase-out.
- June 21st, 1996 - The Sotoan Basin Union is founded in Western Nortua by Constantio, Cechena, and Vuswistan.
- September 22nd, 1996 - Abram Mullen is elected President of Zamastan.
- April 9th, 1998 - The Beatavic Civil War begins.
- March 17th, 1999 - The United Communist and Socialist States dissolves, with each member state becoming independent nations.
- August 5th, 1999 - The Second War in Vulkaria begins.
- December 31st, 1999 - Autrataya becomes the administrative capital of Utobania.
21st Century
- January 16th, 2000 - Zamastanian crude oil tanker ZROV Dralson Star runs aground in Ruskayn, causing the Dralson Star Oil Spill.
- August 6th, 2000 - A coup d'etat occurs in Beleroskov, attempting to overthrow the Communist Party and the Premier.
- September 22nd, 2000 - Camren Ellison is elected President of Zamastan.
- March 29th, 2001 - The governments of Zamastan, Caspiaa, Rio Palito, Ruskayn, and Quetana form the Western Euronia Defense Alliance, ensuring that they will come to each other's aid in the event of a hostile attack or invasion.
- April 19th, 2001 - The Rainsa Day Massacre; a group of gunmen attacked the Presidential Palace of Paraboca in Cardoza, breaching the security of the building and killing 91 people, including President Luna Berrocal.
- November 20th, 2001 - Artaska gains independence from Cylata.
- November 4th, 2002 - A referendum results in the loss of power for the Communist Party of Beleroskov.
- September 22nd, 2004 - Cassious Castovia is elected President of Zamastan for a non-consecutive administration.
- October 11th, 2004 - The first modules of the Coalition Space Station are launched from Tregueux International Space Center.
- February 6th, 2005 - The Second War in Vulkaria ends with the signing of the Neboroskiev Accords in Beleroskov.
- April 9th, 2005 - 32 countries sign the 2005 Cadair Agreement, promoting biodiversity, low emission standards, water management, and the renewable energy commercialization.
- April 10th, 2006 - The Vongane Trials begin in Vongane, Quetana, to try and sentence war criminals for their actions during the Second War in Vulkaria.
- June 7th, 2006 - Yuan and Beleroskov end diplomatic relationships.
- April 8th, 2008 - Malvarian Liberation Front founder, Samuel Kannit, is executed in Tregueux, Zamastan, following his sentencing in the Vongane Trials.
- April 18th, 2008 - Followers of the Johnville Cult commit the Johnville Massacre in Sassarta, Entrofeira, Vitosium, killing over 13,000 people.
- September 16th - The Togana War begins between Qolaysia and Togaria.
- November 4th, 2008 - The Communist Party of Beleroskov dissasembles, ending the 108-year official communist rule in Beleroskov.
- December 7th, 2008 - The Winter Uprising occurs in Novada, Kradomirik, Durnstaal, killing over 500 people and damaging most of the city.
- August 2nd, 2010 - Cyclone Emmanuel strikes Vulkaria and the Dominion of the Sanguine Church, resulting in over 700 deaths.
- January 25th, 2011 - After the FBBP lost many votes in a state election, Besmenian PM Laura Kummstein resigns. She is succeeded by Jörg Rautenberg.
- September 19th, 2011 - A group of Al-Fijar supporters kidnap the Besmenian NBP Party Chairman Alexander von Wiest. Von Wiest was killed in the escape vehicle before the group flees from the police into a forest near Lenzborn.
- November 12th, 2011 - 54 climbers are killed in an avalanche on Mount Glyder Fawr, the tallest mountain on Iearth.
- September 29th, 2012 - Tetrazoa rejoins Gladysynthia after 45 years of independence following a revolution, referendum, and treaty to join the Federation.
- February 4th, 2013 - Waywffon Morgan establishes the Cymru Defense Forces in Cadair.
- March 5th, 2013 - Stanislas Arabo is assassinated in Pestoresta, Peoratia. Less than a month later, his political opponent Agbor Ngobila is elected President.
- June 8th, 2013 - The 2013 Zalluabed nuclear deal is signed in Saint Raneau, Albarine, ensuring that Zalluabed would end its nuclear weapon program in exchange for comprehensive humanitarian aid, international investment, and the allowance of a limited nuclear power plant.
