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LGBT rights in Sparkalia

Revision as of 17:53, 7 April 2023 by JagdPeror (talk | contribs)
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Country Right to practice same-sex activity Right to freedom of expression Right to serve in military Legal protection against discrimination Legal recognition of same-sex relations Right to adoption Right to change gender Recognition of transgender persons & rights
 Lurynia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Magia Regnum Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Nova Vinelandia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Japuile Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial
 Landerile Yes Partial No No No No No No
Template:Country data Santi Rasta Yes Partial Yes Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes
Right to freedom of expression and legal protection against discrimination is given to those of the LGBTQ+ group. Though this doesn't give them special protections alike all other citizens to incite defamation or offensive things to the government. Transgendered citizens and naturalized people of Santi Rasta, due to the possibility of males trying to overtake the government, will have to undergo surgery or genetic modification in order to be recognized as a female. Those that wish to stay as transgendered are given the same voting rights and rights to go into government as a female, though will have to dhoe their loyalty to the matriarchy and not incite an imbalance in power.
 Kursibar Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Partial
While Kursibar is undyingly supportive of LGBT+ rights, the lack of gender outside of a strictly social context makes protections for transgender people somewhat shaky - after all, to the Kursibari, being a man or woman or what have you is like wearing boots or a hat.
 Choslow Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Ostrov Yes Yes Demilitarised De facto Yes Yes No No
Marriage is generally permitted between two unmarried adults, regardless of other characteristics.

There is no hate crime law, whether against queerphobia or otherwise - although equal rights of all individuals, including those who are LGBTQ+, are protected in law.

The trans community is functionally non-existent in Ostrov and trans healthcare is not offered by the health services. Foster care does technically operate, but anyone who can pass a criminal records check can get in.

 Nova Solarius Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Ambriya Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Kaidokoku De facto De facto De facto De facto De facto De facto Partial Partial
Due to Jūkatan gender culture and history all queer people posses basic human rights as they're not seen as separate from straight people. However trans people still deal with issues due religious practices and views, while there is no law stating that transition is illegal many doctors will refuse to do it due to personal views making it illegal in practice in most places.
 Voidkree Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Template:Country data The Season of Indefinite Color Yes Yes Yes Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes
Golden Domain Partial Partial Partial Partial No No No No