List of Active Iverican Navy Formations and Ships

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The Iverican Navy or Armada Iverica is the naval warfare branch of the Iverican Republican Armed Service. It operates naval vessels, aircraft, installations, and land warfare units in the defence of Iverican interests and foreign policy abroad. The Armada maintains fleets of ships operationally organised under a system of commands, fleets, special task forces, groups, and squadrons.

Each individual formation is designated under a numerical, non-sequential convention; e.g. no. 001 Destroyer Squadron, for differentiation. The formation's official name typically follows the name of its flagship; e.g. no. 001 Carrier Task Force República.

Individual ships do not follow strict naming conventions but are sometimes named thematically. For example, Iverican Aircraft Carriers are typically named for national heroes or concepts of the highest importance; i.e. CVN-002 Deiargon is named for Almirante Esteban Deiargon, national hero of the Republic of Iverica.

Ship variants follow an alphanumeric convention. Hull designations are acronyms of the ship's type and role (e.g. DDG for Destroyer—Guided Missile and CVN for Carrier Vessel—Nuclear powered) and are numbered to denote their order of production. Major hull alterations and retrofits are denoted with a single letter after the class' name (e.g. Mavini C-class). Ship "flights", or variants of the same class, follow alphanumeric designations that are set by one Aroman numeral (e.g. I, II, III, IV) denoting the series of the hull and its major physical features; and one letter (A, B, C, D) denoting a configuration of equipment. To cite the full class and name of an Iverican ship would appear as such: General Luna B-class, "DDG-444 Erevos, Flight III-A".

The official ship prefix of the Armada is "VRI" which stands for "Vaixell L'República Iverica". Paramilitary or civil service vessels commissioned by the Armada are given the prefix of "VCAI" which stands for "Vaixell Civil dei Armada Iverica".

List of Combat Ships

Submarine Service
Attack Submarines
Class Vessel Symbol & Number Commissioned Displacement Type Homeport Notes
HMS Tireless S-88.jpg
Sicario class
VRI Sicario SSN-050 1990 4,775 tonnes (surfaced)
5,283 tonnes (submerged)
Fleet submarine (nuclear) --- To be replaced with a Gallambrian and Iverican joint project.
VRI Silenssio SSN-051 1990
VRI Sussuro SSN-052 1992
VRI Spectro SSN-053 1992
VRI Enigmata SSN-054 1992
VRI Fantasma SSN-055 1994
VRI Resaca SSN-056 1994
VRI Ruptoro SSN-057 1996
VRI Fero SSN-058 1996
VRI Devoraro SSN-059 1997
VRI Acosador SSN-060 1997
VRI Kairos SSN-061 1998
VRI Telos SSN-062 1998
VRI Orpheo SSN-063 2000
VRI Weiht SSN-064 2021
VRI Teivshe SSN-065 2022
U-Boot U31.JPG
Tiburón class
VRI Tiburón SS-180 2005 1,520 tonnes (surfaced)
1,830 (submerged)
Diesel Electric --- A diesel-electric boat used for short to medium range patrols.
VRI Martillo SS-181 2005
VRI Tigre SS-182 2005
VRI Gran Alba SS-183 2006
VRI Punto Mavro SS-184 2006
VRI Punta Alba SS-185 2007
VRI Requiem SS-186 2007
VRI Tauro SS-187 2007
VRI Trilladora SS-188 2021
VRI Réqui SS-189 2021
VRI Escull SS-190 2021
Auxiliary Submarines
Class Vessel Symbol & Number Commissioned Displacement Type Homeport Notes
HMS Repulse (S23) in the Firth of Clyde c1979.jpg
Orca class
VRI Orca SSAN-001 1995 7,500 tonnes (surfaced)
7,800 tonnes (submerged)
Auxiliary submarine (nuclear) --- A conversion of the Domitor-class. Serves as a cargo, utility, special forces transport, and blockade runner.
Equipped with a large dorsal bay for loading and unloading heavy equipment.
