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Republic of Seketan
République á Sécytana1
Flag of Seketan
Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms
Anthem: Myn Sécytan
Location of Seketan (dark green)
Location of Seketan (dark green)
Map of Seketan with cities.png
and largest city
Official languagesSeketese
Recognised regional languagesWilska
Ethnic groups
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional republic
• President
Fjedor Alesk
• Prime Minister
Eris Kellisyen
• Second Minister
Pol Cathan Caron
• Kingdom
9th century
16 July 1884
5 December 1918
13 May 1924
27 February 1945
14 June 1978
• 2016 estimate
6.5 million
• 2010 census
GDP (nominal)2016 estimate
• Total
$144 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2016)28.5
HDISteady 0.870
very high
CurrencySeketese Djev (Đ) (SKD)
Time zoneUTC-1 (NST)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+354
  1. Wilsk is the sole official language of Wilskland.
  2. Fjeskan is an official language in Fjeska.

Seketan (Seketese: Sécytan), officially the Republic of Seketan (Seketese: République á Sécytana; alternate Seketese spellings: Républyc á Sécytana), is a Nelbec country in northwestern Europe. Bordering Alquiya and New Svealand to the south, Seketan is comprised of the northern portion of Nelbecia. The majority of Seketese land is tundra with sprawling plains to the south and west points of the country. The country's climate is generally mild with severe winters seen in northern areas such as Ellinesa. The Fjoške mountains strike through the centre of the country bringing warm and wet conditions to central areas of the country. Seketan's population of 6.5 million (2016) is predominately urbanized within the country's 7 provinces. Conelibek is the largest and capital city of Seketan, and is home to most of the country's commercial and cultural activities. Other major cities include Loria, Winneston, Fyedor, and Porta.

Prehistoric cultures began to form in Seketan during the Neolithic period. Nelbec tribes and duchies emerged throughout the centuries. Established in the 7th century, the Secenic Confederation was an association and personal union of multiple Secenic tribes ruled under the Cothepag dynasty. The Kingdom of Seketan succeeded the confederation when Moress II declared himself King of Seketan sometime in the 9th century (traditionally 867 AD). The middle ages brought Seketan increased rivalry with the Southern Nelbec tribes and eventually the Kingdom of Alquiya, as well as war over contested territory against other European powers. The Nelbec Empire was established in 1884, uniting the Alquiyan and Seketese kingdoms as one. After the empire's collapse and defeat in World War I in 1919, the First Seketese Republic emerged. Following a civil war, the Second Republic was established, which would later endure a German invasion during World War II and surrender. The Third Republic was established after the Liberation of Seketan in 1945. The Fourth and current republic was established in 1978 following the Seketese constitution referendum, which followed the 1978 Seketese Revolution and Fjeska conflict.

Seketan is a unitary parliamentary republic since 1978, with the President acting as a ceromonial head of state and the Prime Minister acting as head of government. Legislation is delivered through the country's unicameral parliament called the Hérvynsken. Seketan is geographically divided into 7 provinces; the provinces of Fjeska and Wilskland have their own devolved administrations based in their capitals of Loria and Fyedor. The official language of Seketan is Seketese, however the Fjeskan and Wilsk languages are used in their own devolved governments respectively.

Seketan is a developed country with a strong economy based primarily on tertiary sectors with strong support from primary industries such as agriculture and manufacturing. Seketan ranks 29th on the Human Development Index. The country upholds high standards of living as a welfare state with education, universial healthcare, and quality of life. Seketan is a founding member of of the Nelbec Council and the Nelborne Union and has played a large role in intergovernmental activities in the Nelborne region. Despite previous negociations, Seketan is not part of the European Economic Area or the European Union, however it is a member of the Council of Europe.



Human settlement of what is today Seketan occurred during the Last glacial period where homo sapiens migrated from Europe into the Nelborne. Due to the lack of writing and evidence, it is unknown when Proto-Nelbec cultures came into existence, but it is often dated to originate from the Neolithic period. A large southern migration of Proto-Nelbecs took place, and those who stayed up north in what is today Seketan became the North Nelbec peoples. Proto-Secenic and Proto-Winnic cultures likely formed during Antiquity, eventually becoming the Sekens or Fjeskans and Wilsks respectively.

Although shrouded in fable and myth, it is likely that a large pan-Secenic empire existed in Late Antiquity, historiographically known as the Secenic Empire. This empire collapsed into 8 breakaway states which were later united in the Secenic Confederation led by the Conils and their Duchy of Conelibek. In the 9th century (traditionally in 867), Moress II of the Conils proclaimed himself King of Seketan, effectively establishing the Kingdom of Seketan as the successor state to the confederation. Around this time, the Christianization of Seketan occurred and written records in Latin began, marking the beginning of written history in Seketan.

Middle ages

The Kingdom of Seketan under the Coþepag dynasty embraced the Roman Catholic Church during the Dark Ages. Saint Gjenor was commonly accepted as the patron saint of Seketan; his influence established Medieval Seketese literature which was predominately produced by literate Seketese Christian bishops and priests. The church became central to Seketan's culture and politics and is often cited as a stabilizing force in uniting the Secenic states into Seketan. As part of its divine mission, the Kingdom of Seketan waged wars against neighbouring pagan states. Seketan conquered lands from the Kingdom of Trjebia during the Seco-Trjebian wars, and the Wilsks were subjugated where the Duchy of Wilskland as a client state.

The viking invasions during the early Middle Ages was the major crisis for medieval Seketan. Norse settlements were established on the western shores of Seketan, most successfully in the southeast. Seketese lands south of Fjeska were consistently pillaged and later abandoned due to their low economic output and stability caused by Norse expansion. These lands were claimed as overseas possessions of the Norwegian Empire, which resulted in numerous disputes and conflicts between Seketan and Norway. The Seco-Norwegian War from 1120 to 1128 resulted in Seketan's recognition of Norway's sovereignty over the Norse settlements whose land would later form New Svealand. Conflicts with Nordic powers over New Svealand, Iceland, Ellinesa, and other territories became commonplace in the Seketese Middle Ages.

The Black Death arrived in Seketan in 1352 an. Approximately a third of the population died during the outbreak. Despite the devastation, overall economic inequality was lowered as a result of the large population loss. King Enri III's long reign endured the Black Death, but his rule was characterized as a change in Seketese politics where adherence to the Roman Catholic Church became less of a priority. During the plague, Seketan accented Jewish refugees who were being persecuted by the South Nelbecs.

Across Europe, disagreements with the Catholic Church resulted in the Reformation. Lutheranism became fairly popular within Seketan and was not persecuted by Seketese monarchs. Giorgi IV established the Church of Seketan in 1531, marking the official split from the Catholic Church. Seketan maintained its religious stance through isolation as an island and solidarity with other Protestant seafaring kingdoms such as England and the Nordic countries. Seketan benefited economically and literacy, innovation, and education all benefited from the liberalized religion.

Seketese Empire

Battle of Sejamis in 1801. The Seketese Empire was a major power in the 17th century, its possessions including Norway, Iceland, and New World colonies.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada iaculis massa vel lacinia. Suspendisse commodo dui id justo vehicula, et ornare felis mattis. Praesent et dapibus ex. Aenean eu tellus cursus, luctus diam rhoncus, mollis orci. Duis et tortor quis nibh malesuada iaculis. Integer elementum urna a augue tincidunt pharetra. Pellentesque porta vulputate nisi, id maximus felis sagittis ut. Nam id euismod quam, eu elementum nibh. Suspendisse efficitur vitae quam ac mattis. Mauris a quam nec nisl mollis dignissim non quis nisi. Suspendisse mollis, erat vitae porttitor porttitor, massa ex aliquet justo, porttitor mattis arcu massa at augue. Aenean viverra nisi ac ullamcorper posuere. Maecenas rhoncus nec dolor sed porttitor. Nullam et erat leo. Aliquam vitae scelerisque mi.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla sapien quam, vestibulum sed suscipit non, ultricies quis quam. Praesent dictum leo tincidunt nunc mollis, non mollis arcu congue. Vivamus luctus odio et ante facilisis condimentum. Morbi purus risus, ornare at pellentesque quis, tincidunt nec mi. Phasellus id ante justo. Praesent vitae quam nulla. Mauris augue quam, suscipit sit amet sapien ac, placerat tincidunt mi.

Sed eu ultricies tellus. Sed facilisis, leo quis accumsan dapibus, turpis sapien lobortis libero, id sodales lectus diam vitae mauris. Donec lacinia dolor sed enim lacinia, eu rhoncus sapien pharetra. Donec sed laoreet erat, sed dignissim justo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam id urna suscipit diam volutpat vehicula. Praesent vestibulum eros eleifend, rhoncus augue at, elementum ligula. Integer blandit molestie est, porta porttitor libero sagittis tristique. Vivamus condimentum, libero sit amet volutpat pretium, nunc lacus consectetur eros, a faucibus diam augue ut quam. Nulla vulputate diam dapibus hendrerit ultricies. Suspendisse ullamcorper urna ipsum, id elementum risus dictum eu.

Union with Alquiya

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed purus metus, laoreet id congue vel, feugiat quis arcu. Integer at ante a mi placerat porta vitae non nisl. Cras volutpat lectus vel leo imperdiet laoreet. Nulla consequat luctus ullamcorper. Nam magna mi, vulputate sit amet felis ac, sodales mattis ipsum. Curabitur vel metus cursus nunc cursus tincidunt vehicula non ipsum. Pellentesque rutrum elit risus, eu elementum risus hendrerit et. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur efficitur nisi sit amet posuere tempus. Donec in nisl eu quam pulvinar varius. Sed nec consequat dui, quis tempor ante.

Maecenas bibendum ex et elit suscipit, ut aliquam nibh vulputate. Integer fermentum diam quis auctor fringilla. Pellentesque a risus quis magna rutrum feugiat. Curabitur ultricies a nibh eget maximus. Vestibulum ac nibh ut ligula pulvinar suscipit quis egestas nisi. In tempus mattis enim sit amet egestas. Fusce sit amet lorem eget leo hendrerit dapibus sed condimentum arcu.

Sed at magna in nulla maximus aliquam. Aliquam nec sollicitudin magna. Aliquam venenatis nisl ipsum, ut faucibus velit condimentum ac. Pellentesque tincidunt dui sed nunc congue egestas. Ut eu est risus. Donec et lorem ac arcu lacinia egestas eget quis mauris. Sed at velit porttitor, scelerisque nulla vel, aliquet magna. Curabitur faucibus mi at ullamcorper semper. Cras bibendum dui nec ipsum mattis, ac euismod massa congue. Praesent id elementum ante, euismod varius orci. Curabitur ut leo faucibus, finibus dui congue, semper neque.


Loren Allis, president of Seketan from 1918 to 1937 and again from 1945 to 1960. During World War II, Allis was the leader of the Seketese resistance. Although generally celebrated as the "Father of the Republic", he is often described as an autocrat.

Following the surrender and collapse of the Nelbec Empire, control over Seketan became a struggle between the Sosymets and Kjedorates which escalated into the Seketese Civil War. Despite the power struggle, the Sosymet Republic found itself as the internationally recognized sole government of Seketan. By 1920, the Sosymet Army controlled all of Seketan except for the de facto independent and partially recognized Wilsk Republic.

The Kjedorates, led by Loren Allis, took refuge in the Wilsk Republic and began mobilizing for a counterattack. The Wilsk Republic supported the Kjedorates due to the Sosymet ideology which advocated for the extermination of Wilsks, Fjeskans, and other people groups to make room for Seken settlers. From 1920 to 1922, the Sosymet Republic committed the Fjeskan genocide; New Svealand denounced the Sosymets in 1922 and soon the rest of the international community began opposing the Sosymet regime. With supplies received from New Svealand, the United States, and Lormotia, the Kjedorates resumed the Seketese Civil War and overthrew the Sosymet regime in 1924, beginning the period of the Second Seketese Republic.

Loren Allis was reelected in the first free presidential election in 1925. Seketan experienced immense economic growth during the Roaring Twenties, and the period gave birth to modern Seketese art and culture. After the Wall Street Crash of 1929, reforms ordered by Allis personally resulted in the republic becoming a de facto rule by decree dictatorship, with Kjedorate Party symbols being incorporated into national flags and symbols.

Land disputes over the Rynedan peninsula with Alquiya escalated in the Nelborne War in 1933. New Svealand, allied with Seketan, declared war on Alquiya. Seketan as succesful in defending its territory, but failed to make any successful offensives. Lomortia entered the war in 1934 against Seketan. The war was won in 1937 with British and Danish support, and resulted in territorial status quo.

Loren Allis retired from presidency in 1937, resulting in free elections for the first time in 12 years. Cjamen Dalyn was elected in 1937 as president of Seketan. Under his leadership, Seketan surrendered to Nazi Germany in 1939 after a surprise invasion. Loren Allis returned to politics to form the Seketese resistance, which fought on the Nelborne Front of World War II. By 1945, Nazi presence disappeared in Seketan and the Third Seketese Republic was founded.

During the 1950s and 1960s, Seketan saw economic prosperity flourish with economic aid coming from the United States. Universal healthcare and education were introduced in Seketan, with quality of life raising significantly during these years. Loren Allis retired from politics for a second time in 1960, resulting a decline of support for the Kjedorate Party and rise of the prominence of the Socialist Party.

In the early 1970s, Seketan endured a banking crisis which later transformed into a currency crisis where the government attempted to pay back loans through printing more money. This period from 1970s Seketese history is reffered to as the Zemasy period. This period resulted in unemployment in Seketan skyrocketing, along with rising ethnic tensions between the Sekens, Fjeskans, and Wilsks. President Etyjen Pesan, admirer of the former Kjedorate movement and member of the then current Kjedorate Party, won the presidential election in 1975. Fjeskan insurgents, citing lack of compensation from the Fjeskan genocide and nonrecognition of the Fjeskan nation, began fighting in Fjeska. The FCD rose as the main Fjeskan insurgent group, and was a key player in the resulting Fjeska conflict.

President Pesan made orders to boost his powers and delay elections, establishing himself as an autocrat. in the 1977 Seketese legislative elections, the Socialist Party won the most seats and founded a majority government via coalition against the Kjedorates, who they themselves were waning in their support of Pesan. The 1978 Seketese revolution resulted in Pesan being ousted from power, and the 1978 constitutional referendum resulted in the birth of the Fourth Seketese Republic, where the president's role would be purely ceremonial, where political parties wouldn't be permitted to use national symbols in their own symbols, and where Fjeska would enjoy its own devolved parliament similar to Wilskland. The Kjedorate Party transitioned in to the National Conservative Party. Kjedorate symbols in national flags and symbols were mostly phased out by 1981.





The current system of government in Seketan is labeled as the Fourth Seketese Republic. The current republican system was established in 1978 after the Seketese constitutional referendum. Seketan is a parliamentary constitutional republic. The President of Seketan, currently Fjedor Alesk, is the head of state and is elected every six years; the president is largely a figurehead.

The Parliament of Seketan is made up of elected representatives from the political parties of Seketan. The Prime Minister of Seketan, a title currently held by Eris Kellisyen, is the head of government and is the highest executive power in parliament. Seketan has only one house of parliament: the Hérvynsken.


The Constitution of the Republic of Seketan is the supreme law in contemporary Seketan, this version being written and applied in 1978 after the birth of the current Fourth Republic. The law according to the constitution is meant to vest government power to the Seketese people. Human rights in Seketan are upheld by the Declaration of Rights and Freedoms in our Republic of Seketan.

Foreign relations

Since the birth of the Seketese fourth republic in 1978, Seketan has adopted a foreign policy based on the principle of neutrality and independence. Cooperation and peaceful coexistence with other states in the Nelborne has been an important tenant to Seketese foreign policy ever since the end of the Nelborne War. Seketan generally maintains a policy of extending diplomatic reach to as many entities as possible, whilst still remaining neutral in international conflicts and disputes. Maintaining independence from politically and economically binding organizations continues to be an important aspect of Seketan's foreign policy.

