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HverVision, formally known as the Hverlandic Comprehensive Vision System, is a deeply integrated technology that has been adopted universally within the Nordic nation of Hverland. Designed as an augmented reality system, HverVision combines the use of ocular implants and mobile devices to create a pervasive, communal digital space where citizens record, rate, and share their daily interactions.


HverVision was initiated in 2022 following a nationwide referendum, cementing its integration into every facet of Hverlandic society. The technology utilizes sophisticated implants in the user's eyes and is linked to personal mobile devices, creating a seamless blend of physical reality and digital interface.

The ocular implants are responsible for recording the individual's day-to-day activities and interactions, while the mobile device is used primarily for interface and control, allowing the user to review, rate, and share their experiences. Interactions are rated on a scale of one to five stars, with each rating contributing to an individual's cumulative Social Interaction Score (SIS).

Social Interaction Score

The Social Interaction Score (SIS) is a unique societal element of Hverland, directly tied to the HverVision system. The SIS operates on a social credit system, where citizens can gain or lose points based on the ratings of their interactions by others.

SIS directly influences a citizen's socioeconomic status. High ratings can open up new opportunities, such as preferential treatment in job applications, access to exclusive social events, and discounts on various goods and services. Conversely, lower ratings can result in social penalties, affecting employment, housing, and even interpersonal relationships.

While controversial, this system has been largely accepted by Hverlandic citizens who appreciate the accountability and transparency it brings to their interactions.

Impact on society

HverVision has had significant societal implications in Hverland, redefining how citizens interact and influencing social norms and behaviors. A heightened sense of responsibility has been instilled in the public consciousness due to the potential impact of every interaction on one's SIS.

The system has led to improved social etiquette, decreased crime rates, and encouraged positive interpersonal interactions. However, it has also been critiqued for creating pressure to conform and for the potential for misuse and manipulation of the rating system.

HverVision's influence extends beyond personal interactions to impact commerce and politics. Businesses vie for positive ratings from customers, and politicians work diligently to maintain a high SIS, which is often perceived as a measure of public trust.


Since the implementation of the HverVision system, crime rates in Hverland have seen a significant decline. The system's constant surveillance and recording have served as a powerful deterrent. However, concerns have arisen regarding invasion of privacy and potential misuse of personal data. Additionally, a new form of cybercrime has emerged with criminals attempting to manipulate HverVision ratings, leading to a bolstering of the country's cybersecurity measures.


The introduction of the HverVision system has also affected access to healthcare. Hospitals and clinics now prioritize patients based on their ratings, leading to improved service for high-rated citizens. However, critics argue that this system is creating a healthcare disparity, disadvantaging those with low ratings, particularly affecting the poor and marginalized sections of society who struggle to improve their scores.


In the education sector, HverVision has led to an increased focus on social skills and civic behavior, given that these factors can greatly influence ratings. Some schools have even started programs to educate students on improving their HverVision ratings. However, critics argue this focus detracts from academic learning and places undue pressure on young people.


While the HverVision system was designed to promote a meritocratic society, critics argue that it has exacerbated existing inequalities. The system is accused of favoring the wealthier classes who often receive better ratings due to their societal status, further reinforcing economic disparities. Additionally, there are concerns that HverVision could potentially facilitate discrimination based on ratings, leading to a form of social stratification.


HverVision's impact on Hverlandic politics has been substantial. Politicians with high ratings are seen as more trustworthy, influencing election outcomes. This has incentivized politicians to focus on improving their public image and ratings. However, it has also led to accusations of populist tactics and rating manipulation.

Privacy and legal issues

The use of HverVision has raised significant concerns related to privacy and personal freedom, leading to a series of legal debates and the implementation of strict data protection laws in Hverland. Legislation governs what interactions can be recorded and shared, and the system incorporates robust encryption to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

Despite these precautions, debates surrounding the ethical implications of HverVision and the SIS system continue. The international community closely watches Hverland's social experiment, awaiting to see its long-term societal implications.

The Unimplanted

A small segment of the population, estimated to be around 3% of Hverland's population, has refused to receive the HverVision implant, becoming known as "the Unimplanted". As a result, they are barred from government assistance and most social services. While some manage to sustain themselves through informal economies or support from sympathizers, they face significant hardships and social ostracization. The Unimplanted have become a symbol of resistance against HverVision, arguing for their right to privacy and freedom from the pervasive influence of the system.

Future development

HverVision and the associated SIS are continually evolving, with enhancements aimed at reducing potential misuse and improving overall user experience. Hverland's government and tech companies are working together to introduce features like 'privacy modes' and more refined rating systems to offer citizens greater control over their digital interactions.

As Hverland continues to adapt and refine this unprecedented social experiment, the world watches with interest, noting the potential for similar systems in other nations.

Despite the controversies and challenges it faces, HverVision remains a significant part of Hverland's societal fabric, marking a unique intersection of technology and social interaction.