Cyrene III, High Archduchess of Cosacakaya

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Cyrene III
High Archduchess of Cosacakaya
Photo of Cyrene in 2019.jpg
High Archduchess Cyrene pictured in 2019
High Archduchess of Cosacakaya
ReignFebruary 5 2018 - Present
CoronationOctober 23 2018
PredecessorHigh Archduke Andriy II
First Ministers
Born (1976-12-03) 3 December 1976 (age 47)
Osti, High Archduchy of Cosacakaya
Issue8 (inc. Alexy
Alexandra) and 3 adopted
Full name
Royal HouseHouse of Ivanov
FatherMikhailo, Archduke of Cosacakaya
ReligionEastern Orthodoxy

Cyrene III (Cyrene Olena Ulyana Oxana Ivanov; b. 23 December 1976) is the xxth High Archduchess of Cosacakaya. She ascended the throne after the death of her grandfather, High Archduke Andriy II.

Initially, unexpected to succeed her father and older brother, she was thrust into the position of heir apparent after the 2010 Cosacakaya Airlines Flight 122 Incident, when both her father and brother perished in an aircraft crash. After several months, she was finally appointed heir to the throne following a constitutional amendment was implemented finally which allowed women to inherit the throne.

Following the death of her grandfather, her coronation was delayed by opposition to her becoming High Archduchess of Cosacakaya during the 2018 Cosacakaya Constitutional Crisis due to her right-wing views and opposition to reforming the Monarchy to becoming more democractic. These tensions came ahead during the Black Thursday, in which with the support of Grand Prince Yuri and the Bolyar, she overthrew the civilian government, purged the Bolyar, and solidified her hold on the throne. Since the Black Thursday, Cyrene III and Grand Prince Yuri have undergone sweeping purges of the Cosacakayan government, nobility and Siloviki; consolidating and cementing their authority over the apparatuses of the government of Cosacakaya through her Oprichniki.

Since the start of her reign, the policies of her government have witnessed a large increase of repression against political rivals through the Oprichnina and a growing willing to use violence for the denial of channels for peaceful change. Government corruption, the inability of her government to deliver public services, and the lack of equality of opportunity has continued to dramatically increase. Opposition figures have criticised her government of increasing corruption, nepotism, and kleptocracy within the government and security services.

Early Life


Cyrene was born on 3 December 1976 in Osti, High Archduchy of Cosacakaya to Mikhailo, Archduke of Cosacakaya and his wife [xxxx]. Cyrene was the youngest of two children her parents would have together and the only daughter the couple would have together. Despite the wishes of her mother for a home birth, she was delivered via an emergency caesarean section because of umbilical cord prolapse and was subsequently transferred to a neo-natal unit for close observation as a precaution. Cyrene's brother and grandparents remained at hospital until she was healthy enough to be discharged. However her father reportedly never came to visit his wife or sickly daughter. Something which the royal family later denied.

Her name was inspired by her great-great-great-grandmother Cyrene II; who briefly served the High Archduchess during the regency of great-great grandfather Archduke Yuri. She was baptised in the Eastern Orthodoxy at Saint Kolomenskoye's Cathedral in Ost a month after her birth and christened ‘’Cyrene Olena Ulyana Oxana Ivanov’’. She received the title Princess of Cosacakaya from her grandfather High Archduke Andriy II - who was also named her godparent.


Official Portrait of Cyrene at age six.

Pre-heir apparent activities

Cyrene after her wedding to [PLACEHOLDER].

Heir apparent

After the deaths of father and older brother in the 2010 Cosacakaya Airlines Flight 122 Incident, she was considered to the leading candidate of heir apparent ahead of her uncle, Grand Prince Alexander. During this time, Cyrene began to undertake smaller royal duties on behalf of her grandfather.

After several months, she was finally appointed heir to the throne following a constitutional amendment was implemented finally which allowed women to become the Heir Apparent of the High Archduchy. The decision was controversial and was immediately publicly opposed by right-wing elements of the government against the idea to a female Archduchess, her uncle Grand Prince Alexander and Konctitkis faction who saw it as an opportunity to finally reform the Monarchy.

Cyrene joined All-Cosacakayan People's Front as an official representative of the Crown and as part of her royal duties in 2013. She soon rose to lead the Religious Movement of Mothers of Cosacakaya organisation. She continued to work for charitable causes for at-risk children.. With funding from federal and regional grants, companies and oligarchs, Cyrene started to portray herself as the benevolent Mother of all Cosacakayans in the media and made frequent appearances of state-owned Cosacakayan radio and televison while also developing close relations with powerful elements of the government.

