Treaty of Dralmsteig
Type | Founding treaty |
Signed | 23rd October 2022 |
Location | Dralmsteig, Dyrland |
Amendment | 9 |
Signatories | UFT Member States |
The Treaty on the United Federation of Telrova, commonly known as the Treaty of Dralmsteig or UFT Treaty, is the foundation treaty of the United Federation of Telrova (UFT). Concluded in 2022, it codified the ad-hoc administrative arrangements which had previously formed the constitution of the UFT. Additionally, the treaty introduced a legally binding human rights charter applicable across the UFT for the first time.
We the people of the United Federation of Telrova have determined:
To improve the well-being of all the peoples and nations of the world.
To provide smaller nations the ability to gain greater international recognition and standing.
To promote international peace and justice across Telrova.
And for these ends we have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of Dralmsteig, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Treaty and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Federation of Telrova.
Article 1: Powers and Duties of the United Federation
Section 1: The Council of Nations
1. To ensure an equal voice for all states within the UFT, a Council of nations shall be required.
The UFT shall possess a selection of representatives from all UFT member states.
A) Each member state shall possess one representative chosen at the nation's discretion.
B) Each member nation shall have one vote on the Council.
2. The UFT Council shall have sole legislative authority within the UFT organization
A) To pass a motion or resolution, a vote must result in more than 50% in favour of said motion or resolution.
B) A vote of two-thirds majority in favour or against a motion or resolution shall be unable to be overridden by the Secretary-General.
C) The standard voting period for a proposal is forty-eight hours, however if a conclusion is reached prior to that time voting will cease immediately.
D) The UFT Council shall be the only body allowed to establish treaties and agreements between the UFT and non-member organizations, nations, and alliances,
E) No resolution or motion may be introduced without sufficient time for debate or discussion.
3. The UFT has some restrictions on its powers.
A) The UFT shall not mandate policies contradictory to other clauses.
Section 2: The Ministries
1. To ensure that the UFT runs as a stable organization, a collection of executive positions shall be required.
2. A Secretary-General, who shall enforce the will of the Council, shall be required.
A) The Secretary-General shall have the authority to enforce UFT Council decisions.
B) The Secretary-General shall have the power to make the deciding vote in Council decisions that have resulted in a tie.
C) A Vice-Secretary shall be selected to act in situations where the Secretary-General is unreachable.
D) The Secretary-General shall have the ability to override non-two-thirds votes in all resolutions and motions, excepting those in terms of foreign affairs.
3. A Minister of Finance, who manages the finances of the UFT, shall be required.
A) The Minister of Finance shall manage the finances and the financial policies of the UFT.
4. A Minister of Foreign Affairs, who manages the foreign affairs of the UFT, shall be required.
A) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall manage the foreign policies of the UFT.
B) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall manage the embassies and consulates of the UFT.
5. A Grand Marshal, who leads the International Task Force, shall be required.
6. All Minister and Secretary-General decisions made without a decision by the Council shall be considered void.
7. No Minister or Secretary-General may hold more than one executive position at a time, except during a state of emergency.
Section 3: The Court
1. To ensure the enforcement of this treaty, a Court shall be required.
2. The Court shall consist of at least one judge.
A) The Judge may not preside over trials and cases where a conflict of interest is present.
3. The Court shall have the power to distribute punishment to those in violation of this treaty.
A) The Court shall have jurisdiction over cases involving misuse of power.
B) The Court shall have jurisdiction over cases involving a violation of Article 4.
3. The Court shall have the power to act as a Court of Appeals
A) This Court shall have jurisdiction over appeals to court decisions or the decisions.
B) This Court shall have jurisdiction over appeals or challenges to UFT resolutions or decisions.
i) Challenges to UFT resolutions may be challenged and appealed on grounds of corruption during a vote.
ii) Challenges to UFT resolutions may be challenged and appealed on grounds of unequal enforcement of a vote.
iii) Challenges to UFT resolutions may be challenged and appealed on grounds of a resolution or decision being used to target a specific UFT member nation or group of member nations.
C) This Court shall have jurisdiction over appeals to national-level court decisions that violate UFT resolutions, laws, or Article 4.
Section 4: The Challenge System
1. All ministers shall be chosen by a challenge system.
A) Any minister may be challenged by another UFT member for the position at any time.
B) The challenger and incumbent may be allowed a period of time exceeding three days to debate and put forward their ideas.
C) A poll will decide whether to accept the challenger or incumbent at the end of the debate period.
2. If there is no incumbent minister an election may be held for the position.
3. Challenges shall be overseen by the current Chancellor.
Section 5: The International Task Force
1. The International Task Force (ITF) shall have jurisdiction over joint military operations and cooperation.
2. The ITF shall include a mutual defence pact.
A) ITF member nations shall be obligated to come to the defence of any ITF or UFT member nation being attacked by a non-member.