- June 4th, 2014 - Xi Jingyi becomes the President of Yuan.
- December 5th, 2015 - President of Zamastan, Cassious Castovia, dies. Zacharias Castovia becomes President.
- August 7th, 2016 - The Konkurso Conflict between Cadair and Birnir begins.
- October 20th, 2016 - Abiel Kennard is elected President of Qolaysia
- May 4th, 2017 - Izabell Bousieras is crowned the Queen of Rio Palito following the death of her father, King Maurice Bousieras.
- October 18th, 2017 - A series of terror attacks in Tofino, Zian, Zamastan, kill 438 people.
- October 24th - November 6th, 2018 - Third Danaska Conflict.
- January 5th, 2019 - East Chanchajillan President, Gideon Boer, is injured in an attempted assassination by West Chanchajillan agents.
- January 22nd, 2019 - Zacharias Castovia resigns over the Delavian Bribery Scandal; Anya Bishop becomes President of Zamastan.
- February 14th, 2019 - South Turania Offensive between East Chanchajilla and West Chanchajilla begins.
- August 31st, 2019 - 2019 Coastal Valley Earthquake kills 4,300 in Zamastan, mostly in the city of Kelowna.
- September 5th, 2019 - The 2013 Zalluabed nuclear deal is made null after a diplomatic spat between President Zayyaan al-Akhtar and President Anya Bishop, creating worries that Zalluabed would restart their nuclear weapon program.
- November 17th, 2019 - Anya Bishop resigns following the "PoverTea" Protests; Foley Sakzi becomes President of Zamastan.
- January 1st - Katherine von Wettin becomes the Secretary-General of the Coalition of Crown Albatross.
- February 29th - Thousands of protesters attempted to overthrow the Frederick Armbar dictatorship, but were crushed by government forces.
- May 4th - Zamastan invades the island nation of Ossinia, toppling the regime of Martin Saint-Yves.
- June 11th - A devestating 8.7 magnitude earthquake rocks Northern Yuan, especially affecting the city of Xiani and killing over 3,000 people. A massive international relief effort is launced.
- June 15th - Foley Sakzi announces he will not seek reelection in the 2020 Zamastan presidential election.
- July 2nd - The Zamastanian consulate in Haruya, Jaginistan, is subjected to an attack by the terror group Al-Fijar, killing Ambassador Jamie Lake and 8 other Zamastanians.
- July 24th - Nuclear physicist, Ethan Hyderland, is killed at his home in Lower Tariel.
- July 29th - A bombing at the Syraranto Parliament in Covijo kills 23 in an attempted assassination of President Kyriakos Tasoulas.
- August 4th - Syraranto begins a military offensive against the Balgita Nationalist Forces in the Western part of the country, considered to be the start of the Second Syraranto Civil War.
- September 16th - Air Andaluni Flight 553 is bombed by Al-Fijar while en-route from Jade Harbor to Vongane, killing all 178 on board.
- September 22nd - Atticus Moreau is elected President of Zamastan.
- October 4th - The Bettencourt Protests erupt in Mayotte, Aunistria, and Alutia as separatist movements backed by the Bloc Mayotte gain traction.
- October 15th - Zalluabed's government launches the Hisrea War to combat the HPLF.
- November 23rd - Start of the Tarijar Strait Crisis involving increased Drambenburgian militarization of the strait after defense agreements are reached with Buckingla & Zalluabed, and resulting in sporadic maritime disputes between Zalluabedi and Albarinean naval forces.
- January 1st - Auraine, Mayotte, and Alutiana officially secede from Zamastan, becoming independent nations.
- January 9th - Extensive rocket attacks and bombings by Al-Fijar claim over 400 lives in Kibul, Jaginistan, including the deaths of C.C.A. peacekeepers from Zamastan, Quetana, Caspiaa, and Timeria.
- January 10th - Aneya Raso becomes President of Timeria.
- January 13th - The Leaders Summit is held in Tregueux.
- February 24th - East Chanchajilla invades West Chanchajilla after Frederick Armbar conducts weeks of bombings and rocket attacks that killed more than 700 people. Throughout the course of the ensuing conflict, Paraboca commits ground forces, the Zamastanian Air Force conducts extensive airstrikes Ivora eventually falls on April 17th, and Armbar is killed days later. National elections are established for the first time in West Chanchajillan history.
