Politics of Ossoria

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The High Kingdom of Ossoria is a federal state that is governed within the framework of an executive monarchy in which the monarch, currently High Queen Tara Silven, is the head of state while the Taoiseach of Ossoria, currently Ennis Galeri, is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the Monarch. Legislative power is vested in the tricameral Ossorian Parliament. The judicial system is independent of the executive and the legislature. The highest court is the High Bench of the Realm.

The Ossorian political system is a multi-party system, with the two dominant parties being the Crown Nationalist Party and the Social Progressive Party. Due to the mixed-member proportional electoral system used in parliamentary elections, majorities are rare, making coalitions with third-parties necessary to deliver working majorities in parliament, with the CNP and SPP typically working with the Centrist Party to form a government.

The constitution of the High Kingdom is uncodified, being made up of custom, precedent, treaties, royal decrees, constitutional conventions, statutes and other elements such as international law.

The Federal Government

The Monarchy

The Privy Council

The Ossorian Privy Council (Rí-Chomhairle) is an advisory council to the Monarch comprised of the secretaries of the executive departments, members of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, and select others.

The Parliament

The Ossorian Parliament (Dáil Osraí) is made up of three chambers which represent the two primary classes of the population: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The third chamber, the House of Keys, represents the Constituent States of the Realm.

The Judiciary

Constituent States