Missile Submarines
Class Vessel Symbol & Number Commissioned Displacement Type Homeport Notes
Vanguard at Faslane 03.jpg
Domitor class
VRI Domitor SSGN-020 2002 15,850 tonnes (submerged) Guided-missile submarine (nuclear) --- To be replaced with a Gallambrian and Iverican joint project.
VRI Setsellos SSGN-021 2002
VRI Cavall Alba SSGN-022 2004
VRI Drac Vermell SSGN-023 2004
VRI Temor SSGN-024 2006
VRI Venganssa SSGN-025 2006
VRI Ira SSGN-026 2010
VRI Terror SSGN-027 2010
VRI Iudicion SSGN-028 2021
Surface Fleet
Aircraft Carrier
Class Vessel Symbol & Number Commissioned Displacement Type Homeport Notes
US Navy 050517-N-0120R-127 The conventionally powered aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) sails past a small group of Japanese fishing vessels and heads toward Sagami Bay.jpg
República C-class
VRI República CVN-001 1980 70,000 tonnes Aircraft carrier (nuclear) Intreimor STOBAR hybrid-assault ships/carriers converted to CATOBAR in 2015. Fitted with nuclear powerplants and overhauled to remove welldocks in 2020.
VRI Deiargon CVN-002 1985
Mavini D-class
VRI Apolinario Mavini CV-011 1990 45,000 tonnes Aircraft carrier Altaria JFS Originally an Amphibious Assault Ship Class. Overhauled and redesignated as a CATOBAR Aircraft Carrier in 2020.
VRI Marcelo H. L'Pilar CV-012 1990 K.L Aark JFS
VRI Bonifacio CV-014 1992 Sant Bastién Naval Base
Amphibious Warfare
Class Vessel Symbol & Number Commissioned Displacement Type Homeport Notes
BPC Dixmude.jpg
Sant Anton class
VRI Sant Anton LHD-026 2006 21,500 tonnes Amphibious transport dock Intreimor JFS Amphibious Transport Dock and Command Ship.
VRI Sant Erasmo LHD-027 2007 Altaria JFS
VRI Sant Ignacio LHD-028 2007 Altaria des Norte Naval Base
VRI Sant Medardo LHD-029 2020 Manille JFS
VRI Sant Adguto LHD-030 2021 Súbic JFS
Destroyers and Frigates
Class Vessel Symbol and Number Commissioned Displacement Type Homeport Notes
Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates underway in 1982.JPEG
Súbic class
VRI Súbic FFG-001 1979 4,200 tonnes Guided-missile frigate In the process of transfer to the Zaxari Navy
VRI Providencia FFG-002 1979 In the process of transfer to the Zaxari Navy
VRI Tùla FFG-003 1979 In the process of transfer to the Zaxari Navy
VRI Nou Barsselón FFG-004 1979 In the process of transfer to the Zaxari Navy
VRI Porto Baix FFG-005 1979 In the process of transfer to the Zaxari Navy
VRI Porto des Norte FFG-006 1979 In the process of transfer to the Zaxari Navy
VRI Kristoff L. Aark FFG-007 1980
VRI Getso FFG-008 1980
VRI Porto Sant'Ander FFG-009 1980
VRI Porto Gijón FFG-010 1980
VRI Coruniá FFG-011 1980
VRI Porto Sant Bastién FFG-012 1981
VRI Benidorma FFG-014 1981
VRI Nou Valencia FFG-015 1981
VRI Las Palmas FFG-016 1981
VRI Ibissa FFG-017 1981
VRI Mancora FFG-018 1982
VRI Sant Lazaro FFG-019 1982 Recently torpedoed in Esatria City Harbour.
VRI Baler FFG-020 1982
VRI Porto L'Union FFG-021 1982
VRI General Santos FFG-022 1982
VRI Don Juan Franco FFG-023 1983
Fregatte Mecklenburg-Vorpommern F218.jpg
Verde Sea class
VRI Mare Verde FFG-200 1990 4,500 tonnes Guided-missile frigate To be replaced by the Trident-class Frigate
VRI Strecho D'Altaria FFG-198 1990
VRI Costa Alba FFG-199 1990
VRI Costa Urdiales FFG-201 1990
VRI Promonto Alba FFG-202 1990
VRI Posto dei Halcón FFG-203 1990
VRI D'Ortigeuira FFG-204 1992
VRI Costa Navaerre FFG-205 1992
VRI Promonto D'Argon FFG-206 1992
VRI Ponta Nouvo FFG-207 1992
VRI Cappa D'Iverica FFG-208 1994
VRI Ponto Deiargon FFG-209 1994
VRI Mare Narvico FFG-210 1995
VRI Mare Ygrosso FFG-211 1995
VRI Mare Sakspatí FFG-212 1995
VRI Mare Mediargica FFG-214 1996
VRI Strecho Sant Francisco FFG-215 1996
VRI Sinú Vermeo FFG-216 1996
VRI Costa Vino FFG-217 1996
VRI Laguna Madre FFG-218 1997
VRI Promonto Sant Luca FFG-219 1997
BADEN-WURTTEMBERG 00257 (cropped).jpg
Trident class
VRI Tridente FFG-222 2018 7,000-7,500 tonnes Guided-missile frigate Multi-mission and multi-role frigate class.
VRI Albard FFG-223 2018
VRI Aste FFG-224 2018
VRI Atgeir FFG-225 2019
VRI Lucero FFG-226 2019
VRI Árpon FFG-227 2020
VRI Kontos FFG-228 2020
VRI Falxo FFG-229 2020
VRI Guisarmo FFG-230 2021
VRI Fauxardo FFG-231 2021
VRI Partisáno FFG-232 2021
VRI Lanssa FFG-233 2022
130920-N-NX070-025 - USS Arleigh Burke (DDG-51).jpg
General Luna class
VRI General Luna DDG-437 1994 9,500 tonnes Guided-missile destroyer Multi-mission Destroyer class.
VRI Almirante Villaneuva DDG-438 1995
VRI Almirante Dei Léon DDG-439 1995
VRI Almirante L'Trinidad DDG-440 1995
VRI Iofera DDG-441 1998
VRI Estaria DDG-442 1998
VRI Espera DDG-443 1998
VRI Erevos DDG-444 1998
VRI Emeria DDG-445 1998
VRI Orion DDG-446 2001
VRI Draco DDG-447 2001
VRI Ursa Major DDG-448 2003
VRI Perseo DDG-449 2003
VRI Ancile DDG-450 2006
VRI Astera Ares DDG-451 2006
VRI Deimos DDG-452 2006
VRI Phobos DDG-453 2006
VRI Enyo DDG-454 2006
ROKS Sejong the Great (DDG 991) broadside view.jpg
Saragossa class
VRI Almirante Frederico Saragossa CG-990 2010 11,000 tonnes Guided-missile cruiser Command-capable cruiser flagships.
