Provinces of the Caldan Union

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The provinces of the Caldan Union are the constituent political entities of that nation. The Caldan Union originally consisted of six provinces but now consists of seventeen. The provinces relate to one another and to the government of the Caldan Union in a federal system. The only Caldan territory outside of the provinces is the Grand Duchy of Tarana which serves as the seat of the federal government. In the Grand Duchy of Tarana, the federal government maintains final authority, although municipal authority is wielded by an elected city government. By contrast, the division between the provincial and federal governments is determined by the Constitution of the Caldan Union and cannot be altered without a constitutional amendment. In most Caldan constitutional theory, the provinces and the federal government are co-sovereign. Correspondingly, the Crown is represented in each province by the governor who acts in a viceregal capacity.

The provinces of the Caldan Union are Alekthos, Anata, Arcadia, Borealia, Cordelia, Dana, Dara, Edina, Hipolis Jagiella, Kingsland, New Arundel, Prince James Island, Sannginivut, Sial, Tasat, and Ughan.