Seketan is a member state of the United Nations, Council of Europe, OECD, Nelborne Union, and the Nelbec Council. Seketan is a neutral state, but maintains close ties to other states in the Nelborne. Seketan is not a member of the EFTA or the European Single Market, despite previous negotiations. The majority of political parties elected in the Hervynsken habour neutral or opposing views to Seketan joining the European Union with polls revealing that a majority of Seketese people would oppose EU membership.

Seketan has aligned itself with different leagues and alliances throughout history. After Seketan embraced the Protestant Reformation, it aligned itself with the reformed countries of New Svealand, Trjebia, and Denmark. With the rise of nationalism and Pan-Nelbecism in the 17th and 18th centuries, Seketan was pulled into union with Alquiya. Beginning in the 20th century, Seketese nationalism and irredentism caused tensions with neighbouring countries. When the Great Nelborne War ended in 1937, Seketese imperialism and nationalism weakened, marking a beginning of neutrality in Seketese foreign policy.

Seketan maintains close ties with the Kingdom of Trjebia (F.K.T.) due to their historical ties as Protestant countries and a large Northern Trjebian population located in Bynan. Seketan is the only country that fully sides with the F.K.T. on the Trjebian dispute against Alquiya.

Seketan maintains close ties with its fellow Nelbec countries. Lormotia and Seketan have historically supported each other against Alquiya, and today they maintain close ties with a large Seketese speaking minority located south in the country. Alquiya and Seketan maintain good relations with both countries being founding members of several Nelborne organizations; tensions arise with their disagreements on the Trjebia dispute. Seketan and New Svealand hold good relations and share membership in multiple organizations. Iceland and Seketan maintain relations, but disputes in water and fishing territory remain unresolved. Semeya and Seketan share a language and culture and today they hold close ties as a former Seketese colony.


The military branch of the Seketese government is known as the Seketese Armed Forces, further divived into the Seketese Army, Seketese Navy, and Seketese Air Force.

Administrative divisions

Provinces of Seketan

Seketan is divided into administrative divisions called provinces. The seven provinces of Seketan upkeep the responsibility for matters of subnational and regional importance. Each province has its own official flag, languages, and capital. The provinces Fjeska and Wilskland have their own devolved administrations and have significant level of autonomy from the Hervynsken.

Provinces are further subdivided into municipalities. Several municipalities in Seketan like Conelibek or Winneston are labeled as "cities" because of their high population and density. Municipalities are governed by municipal/city councils whom are made up of elected members. Mayors are elected for leadership in municipalities.

Flag Province Population Capital and
largest city
Flag of Gjenor.svg Gjenor 1,141,500 Conelibek Seketese
Flag of Wilskland.png Wilskland 1,079,393 Martinn Wilsk
Flag of Nelderjen.png Nelderjen 988,047 Winneston Seketese
File:Flag of Fjeska.svg Fjeska 912,250 Loria Seketese, Fjeskan
Flag of Bynan.svg Bynan 752,608 Fevilla Seketese, Trjeban
Flag of Ellinesa.svg Ellinesa 604,095 Porta Seketese
Flag of Giorgi-Alesk.svg Giorgi-Alesk 94,850 Alitz Seketese, Wilsk


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare condimentum fermentum. Vestibulum condimentum odio vel leo varius tempor. Suspendisse rhoncus porta lectus. Phasellus ut nibh eget mi hendrerit aliquam nec id massa. Curabitur sed dolor efficitur, condimentum sem et, hendrerit turpis. Donec consectetur porttitor risus vel rutrum. Proin bibendum posuere lorem, vehicula cursus lectus ornare a. Sed bibendum augue sem, ut tincidunt felis commodo sit amet. In nec porttitor ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie dui purus, sit amet accumsan enim feugiat eu. Sed neque ligula, blandit vel gravida pretium, pellentesque sit amet diam. Nullam odio mauris, ullamcorper at mauris id, varius viverra massa. Phasellus efficitur nibh convallis hendrerit pharetra. Donec non tellus et nisi venenatis ultricies a id diam. Sed non blandit eros. Aliquam aliquam eu libero in pulvinar. Integer non dui elementum, molestie nibh ut, hendrerit quam. Donec in nulla mi. Etiam nec erat vestibulum, posuere quam ut, finibus ante. Donec blandit massa lorem, sed placerat massa malesuada vitae. Fusce nisi odio, gravida in lectus eu, ultrices blandit magna.

