Boratstans, full name United Socialist Republics of Boratstans is a country in Telrova in western middle of Elisia. Its capital city is Almaty. It is landlocked and its neighbours are (Unclaimed land). It has 7 official languages (shown bellow).
Populaion- 76.1 Milion, Data-2025 /
Population Density- Estimated 67,5 per km² /
Ethnicities: There are 7 ethnicities: Kezagri, Ojzegi, Tožejmi ,Kyhagi, Takgari, Kaspian and Aral'sk
Land Information:
Land area- 1,127,283km KM²
Major Biome- Steppe / Hot Plains
Highest Point- Quill = 7 495 m / Takgaristan Republic
Divide of Land:
Upper divide=Republics
Kezagristan Republic
Ojzegistan Republic
Tožejmistan Republic
Kyhagistan Republic
Takgaristan Republic
These have most of power like the Republics, with some expections:
Kaspian Autonomnous Region
Aral'ski Autonomnous Region
TLD Code: .br
Calling code: +44
The Almaty Pact: