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Movement for the Liberation of All Narozalica and the West (Voyins)
Рух за визволення всієї Нарозаліці та Заходу
LeadersAlexej Batsov
Saku Litmanen
Dates of operation1928–1936
Council communism
Sotirian socialism
Political positionFar-left
Allies Swetania (until 1931)
Lemovician partisans
Vichod partisans
Opponents Narozalica
Entente forces
Battles and warsWestern Front of the Great War
Battle of the Tsyr
Battle of Zhurov
Battle of Koskov
Ternava Massacre

The Movement for the Liberation of All Narozalica and the West (Narodyn: Рух за визволення всієї Нoрозаліці та Заходу, Rukh za vyzvolennya vsiyeyi Norozalitsi ta Zakhodu), more commonly referred to as the Voyins (Narodyn: Войни; Voyny, lit. "soldiers"), was a Narozalic communist and anti-functionalist militia and resistance movement that was active in eastern Narozalica and Velzemia through the Great War, as well as a brief period afterwards. It was led by Narozalic socialist Alexej Batsov and Vichod partisan Saku Litmanen, who led the Voyins jointly throughout its existence. The Voyins were the main internal resistance in Narozalica throughout the war, and continually harassed Narozalic forces in the east, especially towards the end of the war. In 1935, they briefly established the Kriklivets Social Republic, headed in the city of Koskov, however it went unrecognised by most of Euclea through its brief existence. By 1936, the Voyins were mostly encircled by Narozalica and their membership had dwindled to around 6,000, and eventually disbanded following the Battle of Koskov and the Ternava Massacre, which killed around 800 Voyins, including Batsov. Litmanen escaped to Swetania where he lived the rest of his life.

The Voyins were supported initially by Swetania, who armed and funded the Voyins' uprisings and revolutions across Narozalica. At the Voyins' territorial height in 1929, they controlled much of central Velzemia and established a corridor to Swetania in September following the Battle of the Tsyr, greatly increasing the amounts of weapons that could be smuggled into the country and used by the Voyins. The Voyins utilised effective guerrilla methods, urban warfare and ambush combat throughout most of the Great War, and were successful against the Narozalic forces in the east, who were unable to be reinforced often due to the expansive front against Poliania in the west. Litmanen and Swetanian leader Heinrich Lewenthal met in 1930 to discuss Swetanian support of an independent socialist state in Velzemia and eastern Narozalica. Swetanian support of the Voyins was eventually severed after the country entered the Great War on the side of the Grand Alliance. At their height, the Voyins boasted a membership of up to 100,000, and were one of Euclea's largest organised resistance movements. Active not only in Narozalica and Velzemia, they also supported independence movements in Miersa and Lemovicia.


Pre-war background

Great War

Initial resistance

Height of influence

Loss of Swetanian support

End of the war

Post-war and aftermath

Kriklivets Social Republic

Last stands

Ternava Massacre