Aliquam ante ex, vulputate interdum rutrum vel, convallis vitae neque. Nunc vitae tortor porta, porta leo sed, ornare turpis. Mauris gravida tellus orci, eu aliquam ante elementum eget. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed eu mi a tellus consequat convallis. Etiam ut viverra tellus, vel pretium velit. Integer a erat malesuada leo tincidunt rhoncus. Suspendisse non sapien aliquam libero placerat interdum varius non neque. Ut non volutpat dui. Aenean molestie eu elit id luctus.

In tristique accumsan lobortis. Sed quis mauris mi. Nunc semper ipsum sit amet orci hendrerit posuere. Donec accumsan velit tellus, id euismod tellus finibus vitae. Ut bibendum euismod felis eu sollicitudin. Praesent non purus justo. Integer non urna vulputate, tristique quam eget, consequat est. Cras tempor laoreet tempor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In auctor vitae mi molestie pulvinar. Fusce sed quam iaculis, mattis arcu quis, semper est. Fusce et mattis nibh. Quisque sed ligula sit amet purus tempor pulvinar. Proin mattis lorem at dui efficitur placerat. Aliquam mollis mauris risus, a vulputate erat ornare et. Aenean imperdiet arcu non massa mattis fringilla.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sit amet vehicula orci, non auctor turpis. Vestibulum sed dui nec leo maximus scelerisque. Vestibulum aliquam fringilla diam, id tincidunt lacus lacinia vel. Etiam iaculis eleifend quam id molestie. Phasellus mattis urna ut nisl ultricies feugiat. Sed mollis purus ac justo ullamcorper sagittis. In mollis sit amet risus at efficitur. Nam venenatis sem diam, sit amet fermentum odio cursus at. Nullam ut enim non lorem porta ornare ac nec purus. Quisque vitae erat quis purus mollis malesuada quis nec elit. Nulla facilisis neque vel enim fringilla fringilla. Nunc a consequat erat, in hendrerit odio. Curabitur tellus massa, aliquam quis varius eget, aliquam et dui. Aliquam at ullamcorper sapien. Cras a mi et nunc feugiat aliquam vitae a sapien.


Proin sed viverra est. Morbi vitae tempus nisi, sit amet semper diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec ut libero cursus, congue augue rutrum, dignissim sapien. Donec mattis ultrices velit, eu tristique ex sollicitudin ac. Vivamus auctor eros id mauris dignissim pulvinar. Pellentesque vitae dolor nibh. Morbi in nulla tincidunt, euismod lorem at, egestas sem. Proin eu purus rutrum, luctus est at, volutpat dolor. Fusce fringilla iaculis massa, a mollis est malesuada et. Integer porttitor congue nisi, ac pharetra diam posuere eget. Morbi in libero eget elit posuere pellentesque et non nibh. Curabitur vel eros ante. Maecenas faucibus lorem sed mauris imperdiet, sit amet tincidunt augue blandit. Ut maximus erat ante, non egestas tellus lobortis ut. Ut sodales, ante et tristique tristique, enim elit ornare velit, a lacinia quam lectus sit amet quam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam neque leo, ultrices in mollis vel, congue sed urna. Aliquam bibendum consequat ipsum eu feugiat. Fusce eget molestie lectus. Aenean hendrerit tristique velit. Aliquam eget tortor vitae arcu laoreet pulvinar. Vestibulum vestibulum erat nisl, in placerat risus vestibulum id.


