Boratstans, full name United Socialist Republics of Boratstans is a country in Telrova in western middle of Elisia. It is founding member of Almaty Pact Its capital city is Almaty. It is landlocked and its neighbours are (Unclaimed land). It has 7 official languages (shown bellow).
Populaion- 76.1 Milion, Data-2025 /
Population Density- Estimated 67,5 per km² /
Ethnicities: There are 7 ethnicities: Kezagri, Ojzegi, Tožejmi ,Kyhagi, Takgari, Kaspian and Aral'sk
Land Information:
Land area- 1,127,283km KM²
Major Biome- Steppe / Hot Plains
Highest Point- Quill = 7 495 m / Takgaristan Republic
Divide of Land:
Upper divide=Republics
Kezagristan Republic
Ojzegistan Republic
Tožejmistan Republic
Kyhagistan Republic
Takgaristan Republic
These have most of power like the Republics, with some expections:
Kaspian Autonomnous Republics
Aral'ski Autonomnous Republics
TLD Code: .br
Calling code: +44
The Almaty Pact: