This article belongs to the lore of Elezia.


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As of 19 December 2024 T 17:48 (UTC), 1 SRK (Sletharine Klaſtra) is equal to 0.032322809281096 US$.

Data table

Note: There are 122,482,935 people living in Slethar
Data Common value Value in DZS
Total GDP PPP 1,933,515,611,910 Int$ 59,818,922,145,509 SRK
GDP PPP per capita 15,786 Int$ 488,386 SRK
Total nominal GDP 1,706,677,216,290 US$ 52,801,017,431,618 SRK
Nominal GDP per capita 13,934 US$ 431,089 SRK