VRI Servantes CG-991 2012
VRI L'Cid CG-992 2012
VRI Ioan L'Conqueror CG-993 2015
VRI L'Peninsula CG-994 2015
VRI Pura Rassa CG-995 2015
VRI Hidalgo CG-996 2018
VRI Interfectór CG-997 2018
Littoral Patrol
Class Vessel Symbol & Number Commissioned Displacement Type Homeport Notes
HMS Visby 2.JPG
Andalé Class
VRI Andalé FS-31 2010 640 tonnes Corvette Patrol Corvette also capable of anti-submarine and mine-countermeasures
VRI Rapido FS-32 2010
VRI Volublé FS-33 2010
VRI Impavida FS-34 2010
VRI Celer FS-35 2010
VRI Ferox FS-36 2010
VRI Pugio FS-37 2010
VRI Percussor FS-38 2011
VRI Vigilo FS-39 2011
VRI Custo FS-40 2011
VRI Parato FS-41 2011
VRI Trux FS-42 2011
VRI Conato FS-43 2011
VRI Robusto FS-44 2012
VRI Defensor FS-45 2012
VRI Chorisso FS-46 2012
VRI Alacero FS-47 2012
VRI Impeto FS-48 2012
VRI Sífilo FS-49 2012
VRI Bravata FS-50 2013
VRI Alegría FS-51 2013
VRI Claro FS-52 2013
VRI Caramba FS-53 2013
VRI Travieso FS-54 2013
VRI Jalapeno FS-55 2014
VRI Evadir FS-56 2014
VRI Enano FS-57 2014
VRI Alrededor FS-58 2015


Formation Parent Command Operating Area Bases Order of Battle
1st Fleet Peninsular Fleet Northern Command Argic Ocean-North Oriental Ocean Súbic JFS (Headquarters)
  • K.L Aark JFS
  • Porto des Norte AB
  • Providencia AB
  • Baix AB
  • 6th Capital Task Group "General Luna" (6-CAPGRU)
    • 1x Light Carrier Element
      • 1x AAS Aerial Detachment
      • 1x LHD
      • 2x DDG
      • 1x SSN
      • 3x FFG
      • 1x T-AOE
    • 111th Surface Warfare Squadron (111-SUWRON)
      • 1X CG
      • 1x DDG
      • 2x FFG
  • 12th Mine Warfare Group (12-MINGRU)
    • 120th Mine Warfare Squadron (120-MINRON)
      • 2x FFG
      • 3x FS
    • 121st Mine Warfare Squadron (121-MINRON)
      • 2x FFG
      • 3x FS
  • 14th Submarine Group (14-SUBGRU)
    • 140th Submarine Squadron (140-SUBRON)
      • 3x SSN
      • 1x SSGN/SSBN
      • 3x SS
    • 141st Missile Submarine Squadron (141-SBARON)
      • 2x SSGN/SSBN
    • 142nd Surface Anti-Submarine Squadron (142-ANSRON)
      • 3x FFG
    • 143rd Submarine Squadron (143-SUBRON)
      • 3x SS
  • 15th Group- Auxiliary Group (15-AUXGRU)
    • 150th Logistics Squadron (150-LOGRON)
      • 2x T-AK/M (Multi-Load Capable)
      • 2x T-AO/R (Underway Replenishment Capable Oiler)
      • 2x T-A/M (Multi-Role Tender)
      • 2x T-AS
      • 1x SSAN (Auxiliary Submarine)
    • 151st Sealift Squadron (1-SELRON)
      • 3x T-AT/F
      • 3x T-AK/R
      • 1x ESD/ESB (Transfer Dock)
    • 152nd Service Squadron (1-SEVRON)
      • 2x T-AR/M (Multi-Purpose Repair & Salvage Ship)
      • 1x T-AH
  • 1st Air Detachment- Naval Support Air Detachment (1-AIRDET)
    • 2x Aerial Reconnaissance Squadron
    • 2x Aerial Strike Squadron
    • 1x Utility Rotor Squadron
    • 1x Attack Rotor Squadron
  • 16th Sea Station Group (1-SESGRU)
    • 2x Early-Warning Station (EWS)
    • 2x Guided-Missile Monitor Station (GMS)
2nd Fleet Peninsular Fleet Southern Command Mediargic Seas-North Oriental Ocean Manille JFS (Headquarters)
  • Sant Bastlién AB
  • Altaria des Norte AB