- February 29th - The Tyrnatini II Peace Talks result in a ceasefire in the civil war in Syraranto.
- March 15th - Qolaysia and Togaria reach a peace agreement in Buena Vera, Artegana, to end the Togana War.
- April 27th - Mikhail Kuznetsov, President of Kossmil, is assassinated in Dabatta.
- May 2nd - The Durnstaal soccer team beats Zamastan to win the World Cup in Sulifa.
- June 3rd - Anti-government protests in Marsari, North Icadania, result in 56 deaths after Chancellor Gianni Roussilis orders federal forces to intervene. The protests subside following a constitutional amendment which establish term limits.
- June 5th - The Courage program launches the Blue Eagle rocket with 16 astronauts aboard for the first manned-interplanetary mission to Eirus.
- June 29th - A 8.4 magnitude quake and subsequent tsunami leave more than 11,400 dead on Temebok Island, Qolaysia.
- July 3rd - Oriol Miguélez elected President of Paraboca.
- July 7th - Emmirian and Mulfuliran forces withdraw from Jiddiya.
- July 12th - The Hisrean city of Huad is besieged by Zalluabedi forces and the TTPA Alliance.
- August 4th - West Chanchajilla hosts its first ever democratic elections. Juan Diego Barrios is elected Prime Minister.
- August 13th - The Osea Accords are signed in Osea, Timeria, ending the Hisrea War.
- August 30th - The August Revolution results in the overthrow of the Slavic Union Party and the death of Matvei Pavlov, ushering in democracy for the Slavic Union.
- September 1st - A earthquake and subsequent tsunami leaves 3,000 people dead in Gran Telea, Beatavic.
- September 2nd- Al-Fijar commits the Barona Mall bombing in Lower Tariel, Zamastan, killing 68 people.
- September 5th - A wildfire rips through Alterbay, Albarine, killing 89 people.
- September 15th - Syraranto tests a nuclear weapon, and Kyriakos Tasoulas threatens the Sotoan Basin Union with a strike, drawing widespread condemnation.
- September 28th - The town of Bisehamm is destroyed in a flash flood, resulting in 203 deaths. It is the worst natural disaster in Albarinean history.
- October 11th - Emília Medeiros is elected President of Quetana, and Ulyana Agapova is elected President of the Slavic Union.
- October 28th - Birat is annexed by East Chanchajilla.
- November 2nd - The Nuclear Safety Summit is hosted in Dokata, Haduastan.
- November 3rd - The CCC is held in Charnesse, Kuresa.
- November 12th - The C21 Summit is held in Freiz, Besmenia.
- November 16th - The civil war in Syraranto sees its most violent fighting since the February 29th ceasefire as the Tasoulas regime bombards the rebel-held city of Tirikan.
- November 27th - Extreme flooding in Tasiastan results in more than 1,500 deaths.
- December 4th - The Winter Olympics are held in Kasema, Kyti.
- December 16th - Former-President Josiah Elliott dies at the age of 100.
- December 18th - Kyriakos Tasoulas orders a rampant military buildup on the border of Constantio, prompting Zamastanian and WEDA forces to dispatch to Western Nortua as a precautionary measure in support of the SBU.
- December 20th - Edda Colabella is elected President of Latilli.
- December 27th - Quetana joins TAFCA.

Commander Damian Hawkins of Courage 1 was the first man to step foot on Eirus on January 14th, 2022
- January 1st - President Mlamuli Ngotsha is wounded in an assassination attempt in Sifondo, Apatonia.
- January 2nd - An arsonist sets fire to and burns down much of the National Assembly building in Gutaai, Jyau.
- January 3rd - Insurgents attack the embassies of Zamastan, Caspiaa, and Unified Sera in Sifondo, Apatonia.
- January 10th - The Leaders Summit is held in Alsace, Shoassau.
- January 14th - Courage 1 touches down on Eirus, marking humanity's transition to a multi-planetary species. Zamastanian Damian Hawkins is the first human to set foot on another planet.
- January 15th - King Abdur IV dies, and his son Talha I becomes King of Sulifa.
- January 16th - A coup by supporters of Prime Minister Michel Lukonde takes over Apatonia, and President Mlamuli Ngotsha seeks asylum in Leonrau, Qolaysia.
