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List of cities in Esthursia

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This is a list of cities in the Union of Esthursia that are officially designated such as of 20 September 2023. It lists those places that have been granted city status by Crown charter, thus gaining metropolitan powers, after meeting necessary criteria and applying. There are currently a total of 111 such cities in Esthursia: 66 in Osynstry, 14 each in Helmark and Merthing, 7 in Ezhonyth, 5 in Helvellyn, 4 in Cordane, and 1 on the Ereway Islands. In some cases, the area holding city status does not coincide with the built up area or conurbation of which it forms part. In Greater Weskerby, for example, the Brough of Weskerby, Brough of Armston, Brough of Meresery and Brough of Leamington each hold city status separately, and the Brough of Weskerby's status is recognised jointly with that of its constituent city of Weskerby. In other cases, such as the Cities of Shefforth and Edmonton, the status applies to a local government district which extends over a number of towns and rural areas outside the main settlement proper.

Generally, settlements with under 100,000 people and/or without separate services are not granted recognition as cities by the King, however the smallest two cities (Adeilstað and Manzion) have substantially less than 100,000 residents despite being recognised as cities in 1909 and 2002 respectively; the largest Esthursian settlement without city status is Chaltham, Asterland, Osynstry, with a population of over 276,000.

List of cities

City Year granted
or confirmed
Nation Region (if in Osynstry) Image Population
Acaster 1951 Osynstry Asterland 139,481
Adeilstað 1909 Helmark 84,440
Almington 1917 Osynstry 282,653
Alnewood 1899 Helmark 301,118
Anberry 1801 Cordane 551,221
Anbourn 1941 Osynstry South Osynstry 370,709
Anbrough 1925 Osynstry Asterland 478,820
Armston 1881 Osynstry Asterland 407,759
Asgarslow 1891 Osynstry Midlands 997,485
Athelsport 2004 Merthing 198,023
Atlington 1916 Osynstry South-West 1,144,280
Avermydd 1947 Ezhonyth 490,301
Avondale 1944 Osynstry Hereshire 884,404
Away 1912 Merthing 155,522
Balderdash 2022 Osynstry South Osynstry 173,038
Banbury 1895 Merthing 300,844
Belbury 2014 Osynstry Hereshire 216,484
Boston 1938 Osynstry West Barrows 1,017,440
Bramberby 1932 Merthing 390,813
Brantley 1884 Osynstry Hereshire 14,701,115
Breghan 1990 Ezhonyth 134,012
Calwold 2022 Osynstry South-West 160,523
Cambury 1916 Osynstry West Barrows 783,484
Cannock 1888 Osynstry Hereshire 775,410
Charenbost 1911 Osynstry Hereshire 294,401
Charningley 1908 Osynstry South Osynstry 266,059
Colbern 1909 Merthing 277,181
Coswyk 1924 Helvellyn 226,501
Cottingbury 1923 Merthing 737,930
Davenbrook 1857 Osynstry Midlands 1,044,775
Denewent 1966 Osynstry South-West 534,101
Devesgar 1929 Ezhonyth 661,527
Dunworth 1977 Osynstry 206,631
Edmonton 1980 Merthing 366,955
Esthampton 1805 Osynstry South Osynstry 4,974,170
Everstead 1915 Helmark 583,818
Execester 1041 Osynstry South-West 4,292,501
Fjármagn 1208 Helmark 7,296,606
Garston 1771 Cordane 652,948
Gloucester 1928 Osynstry Asterland 2,094,494
Greystones 2012 Osynstry South Osynstry 251,019
Gwerzhan 1910 Ezhonyth 306,119
Hanbury 1853 Osynstry Hereshire 531,105
Hancroft 1839 Osynstry South-West 699,483
Headington 2012 Osynstry Hereshire 303,319
Helston 1897 Merthing 629,404
Hemsburgh 1922 Osynstry West Barrows 601,127
Hendurstað 2012 Helmark 277,050
Hereford 1228 Osynstry Hereshire 316,613
Hereporth 1890 Osynstry Hereshire 3,814,559
Hewesmouth 1919 Osynstry South Osynstry 1,794,049
Highsbury 1770 Osynstry Asterland 260,022
Holmfirth 1886 Osynstry Hereshire 678,940
Ialo 1990 Ezhonyth 177,282
Inníanni 1901 Helmark 353,773
Iveston 2007 Merthing 124,984
Jump 1966 Osynstry Hereshire 163,933
Lancestre 1699 Osynstry West Barrows 2,201,180
Leamington 1887 Osynstry Asterland 485,550
Leigh Framping 1741 Osynstry Midlands 345,090
Ljósdalur 1855 Helmark 114,880
Lowesborough 1977 Osynstry South-West 173,644
Malverne 1944 Osynstry West Barrows 481,366
Manzion 2002 Merthing 79,128
Marthan 1960 Merthing 301,821
Mellington 1899 Osynstry Asterland 746,505
Mereling 1901 Osynstry Asterland 993,283
Meresery 2011 Osynstry Asterland 316,689
Newbrough 1770 Cordane 311,165
Newtown 1770 Osynstry West Barrows 261,086
Norðurflói 1887 Helmark 231,955
Norvysporth 1918 Helvellyn 707,112
Oaksbeck 1811 Osynstry Asterland 358,206
Okesby 2017 Osynstry South Osynstry 180,291
Olmsbeck 1910 Osynstry South Osynstry 308,219
Óþenfura 1939 Helmark 267,505
Pentreth 1874 Merthing 248,949
Pontegan 1979 Helvellyn 161,200
Ravenscroft 1188 Merthing 1,401,303
Rennezh 1344 Ezhonyth 3,301,292
Renshaven 1941 Osynstry South Osynstry 407,921
Romsby 1922 Osynstry South-West 308,219
Selbern 1995 Osynstry Asterland 193,304
Shefforth 1910 Osynstry Hereshire 834,485
Skogsfjord 1904 Helmark 591,013
Somberbridge 1799 Osynstry South-West 637,129
Southport 1910 Cordane 159,049
Spenning 1953 Merthing 308,219
St Urien 1978 Merthing 187,550
Strackway 1937 Helmark 729,494
Strantglade 1909 Merthing 669,303
Sutton 1915 Osynstry Hereshire 550,078
Swalebeck 1894 Osynstry Hereshire 490,717
Therston 1983 Osynstry South Osynstry 402,944
Thornlow 1191 Osynstry Asterland 669,404
Thrutch 1983 Osynstry Asterland 149,102
Thurrock 1877 Osynstry Asterland 2,988,800
Trederow 2022 Helvellyn 117,440
Tregarval 1688 Helvellyn 477,546
Tynwald 1897 Helmark 2,594,117
Útvörður 1844 Helmark 388,641
Valbrook 1971 Osynstry West Barrows 217,574
Valmont 1935 Osynstry Midlands 411,255
Thurrock 1877 Osynstry Asterland 2,988,800
Vesturhofen 1983 Helmark 501,164
Vidhua 2007 Ezhonyth 171,012
Wencaster 1806 Osynstry Midlands 601,172
Weskerby 1579 Osynstry Asterland 15,894,491
Whitton 2012 Osynstry South Osynstry 226,175
Yeaburn 1917 Osynstry South Osynstry 3,101,292
Yonderby 1978 Ereway Islands 2,988,800
Yourke 2022 Osynstry South-West 220,126