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Timeline of Rajyani History

This is a timeline of Rajyani history, comprising important events, including political, religious and territorial events, in Rajyaghar and its predecessor states. For further background information about these events, see History of Rajyaghar. See also List of Rajyani Monarchs and List of Rajyani Premiers.

 600 BCE
 430 CE

Pre-Independence History

Mahasanarikavas (600BCE-430CE)

The Mahasanarikavas (Matrabasha: great realm, from maha, "great", and sansarikavas, "earthly dwelling") were XX great kingdoms and oligarchic republics that existed in ancient northern and western Rajyaghar, that existed from 600 BCE to 430 CE. The ancient matrabasha epics describe this era as one of legends, romance, enlightenment and heroics and it is thought to have influenced the development of the Ashram faith. Modern historians now look back at these epics as over-exaggerations and romanticised re-tellings of the events of the Mahasanarikavas. Prior to the rise of the Mahasanarikavas around 250 BCE, there were three groups of sansarikavas; the Naratha sansarikavas originating within the naratha river basin, the Naghata sansarikavas originating within the naghata river basin, and the Genagama sansarikavas originating within the north-western footholds of the Pavitra mountain range.

Date Event
600 BCE Rise of the first sansarikavas along the Naratha River. These early communities begin to grow and develop into clans and settlements.
400 BCE Development of larger settlements and towns in the Naratha River Basin, some as far southward as the footholds of the Pavitra Mountain Range, establishing contact with the Genagama sansarikavas.
350 BCE First contact between the Naratha river sansarikavas and Naghata river sansarikavas.
300 BCE Development of even larger settlements and cities. Merging of sansarikavas to form the first Mahasanarikavas which resemble nations compared to the city-state like status of the sansarikavas.
250 BCE By this point, the X Mahasanarikavas have formed.
325 CE Decline of the Mahasanarikavas. Rapid decline of several due to natural disasters, collapse of cities due to infrastructure problems, plaque and illness. This period later becomes known as "Bahulsantulan" (restoration of balance) following the years of the Mahasanarikavas. Technological advancement, enlightenment, etc. is set back hundreds of years.

Jhanda Empire (430-800)

Date Event
430 Jhanda Empire is formed by Rajaram I of the Jhanda Dynasty
647 The Tauma conquer Naghata with Naghata becoming absorbed into the territory of the Tauma
655 The Tauma invade Genagama, forcing the state under Tauma hegemony
680 Tauma and Jhanda engage in a continuous period of war with fluid borders
730 Decline of the Tauma leads to southern expansion of the Jhanda
745 Over-extension of the Jhanda causes internal power struggles and breakdown resulting in the weakening of the Jhanda Empire
757 Skirmishes break out on the southern border between the Sangma and Jhanda Empire
759 The Sangma wages the Adhenata Kayud (War of Subjugation) in an attempt to annex the Jhanda Empire

Sangma Period (800-1100)

Date Event
800 War of Subjugation culminates in the looting of Kismat and fall of the Jhanda Empire. Emperor Prashant signs a treaty of suzerainty making the Jhanda Empire a subsidiary state within the Sangma.
802 The treaty of 800 would see the Jhanda Empire collapse into numerous factions resulting in the formation of separate subsidiary states taking its place within the Sangma. Emperor Prashant would form the Sanyukti Raj around Kinadica.
1090 The Madhyarajyas begin to secede from the Sangma as it collapses

Vikasan Era (1100-1635)