- January 27th - The regime of Kyriakos Tasoulas in Syraranto orders a rocket attack against cities in North Icadania and Constantio, killing 142 people. The Sotoan Basin Union vows to defend itself if further attacks occur, and Constantio's air force conducts retaliatory airstrikes. WEDA sends naval vessels into the Sotoa Sea, led by Zamastan, Emmiria, and Quetana.
- January 31st - Shoassau, East Chanchajilla, Lutharia, Janapa, Mulfulira, and Saint Croix and Bens join WEDA.
- February 3rd - Unified Sera invades Apatonia.
- February 9th - Courage 2 launches from Tregueux International Space Center for its voyage to Eirus.
- February 9th - Nizaam bin Aayid beats incumbant Abiel Kennard to become President of Qolaysia.
- February 10th - President Brett Highland wins reelection in Nebetia.
- February 14th - President Atticus Moreau decides not to seek reelection, creating a candidate race between Sabine Armitage and Leanne Dale.
- February 14th - A Syrarantoan missile strike destroys a SBU military base in Atebaan, Constantio. North Icadania launches a military incursion into northern Syraranto.
- February 16th - The Mist Carthara Islands ban the practice of whaling.
- February 18th - King Xerxes Curcian of Azil dies and is replaced by his son, who implements strict media blackouts as protests against the regime erupt.
- February 19th - Protests erupt in Taravo, Selle, over election restriction laws that keep Prime Minister Belle Amsterlane in power.
- February 28th - Kyriakos Tasoulas is killed during clashes in Covijo. The Syrarantoan regime subsequently falls as General Able Masilla surrenders to rebel forces and dismisses the government. Rebel leader Yannis Kormoulis assumes control of an interim government while fighting continues in multiple areas around the country.
- February 28th - Prime Minister Akan Khalfani is wounded in an assassination attempt during a campaign stop in Kito'Bahari.
- March 6th - Emperor Skolas Tu'Aruc of Unified Sera is granted emergency powers over Unified Sera's military, judiciary, and legislature.
- March 8th - The Battle of Sifondo begins.
- March 9th - The 2013 Zalluabed nuclear deal is restored in an agreement between Zalluabedi, Zamastanian, Albarinean, Sulifan, and Qolaysian delegates in Zakaraban.
- March 10th - Danica Woitanowa is elected Chairwoman of Hordestan.
- March 16th - A 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits off the coast of Temebok, Qolaysia. A tsunami warning is triggered, but only minor destruction occurs.
- March 20th - Hurricane Jude causes extensive damage in Janapa, Isla Ima, and Lillestola before hitting Landeda.
- March 21st - AustroAir Flight 31, a T797 aircraft, is shot down off the coast of Apatonia, killing all 482 people aboard.
- March 21st - President of Buckingla Marian Dalaylou survives a vote-of-no-confidence.
- March 27th - Prime Minister Michel Lukonde flees to Elastan as Unified Seran forces capture Sifondo.
- March 28th - The 2022 Syhazara airport attack occurs in Syhazara, Peoratia.
- March 29th - Perie Jefferson wins reelection in North Kandson.
- April 5th - Gianni Roussilis wins reelection in Icadania.
- April 6th - Tobias Mechter of Besmenia wins the 2022 Calatas Grand Prix.
- April 7th - Tamara Kočišová is elected President of Drezquenia.
- April 9th - Prime Minister Belle Amsterlane is impeached and removed from office, and Selle begins a referendum for a new government.
- April 11th - Palingia is annexed by Besmenia.
- April 13th - Zamastanian Secretary of State Jessiah Vallotis resigns and is replaced by Brecken Gray.
- April 16th - Shoassau wins the 2022 World Cup in an overtime victory against host team Kossmil.
- April 22nd - The Sotoan Basin Union labels the discovery of mass graves in western Syraranto as the Tirikan Genocide.
- April 25th - Qolaysia withdraws from the TTPA and seeks membership in WEDA.
- April 25th - Tasiastan becomes the first country in Central Ausiana to legalize abortion.
- April 26th - C21 2022 Summit is held in Essen, Drambenburg.
- April 26th - Robert Lumbell is elected Prime Minister of Saint Offeat, ousting incumbent Lynne Bushore.