Social Republicanism

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Social Republicanism was originally a Florencian nationalist ideology that supported the creation and development of a left-orientated federal republic through progressive revolutionary means. The ideology represents a fusion of civic nationalism, workers democracy, and democratic socialist economics within the structure of a liberal republic. It supports political pluralism and individualism, rejecting such concepts as a vanguard party or heavy handed confiscatory policies in regards to private property.

A social republican state seeks the enlightenment of the existing culture and traditions within a free and democratic society. The main organization of this society and smallest organ of government is the local workers', peasents', and citizens' council. The popularly elected national legislature is answerable to the workers' council, while the executive and judicial branches should remain separate, distinct, and democratic. Social republicans promote non-authoritarian socialist economics within the framework of the liberal republic as a means to develop a society that is equal and united.

As of 2020 the Union of Florencian Social Republics is the only nation that claims to be subscribe to social republicanism, which is enshrined into the 1919 Constitution as the official ideology. Though during its earlier inception the UFSR prevented criticism of it's ideology during the violent period of the Scarlet Terror, since the early 1930's free speech has been protected. Though persistent critics of the Florencian Union and perceived reactionary movements can receive harsh government scrutiny and social criticism.


Social Republicanism is the brainchild of Lukas Cencius and Juilo Max. The pair published a series of pamphlets and newspaper articles critical of the harsh methods employed by the Velorénsian Empire in subjugating the citizens of the former Shinjin Republic following the War of Unification. These articles expressed Pan-Florencian views and criticized the Empire for slaughtering "fellow Velorénsian brothers and sisters". The publication of these views would result in the exile of both Cencius and Max Up North. It'd be during their time in exile that the pair would grow further disillusioned with the Empire upon interacting with other radicals, republicans, and intelligentsia that had been analytic or condemning of the regime.

Exchanging views with banished radical abolitionist republicans from Shinjin both Cencius and Max would adopt republican viewpoints and further their Pan-Florencian views.



Florencian Nation

Reactionary Classes




Role of Religion