Seketan has a developed road, rail, and water transport system. Seketan's controlled-access highway (Autyroute) network is principally centered on Centre region with the network extending to every province and major settlements. Intercity transport by rail is provided by SecRail, a state-owned enterprise. Provincial roadways are maintained and planned by provincial assemblies. In the province of Ellinesa, ferries serve island to island travel.

Conelibek is serviced by the Conelibek Metro. Loria, Winneston, Fyedor and Fevilla have tram networks.



Faculty of Humanities bulding in the University of Bynan.

Education in Seketan is administrated by the Ministry of Education. Seketese residents under the age of 16 are required by law to attend school in Seketan. Public education is delivered via primary schools, divided into Years 1 to 8, and secondary schools, divided into Years 9 to 12. Preschool in Seketan are usually private centres where children not old enough to begin Year 1 get looked after for while their guardians are in work.

Seketan is a multilingual society and the language of education varies by region. In most of the country, education is delivered in Seketese alongside a second language. In Fjeska and Wilskland, education is delivered in Fjeskan or Wilsk in areas where those languages are more commonly spoken. Until the age of 16, students in Seketan must enroll in second language classes. In predominately Seketese speaking areas, English and German are the most commonly taught second languages with Alquiyan, Svealandic, Icelandic, Wilsk, Fjeskan being regionally available. In non Seketese speaking areas, students must take two second language courses: one in Seketese and another from the list of languages Seketese speakers must learn such as English or German.

Seketan is home to several secondary education institutions, including:


The official language of Seketan is Seketese. The Seketese language is a Nelbec language and is closely related to Wilsk and Fjeskan, and more distantly related to Alquiyan and Lormotian. Seketese (including Bynanese) is spoken by 84% of the population, Wilsk is spoken by 7.9% primarily in Wilskland, Fjeskan is spoken by 4.6% primarily in Fjeska, Trjebian is spoken by 2.4% primarily in southern Bynan, and the remaining 1% of languages spoken are a mix of Alquiyan, Icelandic, Tvinan, and Svealandic.

The Christianization of Seketan and the translation of the Holy Bible contributed to the development of the Seketese, Fjeskan, and Wilsk languages, all of which were given translations. The printing press of the three versions of the Bible contributed to the centralization and standardization of all three languages.

The Fjeskan and Wilsk languages are used in their own devolved parliaments for regional decision making.


Religious belief in Seketan (2010 census)

  Irreligious (57%)
  Protestant (32%)
  Catholicism (9%)
  Other (2%)

The Secenic people originally held polytheistic beliefs originating from Nelbec mythology. The Secenic Confederation became a Christian kingdom in the 9th century. The Protestant Reformation was embraced in Seketan and the state religion changed into Seketese Lutheranism. Ever since the First Seketese Republic, Seketan has been a secular state and currently has no state religion. The current Fourth Seketese Republic is a largely irreligious state; its constitution written in 1919 defines Seketan as a secular republic guaranteeing citizens the freedom of religion, and its fourth revision removed any mentions of God blessing the President of Seketan.

The majority of the Seketese population are defined as irreligious, including agnostic beliefs, athiesm, and undeclared religious beliefs. This can be explained through Seketan's historical policy on religious tolerance beginning around the 16th century. Protestantism is the leading religion in Seketan with the Church of Seketan controlling the most religious buildings in the country. The Protestant Reformation was embraced in Seketan and the relaxation of religious absolutism resulted in the gradual rise of irreligion and non-Catholic beliefs. Roman Catholicism remains a minority but still prevalent religion in Seketan, with the majority of Seketese Catholic buildings being located in Wilskland and Nelderjen. Seketan is home to a small community of Jews whom were mostly expelled from Alquiya in the middle ages or from immigrants.

According to the 2010 Seketan census, 57% of the population identifies as irreligious, 32% as Protestant, 9% as Catholic, and the remaining 2% being several other religions.