  • 7th Group- Capital Task Group "Bonifacio" (7-CAPGRU)
    • 1x Light Carrier Element
      • 1x AAS Aerial Detachment
      • 1x LHD
    • 2x DDG
    • 1x SSN
    • 3x FFG
    • 1x T-AOE
  • 17th Mine Warfare Group (17-MINGRU)
    • 170th Mine Warfare Squadron (170-MINRON)
      • 2x FFG
      • 3x FS
    • 171st Mine Warfare Squadron (171-MINRON)
      • 2x FFG
      • 3x FS
  • 18th Submarine Group (18-SUBGRU)
    • 180th Submarine Squadron (181-SUBRON)
      • 1x SSGN/SSBN
      • 4x SS
    • 183rd Surface Anti-Submarine Squadron (ANSRON)
      • 3x FFG
  • 19th Auxiliary Group (19-AUXGRU)
    • 191st Logistics Squadron (191-LOGRON)
      • 2x T-AK/M
      • 2x T-AO/R
      • 2x T-A/M
      • 1x T-AS
    • 192nd Sealift Squadron (192-SELRON)
      • 3x T-AT/F
      • 3x T-AK/R
      • 1x ESD/ESB (Transfer Dock)
    • 200th Service Squadron (200-SEVRON)
      • 2x T-AR/M (Multi-Purpose Repair & Salvage Ship)
      • 1x T-AH
  • 2nd Air Detachment- Naval Support Air Detachment (2-AIRDET)
    • 2x Reconnaissance Squadron
    • 2x Strike Squadron
    • 1x Utility Rotor Squadron
    • 1x Attack Rotor Squadron
  • 20th Group- Sea Station Group (SESGRU)
    • 2x Early-Warning Station (EWS)
    • 2x Guided-Missile Monitor Station (GMS)
3rd Fleet Expeditionary Fleet Command Thalassa Intreimor JFS (Headquarters)
  • Arkhavn Joint-TRIDENT Base, Andalla
  • 1st Carrier Task Force- "República" (1-CATFOR)
    • 1x Carrier Element
    • 1x T-AOE Element
    • 210th Destroyer Squadron (210-DESRON)
      • 4x DDG
    • 211th Cruiser Squadron (211-CRURON)
      • 2x CG
    • 212nd Combat Support Squadron (212-COSURON)
    • 1x LHD
    • 2x FFG
    • 213rd Submarine Squadron (213-SUBRON)
      • 2x SSN
    • Carrier Complement
      • Naval Air Detachment
      • Marine Expeditionary Regiment
  • 21st Submarine Group (21-SUBGRU)
    • 214th Submarine Squadron (214-SUBRON)
      • 3x SSN
    • 215th Missile Submarine Squadron (215-SBARON)
      • 3x SSGN/SSBN
    • 216th Anti-Submarine Squadron (216-ANSRON)
      • 3x FFG
  • 22nd Auxiliary Group (22-AUXGRU)
    • 220th Logistics Squadron (210-LOGRON)
      • 2x T-AK/M
      • 2x T-AO/R
      • 1x T-AV/M (Aircraft Logistics, Service, & Transport)
      • 2x T-A/M
      • 2x T-AS
    • 221st Sealift Squadron (221-SELRON)
      • 3x T-AT/F
      • 1x T-AK/R
      • 1x ESD/ESB (Transfer Dock)
    • 222nd Service Squadron (222-SEVRON)
      • 2x T-AR/M
      • 1x T-AH
  • 23rd Reserve Task Group (23-REVGRU)
    • 230th Surface Warfare Squadron (230-SUWRON)
      • 1x CG
      • 2x DDG
      • 1x FFG
    • 231st Combat Support Squadron - Multi-Role (231-COSRON)
      • 3x FFG
4th Fleet Expeditionary Fleet Command Qingming-South Adlantic Altaria JFS (Headquarters)
  • Ferrefaairehafen Joint-TRIDENT Base, Variota
  • Fredrico Deiboria AB
  • 2nd Carrier Task Force- "Deiargon" (2-CATFOR)
    • 1x Carrier Element
    • 1x T-AOE Element
    • 240th Destroyer Squadron (240-DESRON)
      • 4x DDG
    • 241st Cruiser Squadron (241-CRURON)
      • 2x CG
    • 242nd Combat Support Squadron (242-COSURON)
