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The Grand Empire Of LucaMiclea
Marele Imperiu LucaMiclean (Lucan)
Motto: cadunt septies stad uo octingenti
and largest city
Official languagesLucan
Recognized regional languages{{}}
Demonym(s)Lucan/LucaMiclean (noun)

Lucan/Lucamiclean (adjective)

Lucans/LucaMicleans (plural)
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• Grand Emperor
• Estimate
• Census
103,432,234 (2022)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
Increase $5.689 trillion
• Per capita
Increase $54,343
very high
CurrencyLucan Lucs (LL)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+606




The Ramanian Era

The LucaMiclean Empire

The Medieval Era

The First LucaMiclean Great War

Its year 1000 wich started with the First LucaMiclean-Pallesi war.The LucaMiclean Empire, once a thriving,strong empire, is on the verge of collapse. The war began in year 1000, when Pallesi united tribes attaked LucaMiclean trade routes. The Empire attaked and plundered the regions near the border, and killed about 3.400 people, but its defeated by an inferior pallesi army. Huliminated, Emperor Marian demanded a new succesful campain, wich never came. In battle of Gyòr, the Pallesi army defeated and killed more than 13.500 lucans. The LucaMiclean Empire lost even more land with the sourthen provincies having declared independence and because of an attack by a The Order of the Ivory Lady in 1042. About 53.000 soilders, knights and archers attaked LucaMiclea from the north using vastly superior weapons. In the south many warlords just split away and left the empire. Emperor Marian had a hearth attack and soon died in 1054. His son Marian the II took power at 21 y.o. and tried to reasemble the remaints of the Empire. He defeated the warlord of Napoca in battle of Independența. He also started building the fort from Miclești but got defeated by Palles in battle of Băbești. The Order also defeated him in battle of Bobâlna, where he died. It was 1104. The Empore looked defeated. The Order and the Pallesi tribesmen united on the Valea Groșilor and started marching towards the capital defended by a 17 y.o Emperor. Being at its lowest, the Empire menaged to gather an army of 45.000 soilders to try and take on the 80.000 men enemy army. They had no chance. The Emperor, hovewer, was a smart strategist. He reorganised the army and placed his best men on the flanks to beat the inferior Palesi tribesmen. In a battle near Podești, the LucaMiclean army flanked the core of the enemy army and forced them to retreat, saving the Empire. The Emperor, defeated the Order causing it a major blow, but all this was only temporary. The Ivory Order was in the north, still occuping those lands. They started building a large amount of fortresses to gain a stronger grip on the lands. The Palessi tribe leader, alongside some other chefs reorganised the tribe union, using the rich lands they took from LucaMiclea and proclaimed the Palessi Kingdom in 1156. They took advantage of the trade rutes in south LucaMiclea to support its reorganisation and make a straonger army. In this time, the very popular Emperor, Marian II has lead an campain to defeat the sourthern warlords led by Gheorghe Măcănău’. After stabilizing those lands, Emperor Marian tried to revive the scythian trade, but LucaMiclea needed a lot of time to rebuild itself. LucaMiclea and Pallesi started an fierce competition for trade dominance, ignoring The Order, wich was growing in strenght. They used the hilly terrain to create some strong fortifications, and assure its survival over centuries.

The Second LucaMiclean Great War The War Marian II won the First LucaMiclean Great War, and revived the scythian trade, leading to a reafirmation of the LucaMiclean trade and economy. Pallesi is growing in strenght, but they are no match to the LucaMiclean Empire. After the death of the old Emperor his son, Marian III, makes an army of 78.000 soilders and attackes Palles. The pallesi king is killed in battle, and the king Marian III takes back the sourthen trade routes, getting even richer. He also kidnaps about 3.000 people and uses them as cheap workforce. Palles uses the last bits of money to expand in south, but even this way, they are powerless. Marian prepares himself, conscripting more and more people, and with an army of 100.000 people attaks The Order of the Ivory Lady. The Order is suprised by the attack and retreats in their forts. Having a total of 34.000 soilders, 12.000 archers and 5.600 knights, their army is technologically superior, but numerically inferior. On top of this, their forces are spreaded all across the land, in various forts. They seem powerless. However, some lords menage to sneak away from the forts and run to Palles, where they ask for help. A pallesi attack forces the Emperor to march toward south, and buys The Order some time. The Pallesi Army marches and clashes with the LucaMiclean one, once again getting defeated. The Order attacks Marian's army and gets defeated aswell. Many of the sourthen forts are demolished and both The Order and Palles are forced to pay a tribute. LucaMiclea wins the second Great LucaMiclean War aswell. The Aftermath The war might seem a LucaMiclean victory, but its not a decisive one. Marian III couldn't annex The Order as wanted because of the Pallesi intervention. In The Scythian Gulf, LucaMiclea faces problems with the trade. This led to The Scythian War...