B) ITF member nations shall be obligated to come to the defence of any ITF or UFT member nation being attacked by a member nation.
3. The ITF shall include all forces taking part in joint UFT operations.
A) Forces in joint operations shall be under the command of the Grand Marshall.
3. The ITF may seek the standardization of ITF member forces and the equipment used by ITF member forces.
A) ITF standardization may include calibre sizes, military equipment specs, and military weapons specs.
B) ITF standardization may include military organizational sizes and groups, as well as officer ranks.
4. The ITF shall not have jurisdiction over national-level military policy.
5. The ITF may conduct jointly funded military projects, which will be managed by the Grand Marshal using an allocated budget.
Section 6: States of Emergency
1. The UFT council may declare a state of emergency with a majority vote in response to international troubles or crises.
A) The state of emergency may be ended by a majority council vote.
2. In a state of emergency, the leaders of the UFT may gain more powers.
A) Ministers may hold multiple positions concurrently.
B) The Secretary-General may make foreign affairs decisions without a council vote, with the approval of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
C) The Secretary-General may mobilise forces engaged in International Task Force operations without a council vote, with the approval of the Grand Marshal.
Article 3: Membership Obligations
Section 1: Requirements for New Members
1. New Members must abide some requirements prior to being inducted as a new or returning member.
A)No new member may be at war at the time of application or acceptance into the UFT.
i) A War, for the purpose of this provision shall refer to an active armed conflict, and shall exclude cold wars or conflicts with foreign entities that are not nations.
B) All member nations must agree to the terms of this treaty.
C) All member nations must agree to allow the Rova as legal tender.
2. All potential new members must petition the UFT for membership, for which motion for membership must then be made and passed.
A) The UFT Council shall be alerted of the petition, and then an admission vote shall take place between council members. The potential member shall only join if more than a two-thirds majority believe so.
B) The council may not carry out admission votes during States of Emergency.
Section 2: Obligations for Existing Members
1. Existing members must follow a number of requirements.
A) All member states must contribute at least 2% of its GDP to the UFT.
B) All member states must allow free trade with other members.
C) All member states must share scientific and technological research with the UFT.
D) All member states must abide by the terms of this treaty.
E) All member states must abide by any official resolution by the UFT Council.
Section 3: Expulsion Procedure
1. If a member is found to be going against the laws set out by this treaty, or committed a questionable action, then the Secretary-General has the authority to call an expulsion vote against said member.
A) Anyone can petition the Secretary-General to call an expulsion vote. The Judge may be permitted to advise the Secretary-General to call one as the result of a court case.
B) After motioned by the Secretary-General, the vote will go to the UFT Council. If the vote passes by a two thirds majority, then the member shall be expelled from the UFT.
Article 3: UFT Declaration of Personal Rights
Section 1: definition of person
1. A person shall be defined as a sapient biological organism.
Section 2: Right to Life
1. All persons have the right to life.
A) No person may be deprived of life outside of the consequences of combat;
B) Life shall be defined as the natural lifespan from birth and until natural death; and
C) The only exceptions to this right shall be:
i) in the case of participation in armed combat,
ii) in the case of capital punishment for serious crimes, or,
iii) in the case of accidental death from medical procedure.
2. This provision shall not be interpreted as a prohibition of suicide as long as only the consenting person dies.
Section 3: Right to Non-Discrimination
1. All persons have the right to live free from discrimination.
A) No person may be discriminated against on the basis of appearance, sex, gender, age, nation of origin, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or political views;
B) No person may be discriminated based on place or time of birth, nor based on the actions of family or associates; and
C) No person may be discriminated against based on one’s activities or hobbies, except those which are illegal in the nation it occurred in.
2. This right shall not protect violent behaviours, beliefs, or affiliations from discrimination.
Section 4: Right to Free Speech
1. All persons have the right to freedom of speech.
A) No person may be prevented from nor punished for expressing one’s thoughts, speech, or expressions.
B) Protected speech may be through spoken, written, or published word.
C) Protected expression includes all forms of art, literature, body attire, tattoos, piercings, or any other thing that can be interpreted as expressing one’s self or ones opinions.
D) No person may be punished based on what a person is assumed to, claims to, or actually does believe, think.
2. This provision shall not be defined as protecting the avocation of violence.
Section 5: Right to Religion
1. All persons have the right to freedom of religion.
A) No person may be prevented from practicing any peaceful religion.
2. This provision does not prohibit nations from making lists of approved religions if new religions can be added to that list.
3. This provision does not prohibit acting against or outlawing or restricting the practice of violent religions.
4. No person may be forced to practice any specific religion.
A) This provision does not prohibit the establishing of a national or state religion.