      • 1x LHD
      • 2x FFG
    • 243rd Submarine Squadron (243-SUBRON)
      • 2x SSN
      • 1x SSGN/SSBN
    • Carrier Complement
      • Naval Air Detachment
      • Marine Expeditionary Regiment
  • 25th Auxiliary Group (25-AUXGRU)
    • 244th Logistics Squadron (244-LOGRON)
      • 2x T-AK/M
      • 2x T-AO/R
      • 1x T-AV/M
      • 2x T-A/M
      • 2x T-AS
    • 245th Sealift Squadron (245-SELRON)
      • 3x T-AT/F
      • 3x T-AK/R
      • 1x ESD/ESB (Transfer Dock)
    • 246th Service Squadron (246-SEVRON)
      • 2x T-AR/M
      • 1x T-AH
  • 26th Mine Warfare Group (26-MINGRU)
    • 261st Mine Warfare Squadron (261-MINRON)
      • 2x FFG
      • 3x FS
    • 262nd Mine Warfare Squadron (262-MINRON)
      • 2x FFG
      • 3x FS
  • 27th Mobile Strike Group (27-MOSGRU)
    • 271st Surface Warfare Squadron (271-SUWRON)
      • 1x CG
      • 2x DDG
      • 1x FFG
    • 272nd Combat Support Squadron - Multi Role (272-COSRON)
      • 3x FFG
    • 273rd Submarine Squadron (273-SUBRON)
      • 2x SSN
5th Fleet Expeditionary Fleet Command Cetan-Geltic-North Adlantic Pharo JFS, Corinium (Headquarters)
  • Blackport Naval Station, Delamaria
  • Yeeterson AB
  • 28th Mobile Strike Group (28-MOSGRU)
    • 280th Surface Warfare Squadron (280-SUWRON)
      • 1x CG
      • 1x DDG
      • 2x FFG
    • 281st Combat Support Squadron - Multi Role (281-COSRON)
      • 3x FFG
    • 282nd Submarine Squadron - (282-SUBRON)
      • 2x SSN
      • 1x SSGN
  • 33rd Auxiliary Group (33-AUXGRU)
    • 331st Logistics Squadron (331-LOGRON)
      • 1x T-AK/M
      • 1x T-AO/R
      • 1x T-AV/M
      • 1x T-A/M
      • 1x T-AS
    • 332nd Sealift Squadron (332-SELRON)
      • 2x T-AT/F
      • 1x T-AK/R
      • 1x ESD/ESB (Transfer Dock)
    • Naval Air Detachment
    • Marine Expeditionary Regiment
Armada Shore Force Home Shore Command Iverican Peninsula Various
  • 30th Coastal Group (COAGRU)
    • 301st Patrol Squadron (301-PATRON)
      • 3x FS
    • 302nd Mine Warfare Squadron (302-MINRON)
      • 3x FS
    • 303rd Anti-Submarine Warfare Squadron (303-ANSRON)
      • 1x FFG
      • 2x FS
    • 322 Sealift Squadron (322-SELRON)
      • 2x T-AKB (Cargo Barge)
      • 1x ESD/ESB (Transfer Dock)
  • 31st Shore Defence Group (SHOGRU)
    • 310th Monitor Group
      • 12x Coastal Monitor Stations
    • 1st Shore Air Group
      • 2x Air Detachments
Armada Reserve Force Reserve Command N/A Various
  • 1st Reserve Task Force (1-RESTAF)
    • 8th Group- Capital Task Group "Apolinario Mavini" (8-CAPGRU)
      • 1x Light Carrier Element
      • 1x LHD
      • 1x AAS Aerial Detachment
      • 1x SS
      • 3x FFG
    • 291st Auxiliary Squadron (291-AUXRON)
      • 1x T-AOE
      • 1x T-AK/M
      • 1x T-AO
      • 1x T-AK/R
      • 2x T-AKF (Float-on, Float-off Ship)
      • 1x ESD/ESB (Transfer Dock)
      • Includes LCAC elements and Utility Air Elements
    • 292nd Mine Warfare Squadron (292-MINRON)
      • 1x FFG
      • 2x FS
    • 293rd Anti-Submarine Warfare Squadron (293-ANSRON)
      • 2x FFG