The Sythian Gulf War Prologue The rise of the LucaMiclean Empire was facilitated by trading with the remains of the South Ramanian Empire and theany citystates that apeared after its fall. The trade had stopped almost completely after the Second LucaMiclean War, so Emperor Gabriel The Swimmer decided to conquer the citystates and trade with the free locals. The War After LucaMiclea won the second Great LucaMiclean War, the Emperor died in 1256 and such the throne was taken by Emperor Mihai the Weak. The Emperor did nothing and was killed two years later. In 1258 Emperor Gabriel The Swimmer took over. He began building a large fleet and in 1270 prepared for an invasion of the citystates in the Scythian Gulf. His fleet had 23 small boats, 12 medium boats and 3 big boats and a total of 45.670 soilders. He started by targeting the north cities: Haguanau, Liseux, Cîteaux and Dijon were all conquered and burned down. On their place the Emperor placed Hagagău, Lisa, Citeo and Donjon. He continued marching south, while the fleet brought intelligence supplies and fought on water. He burned down Gela, Rossano, Balssano, Cassoria and Apri. After sending all the goods and slaves back to LucaMiclea, renamed the cities into Gâl, Rosa, Balsam, Casă and Aprilie he realised that the other cities on the east coast made a massive coalition and took the fleet full of goods by surprise. The LucaMiclean fleet was destroyed leaving the Emperor behind. The Emperor fought a battle near Aprilie/Apri and got killed there in 1277. The Aftermath Back in LucaMiclea, there was chaos. All three regional powers (The Order Palles and LucaMiclea) deciding the fate of the region were either too weak, too poor or leaderless, so an crisis began in full swing. In LucaMiclea, family of Cașeiu, Family of Lucarest and Family of Urișor were battling, Palles was facing a financial crists and devalorization of the past 'gold rial' while The Order was having little to no soilders.

The Third LucaMiclean Great War Background With the Empire being decisively defeated in the Scythian Gulf, The Order just signed a mutual non-agression pact with Palles. The War The Order attaked with 34.500 soilder, 12.340 archers and 5.000 knigts the northern lands. They declared war in 1278. After marched towards east, and took the Marasti Castle, and came close to Lucarest. The Great Houses did nothing to stop them as they were too busy fighting for power in between themselfs. The ruling house had three heirs, the oldest being 7 years old. Eventually, Lord Marian IX became Lord Protector of LucaMiclea in 1289, when The Order was already in Lucarest for 10 years now, and continued to occupy the sourthern provinces, plundering the region, dealing big economic damage. The Lord Protector retreated with the Imperial Family (The 15 y.o. Emperor, his 12 y.o. wife and their heir, the Emperor's brother. The first brother was dead) in Caseiu, at the remaints of The Great Library, where they formed the resistance. As such, he menaged to form a pretty strong army and clashed with The Order in 1291. However LucaMiclea was short of money, while the order, getting lots of donations, and plindering the LucaMiclean riches was bathing in money. Eventualy, the war faded out slowly, but surely and The Order kept the lands they have conquered. LucaMiclea had other problems tho. The Aftermath The Order gained the upper hand in the third LucaMiclean war, and the next wars will be fought for its survival. LucaMiclea and Palles were in full rebuilding, and they became stronger and stronger, but will they be able to fight the mighty Order of The Ivory Lady?

Government and Politics


The Ministrial Cabinet: the presidential cabinet is formed by a group of advisors and the Prime Minister, the one taking the actual decisions. The Ministrial Cabinet has a eclessiastical delegate from the only state-recognised religion, pentecostalism. The Prime Minister is a very important figure in LucaMiclean politics, tho often overshadowed by the Emperor, who's influence is a very active and dynamic power in the LucaMiclean political game of power.