Largest municipalities

Municipality Province Population Notes
Conelibek Gjenor 827,193 Conelibek has special status as a city municipality.
Winneston Nelderjen 592,832 Winneston has special status as a city municipality.
Loria Fjeska 528,275 Loria has special status as a city municipality.
Fyedor Wilskland 402,872 Fyedor has special status as a city municipality.
Porta Ellinesa 394,729
Walycesa Wilskland 205,926
Fevilla Bynan 201,822 Fevilla has special status as a city municipality.
Becjonyn Wilskland 192,742
Amytan Ellinesa 182,798
Zynatan Bynan 145,283


Seketan shares deep historic roots with the rest of the Nelbec nations. The country embraces its traditional Nelbec roots in laws that enforce a quota for Seketese media and traditions in schools and broadcasting. Seketan's geography has played a major role in shaping its culture with tundras, glaciers, mountains, and the wildlife playing a large role in Seketese mythology, folklore, and celebrations. Germanic culture has also influenced Seketese culture by "westernizing" it, with the Christianization of Seketan playing a large role.

Regionalism plays a large role in Seketese society; each province of Seketan has their own culture that date back thousands of years prior. The provinces each contain their own distinct dialect of the Seketese language with more or less mutual intelligibility, so foreign and Seketese media is often dubbed into the local dialects. Each province has their own vocabulary, cuisine, customs, traditions, and celebrations. Gjenor province is seen as the standard in Seketan as its culture is the most influential and central throughout Seketan.


Oldest Seketese language document, written during the Christinization of Seketan

Seketese literature first appeared with the emergence of Secenic political entities, such as the Secenic Confederation and eventually the Kingdom of Seketan. The Seketese language and its writing system was heavily influenced by early but influential poets and writers. The spread of Christianity resulted in the adoption of the Latin alphabet in Nelbec languages, with the translation of the bible influencing the Seketese language.

Early literature revolved around Seketese mythology and folklore. Svac én Þynad (English: literally With them and Die; translated Follow and Die) is one of the most famous Seketese myths that tell the tale of woodland creatures all competing against one another for a treasure that doesn't exist.

Literature "boomed" during the interwar period of the 20th century. Major events that shaped Seketan's history such as World War I, the Seketese Revolution and Civil War, the Great Nelborne War, and World War II were key themes explored by authors at the time. Seketese literature during the period was often cynical and sometimes nihilistic, reflective of the large amounts of atrocities that occurred in Seketan during the early 20th century. Dystonian novel The Greater Republic written by Martin Gev and published in 1940 is cited as the most influential of these works; the novel was a best-seller domestically and in foreign countries.

Celebrated modern Seketese poets and authors include Martin Gev, Sjédymaleþen Lyjonskn, Šema Linda, Pierre Wern, and Fjedor Ésyšji, among others.


Visual arts


The cuisine of Seketan reflects the agriculture of the country. In Seketese culinary tradition, one is served an entée of rye bread with soft cašo, followed by a main course of seafood – usually cod or salmon – alongside side dishes consisting of vegetables and/or cašo with occasional marination. Today's Seketese cuisine was heavily influenced by the industrial revolution and the need for quick and cheap meals; restaraunts and steet vendors sold quickly made quick cašo and Seketese style sandwiches. Mass produced food was introduced to Seketan in the 20th century, bringing it the advent of Seketese food and beverage brands such as Gyenor Soda and Dalijec. Imports and globalization have influenced Seketan into adopting culinary styles from around the world, further diversifying the cuisine of the country. The national dish of Seketan is Cašo.

Seketan produces and exports several alcoholic drinks. Seketese vodka, locally known as celim, is mass produced by dozens of distilleries, with popular brands including Cajic, Bynanéça, and Celim á Rynedan. Seketese beer is typically dark or stout, with major brands including Nébyça, Bejond, and Demani. Winemaking in Seketan is done mainly in Fjeska. Celim or vodka has been a traditional Seketese alcoholic beverage for thousands of years, with beer and ale being introduced in the early modern period. The legal purchasing age in Seketan is 18 but there are no regulations for consumption.


The most renowned figures of Seketese cinema are Rividje Alité, Gima Çanjor, Sjedymaleþen Djenor, Violétta Coris, and Sjedor Çašé.



1.^ Other regional or alternative spellings, including Républyc á Sécytana, are also considered correct by the Secéteça Académie but are generally not used in official writings.

See also