Ibarmentudia, officially the National Kingdom of Ibarmentudia (Ibarmentudiak: Ibarmentudiako Erresuma Nazionala) is a federal constitutional kingdom located in central Parthenia, bordered by the Goimendi mountains to the west, Almagria and the Itsandia strait to the south and Telekia to the south-east, and covers a surface area of 538,853.61 km². Ibarmentudia consists of four Confederal States: Handikogoiordoki, Edurnebaso, Aintzirubeheanibai, and Zurihaitzkostaldea, which are further subdivided into Confederal Provinces. Ibarmentudia has a population of 21.4 million, which has been in a long decline after the civil conflict. Ibarmentudia's capital is Aranarteamendia, though the largest city is Alboziradia. Other major population centres include Logrojoz, Catarteixo, Alzihuela and Alilgeina. (See more...)