The Senate boasting a total of 631 places occupied by many different parties. Even tho the Senate is supposed to be impartial, most people know that it is very corrupt and often influenced by celebrities, the Emperor and the curch all having an undeniebly large influence over the LucaMiclea politics. The Senate has two main parties, The National-Conservative Party and The Socialist United Front or The Social-Democrats. These Parties are opposing eachother and rarely agree.

Federal subdivisions

LucaMiclea has a grand total of 7 subdivisons.


LucaMiclea's policy is best repsented by the saying "We will do everything needed to protect the Empire". LucaMiclea's goverment is strict and protective towards its people.


Apart from normal laws, similar to the rest of the world, in LucaMiclea, we have a lot of religious-based laws: Permanent Marriage, Heterosexuality, No Contraception, No Abortion (apart from special cases including, but not limited to: rape, when woman"s life is in danger, or when the baby favorizes other illegal acts (domestical violence)) Parental Licensing, Body Integrity (apart from religious reasons and/or special cases) and prudism.


Most people are LucaMicleans, but we have an important number of Aftenheimers, Arestoneans and Palessians.


Self-reported ethnic origin in the Grand Empire

  LucaMiclean (90.54%)
  Pallesi (5.46%)
  Aftenheimers (2%)
  Arestoneans (1%)
  Others (1%)

LucaMicleans: LucaMicleans are the biggest etnicity in the Empire, speaking Lucan, a amazonian-ramanian language. Palessians are another etnicity, a form of Novkarelian mixed with various LucaMiclean and Aftenheimer elements, not as pure as in Palles.


The Oficial language of LucaMiclean is lucan, the biggest ramanian language. Lucan is has a total of 74.000 words, not counting interjections (aaa, ooo) and other forms that cannot be counted as effective words. Different forms of the same word will be counted as one.

Word count in lucan

  Ramanian (63.16%)
  Amazonian (27.91%)
  Aftenheimer (4.88%)
  Pallesian (2.42%)
  Others (1.64%)


Religious affiliations in the LucaMiclean Empire

  Conservative Pentecostalism (54.6%)
  Modern Pentecostalism (14.4%)
  Other Christhian Affiliation (11.0%)
  Serenism (4%)
  Other (6%)


A total of 97.989% have fisnished the 'High School' or, Liceu, how its called there, with an additional 31.54% having finished a higher education. A higher education is often found unnecesary by many Lucans as the system is very strict and most have a general culture after leaving middle school (Gimnaziu).

Culture and Society


In LucaMiclea, the education system focuses on the general knowledge in years 1-8 and on specific knowledge in years 9-14. Kids enter the education system ussualy at 4 years when it becomes mandatory. Until the age of 8 school focuses on 'fun learning' and psychology tests which focus on the kids' cognitive activity. After those ages, kids enter middle school where they are subjected to an intensive learning, being often forced to stay up late to memorize terms and definitions, but they recive little homework. In high school and university, kids/students are subjected to the same type of learning

Attitudes and worldview

Kinship and family

How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?



What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?

Arts and Literature

What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?


Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"


Economy and Infrastructure

Industries and Sectors

What are the largest parts of your economy in terms of what they do?


The Lucan Luc


How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?


How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?


LucaMiclea has a well connected infrastructure, built to atract investors in 1956 consists of roughtly 15448 km of motorway conecting the biggest cities. The railroads are rather rare, as until '50 LucaMiclea was primitive and underdeveloped, having only about 3000 km of railroad conecting essential points. LucaMickea has a total of 15 ports: Râmincu Sărat, Segarcea, Turnu Măgurele, Anina North, Anina South, Daneți, Moldova Nouă, Mărcilele, Șomcut, Lădești, Tâmna, Vânju Mare,Țicleni, Potcoava, Baia de Aramă. These are playing multiple roles in international trade and others. The public transport is well-developed, having some good conditions, many resulting in foregn investments, now public propriety.


What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?



How large is your country's military? Is it large but poorly equipped or small and elite? Does your country have a martial tradition?