Date Event Description
1100 The last of the Madhyarajyas declare independence from the Sangma
1105 Rathankot embarks on a northern expansion, dominating and annexing smaller Madhyarajyas
1107-1207 Hundred Years War Rathankot invades as far northward as the Naratha River. Fearing continued expansion into the Holy State of Bishnupur, Sanyukt declares war against Rathankot. The Hundred years war between Rathankot and Sanyukt ends with borders similar to modern-day borders of the Union States of Rathankot and Sanyukt. The war devastates the economies of both Rathankot and Sanyukt, forcing them to devote resources to recovery for decades.
1123 Sangma Dynasty invades southern Madhyarajyas
1145 Rise of Zulmat North-eastern Madhyarajyas merge to form the Empire of Zulmat in an attempt to form a power to rival Rathankot and Sanyukt.
1160 Harringhati Civil War Harringhata erupts into civil war resulting in its split into the Rajadams of Harringhata and Kodur. Kodur is supported by the Pavitran Madhyarajyas in its early years in their attempts to use it as a buffer state against Harringhata.
1182 Kodur collapses The Rajadom of Kodur collapses following its economic collapse and subsequent internal conflicts within its royal family. The Rajadom is annexed back by Harringhata in a bloodless war which sees the royal family flee to neighbouring Dedha.
1195 Collapse of Zulmat Zulmati Empire collapses following the conversion of its leader from Ashram to Irfan. A bloody battle engulfs the capital before the Emperor allows for the secession of Zulmat's peripheral territories. The Empire fractures into the Zulmat Sultanate, Suti State, and Raulia and Parsa Rajadoms.
1400 Shivaji II is anointed Emperor of Sanyukt by the Panditrao (High Priest) of Bishnupur
1410-1420 Coastal War Sanyukti Empire begins a process of dominating the coaastline of northern satria. Chanak quickly falls to Sanyukt and the Empire continues its attempt to dominate the coastal Madhyarajyas.
1440-1452 12 Years War In 1440, Rathankot and Harringhata wage war against Sanyukt. Harringhata seeks to protect itself against Sanyukti naval domination and Rathankot seeks to obtain a land corridor to the sea. In 1452, at the Congress of Bishnupur, the major powers agree to end the war and re-establish the Rajadom of Chanak to act as a neutral buffer between the three powers.
1501-1506 Bishnupur Crisis In 1501, High Priest Mathur IV of the Holy State of Bishnupur dies and the Grand Council begins the process of electing a new leader. In 1502, after months of inconclusive votes, Naranya I is elected High Priest of Bishnupur. His election is highly divissive and leads to his assassination 2 months later. Amidst the chaos, the Principality of Nakhtrana and United Provinces of Kendra Pradesh secede from Bishnupur. In 1504, the continued chaos engulfing Bishnupur and the resulting absence of religious authority leads the Sanyukti Empire to invadde Bishnupur to establish order and security. Bishnupur is made a protectorate under the Sanyukti Empire. In 1506, Mathur V is appointed High Priest of Bishnupur by Rajaram IV of Sanyukt. Rajaram IV changes the Laws of Bishnupur to ensure the High Priest of Bishnupur is appointed by the Emperor of Sanyukt rather than the Grand Council of Priests.
1508 Princess Lakshmi, only daughter of Emperor Rajaram IV of Sanyukt, and Prince Prakash, eldest son of King Baibhav II of Sangam, marry.
1512-1516 Rathani-Nakhtranan War Rathankot invades Nakhtrana and makes inroads but is halted at the Naratha River, less than 5 miles from the Nakhtrana capital of Thimpar. No decisive winner following the battle of Thimpar. Nakhtrana surrenders and Rathankot annexes all Nakhtrani lands south of the Naratha river.
1518 Rise of Lakshmi the Great Princess Lakshmi anointed Empress of Sanyukti Empire following the death of Rajaram IV. The smaller northern Madhyarajyas swear fealty to Empress Lakshmi in order to avoid war.
1525 Smaller Madhyarajyas which failed to swear fealty to Empress Lakshmi are invaded and annexed, including Jhanaghar.
1528-1534 Lakshmic Wars In 1528, Lakshmi invades and annexes the southern, neutral Rajadom of Chanak. In response, a coalition is formed and led by Rathankot to oppose Lakshmi. In 1530, the coalition is defeated and the Madhyarajyas of Jhanaghar and Chanak, and northern territories of Harringhata, and western territories of Rathankot, are annexed by Sanyukt.The economic cost of the war leads to the collapse of Rathankot into a rump state with nobles exercising autonomy over their own lands. In 1532, a second coalition is formed against Lakshmi. The coalition forces the Sanyukti forces out of Harringhata, Rathankot and Chanak but fail to liberate Jhanagar. Peace is declared in 1534.
1536 Rathani Restoration Victory in the 2nd Lakshmic War results in renewed economic prosperity and development in Rathankot. Sanyukt is forced to pay reparations to aid in the recovery in Rathankot which helps restore the war-ravaged country.
1538 Devdhar and Lakshmi sign a treaty of friendship ending centuries of hostility
1560 Death of Empress Lakshmi Empress Lakshmi dies and is succeeded by her eldest son, Sooraj II. Sooraj, seen as an academic unlike his ancestors, ushers in a new era of peace and enlightenment across the Madhyarajyas. The peace between Sanyukt and Rathankot and the absence of a pro-expansionist Emperor of Sanyukt results in decades of peace across the Madhyarajyas and causes a false sense of security to guide decision making in royal courts.
1633 Rise of Gurkhan The rise of Gurkhan in the Togoti Khaganate spreads fear amongst the Madhyarajyas due to his expansionist plans. Gurkhan's early military victories strike fear in the Madhyarajyas and with his path directed towards the Madhyarajyas, the Madhyarajyas seek to reverse the demilitarisation they implemented over the last 20 years.

Naratha Confederacy (1635–1839)

  • 1635 - Vichalan Accords - Unable to repel the Khaganate individually, the Madhyarajyas establish the Naratha Confederacy as a military coalition to counter growing threat of Togoti Khaganate (Great Steppe) expansion under Khagan Gurkhan
  • 1662 - Treaty of Bishnupur - transformed the military coalition into a political coalition. Saw the coronation of the first Chhtrapati.
  • 1684 - Southern Conquest - Military conquests of the Confederacy, invading and subjugating southern Madhyarajyas (modern Outer Rim Union States)
  • 1776 - Fall of Zulmat - Loss of the Sultanate of Zulmat to the Zemani Empire (modern Gulbistan)
  • 1816 - The Great Betrayal - Palace coup conducted by Rathankot's Raja against the Chhtrapati
  • 1816 - Civil War - Start of the Confederate Civil War which weakens the confederacy, enabling easy invasions by Euclean colonisers
  • 1836 - Euclean Invasions - By both Etruria (United Kingdom of Etruria) and Gaullica (Empire of Gaullica)

Colonial Era (1839-1946)

  • 1839 - Formation of Balesaria - Etrurian Colonial Empire forms the Dominion of Balesaria from the former Madhyarajyas of Sanosra and Lakhana.
  • 1844 - Peninsula Colony - Gaullica forms the Peninsula Colony from its territories annexed from Sanyukt
  • 1847 - Fall of Kinadica - Gaullica's naval bombardment of Kinadica destroys the capital of Sanyukt. Royal court flees to Jalarabad
  • 1847 - Capitulation - Sanyukt, last stronghold of the Confederacy, surrenders to Etruria and signs a treaty of suzerainty, ending the Confederacy
  • 1847 - Reorganisation of Etrurian colonial possessions - Etruria reorganises its colonial territories into Satria Etruriana and Balesaria
  • 1927-1935 - Great War
  • 1943-1946 - Solarian War
  • 1946 - Independence

Post-Independence History


Date Event Description
17/10/46 Independence Day End of the Solarian War and Rajyani Independence Day


Date Event Description
September 2010 2010 General Election RRP become largest party and form a coalition government with their political allies the Liberal Party.
September 2015 2015 General Election RRP increase their seat count in the national parliament and continue in Government with their coalition partners; the liberals.


Date Event Description
September 2020 2020 General Election RRP increase their seat count in the national parliament and continue in Government with their coalition partners; the liberals.

Key Dates

  • Naratha Confederacy (1635–1847)
  • Colonial Era
    • Dominion of Belasaria (1839-1946)
    • Satria Etruriana (1847-1946)
    • Great War (1927–1935)
    • Solarian War (1943-1946)
  • Independence (1946)
    • First Satrian War (1946-1948)
    • Malhotra Government (1960-1967)
      • Second Satrian War (1959-1964)
      • The Emergency (1964-1967)
    • National Strike (1989)