Section 6: Right to Assemble
1. All persons have the right to peaceful assembly.
A) No person may be prevented from gathering in groups either in person, online, or in mind when in peaceful assembly.
B) No person may be prevented from gathering in groups for peaceful protest.
2. This provision shall not be interpreted as protecting those committing crimes and/or rioting.
3. This provision shall not prohibit nations from limiting gatherings if those gatherings threatening public health.
Section 7: Right to Self and National Defence
1. All persons shall have the right to come to the defence of oneself and others.
A) No person may be prohibited from coming to the defence of oneself or to the defence of others.
2. This provision shall not protect those who use disproportionate force.
3. All states shall be permitted the right to perform any military action required for the defence of its people.
A) No states shall be punished for acts of self-defence performed against other nations, organizations, groups, or people, except where otherwise unacceptable as defined by this treaty.
Section 8: Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
1. ll persons shall not be subjected to unreasonable searches and seizures.
A) No person may be deprived of home and property unless the home or property is being used as evidence for a crime.
B) All seized property and homes must be fairly compensated at pre-seizure market prices.
C) This protection shall not prohibit a government from pressuring an owner of selling his or her home or property at fair market prices.
2. If no crime has been committed and a person is not under reasonable suspicion of having committed a crime, no person may be subject to a search of his or her home or property.
A) The Reasonable Suspicion standard requires that the person has to have committed a crime, match the identity of a suspected criminal, have a likely or apparently illegal object, substance, or activity within reasonable view from outside of the property or home, or having illegally performed acts within or while using the home or property in the past.
Section 9: Right to Due Process
1. All persons have the right to due process.
A) No person may be put on trial for a crime he or she has not been accused of.
B) No person may be arrested without being accused of a crime and formally informed of the accusation.
C) No person may be held for more than 30 days without trial.
D) No person may be charged twice for the same instance of an offense.
i) This right does not prohibit charging for each separate instance of an offense.
ii) This right does not prohibit the escalation of a charge to a more serious charge, and courts may treat the escalated charge as a separate offense as long as the un-escalated charge is not included at the same time.
Section 10: Right to Fair Trial
1. All persons have the right to a fair trial.
A) All persons have the right to legal representation at trial.
i) The legal representation must perform due diligence.
ii)The legal representation must work on the behalf of his or her represented defendant.
iii) The Legal representation must be offered if the defendant can not afford his or her own legal representation.
B) All trials must presume innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
i) The Reasonable Doubt standard requires that there be little doubt of a defendant's guilt before a guilty verdict may be given.
ii) reasonable doubt can not be based on character witnesses and victim testimony alone.
C) Both the prosecution and the defence must be allowed to present evidence, but both sides must share that evidence in order to provide a fair chance of rebuttal for either side.
D) A trial must provide a reasonable amount of time for both the defence and prosecution to gather evidence.
i) The collection of evidence may not be used to artificially lengthen the amount of time a trial takes to reach completion
E) The body responsible for determining the outcome of the trial must hold no bias or motive to rule in favour of any verdict.
Section 11: Right to Defined Legality
1. All persons have the right to be free from arbitrary arrest, detention, or punishment.
A) No person may be arrested or detained unless told what crime he or she is accused of;
B) No person may be arrested, detained, or subjected to punishment without having committed a act defined as a crime in a nation's official legal code; and
C) No person may be subjected to punishment that is not a standard or defined punishment fitting the crime committed.
Section 12: Right to Free Movement
1. Excluding only those confined for medical or legal reasons, no person may be restricted from movement in public spaces within any nation.
A) No person may be restricted from moving through a public space, except those in medical detention or imprisoned for a crime; and
2. This section shall not be interpreted as giving persons access to private property or government or military facilities.
Section 13: Right to Freedom
1. All Humans have the right to freedom.
A) No person may be owned by any sentient or intelligent being.
B) No person may be forced to perform unpaid labor or indentured servitude.
i) This provision shall not prohibit the use of community service or hard labor as a punishment as part of a criminal verdict.
Article 5: Identifiers
1. This treaty shall set up series of identifiers for the UFT and ITF.
2. The emblem of the UFT shall consist of recognizable symbols.
A) The UFT Emblem shall consist of:
i) four concave geometric deltoids arranged in the shape of a four-pointed star;
ii) each deltoid on the flag will be split in two at the line of symmetry; and
iii) the clockwise section will be blue and the counter-clockwise section red.
iv) This emblem will be known as the UFT star.
B) The flag of the UFT shall consist of the UFT star on an orange field.
C) Individual government departments may adopt alternate colour-based variants of the UFT star as their individual emblems.
Article 6: Amendments
1. This treaty may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of all UFT member nations.