Cyrene became an increasingly prominent member of her grandfather's inner circle and joined the Advisory Council of the High Archduchy of Cosacakaya, advising the government on key points of policy. This coincided with Cyrene's links with the Silovik faction growing and independent media reporting her close relationship to important figures in the Cosacakayan counter-intelligence apparatus. She was repeated linked with pushing the agendas of several former members of the Counter-intelligence Service in the Advisory Council between 2013 to 2018.

During her time as heir apparent, Cyrene greatly expanded the position's power and influence at the expense of her rivals in government - changing from being a ceremonial position with little to no power to become one of the most influential positions in government. Her expansion of the powers of the position resulted in heavy criticism by the Konctitkis for abuse of power. Something which Cyrene denied.

Relationship with the Church

Cyrene meets with religious leaders in 2016.

Cyrene relationship with the Church grew after becoming heir apparent and this was promoted actively by her press corps. Most notably, Cyrene was frequently documented through her regular meetings with religious leaders in 2015 to 2018. She consistently engaged in open dialogue with clerics from various faiths, including Cosacakayan Orthodox Christianity and other religious denominations. These meetings serve as a platform for discussing matters of mutual concern, as well as fostering cooperation on social and humanitarian issues.

Additionally, as Heir Apparent, she actively supported religious causes and a brought attention to religious initiatives with the passive support of her grandfather. She was also frequently pictured to personally attend religious ceremonies and events with her family, and emphasised the importance of spirituality in Cosacakaya during public interviews with press. Moreover, her support extends beyond mere symbolism, as she supported increased funding for religious organizations and initiatives aimed at promoting religious education, and Church-led community development programs.

However, this growing relationship with the Church was highly controversial. After her ascension to Heir Apparent of the High Archduchy oppositional media sources in Cosacakaya started to direct attention to 'deeply suspicious' financial dealings between Cyrene and the senior religious figures in the country. On 2 December 2016, the Observatory of Human Rights for Cosacakaya published a list of bank accounts allegedly belonging to Cyrene and her close friend Alexy Volodin, in which he received vast sums of money from several shell corporations totaling to nearly 45 million in foreign currency were closed into the accounts linked to the Orthodox Church.

Observatory's report claimed that a sizable portion of this money was used to bribe the political support of senior figures in the Church and to turn a blind eye growing authoritarianism. Others expressed concern about her close relationship and the potential blurring of the separation between church and state. Critics argue that her active involvement in religious affairs undermine the principle of religious neutrality and the separation of Church and State.

Tension with Grand Prince Alexander & Konctitkis

Grand Prince Alexander was a major critic of his father's style of rule.

As  High Archduke Andriy's health began to worsen, tensions between herself and Grand Prince Alexander began to grow over their differing views for the future of Cosacakaya. As she became an increasingly prominent member of her grandfather's inner circle, reportedly at the expense of Alexander, her uncle began to publicly criticise the 'authoritarianphilic' Cyrene in the press.

Early Reign

2018 Cosacakaya Constitutional Crisis

Elements of the Special Mission outside of the former Supreme Court of Cosacakayan building.

At the beginning of her reign, Cyrene fought with the Supreme Court of Cosacakaya and Parliament of Cosacakaya for control over government and opposition to a woman becoming the High Archduchess. The crisis began when Alexander challenged the legality of the ascension and accused Cyrene of orchestrating a power grab during an interview on Cosacakayan state television. Alexander claimed that his father had declared that he should be his hier and that the aging wished for him to become High Archduke.

Building tension between Silovik and Konctitki factions in the government spilled out into the open. Alexander challenging the legality of Cyrene ascension triggered a the beginning of a Constitutional Crisis.

Black Thursday

Buryatya Conflict

Destroyed Cosacakayan military vehicle after the Run on Bichura. Heavy losses suffered by Royal Land Force of Cosacakaya weaken her support among the Vihiki.

The next major challenge of her reign came with the 2019 Buryatya Conflict, when fighters belonging to the Buryatyan Liberation Army took advantage of the situation in the Cosacakayan government to seize control over most of Buryatya. Secessionist sentiment in the region had been growing and eventually spilled out into open rebellion when members of the BLA stormed local government building.

In January 2019, Cyrene ordered a Counter-Terrorist operation of the region in an attempt to restore control over the Buryatya. On 31 January, Cyrene made her first televised address as High Archduchess announcing a military operation aimed at clearing the troubled region of separatists and terrorists.


Domestic Policies

Allegations of fostering a cult of personality

Also see: Cult of personality

Cyrene often appears in religious clothing, trying to appear a devout motherly figure of all Cosacakayans.

Cyrene has worked to cultivate a cult of personality around herself and the Cosacakayan Royal Family, as the defender of traditional Christian values and maternal figure to all Cosacakayans, an accusation that the Royal Family has denied. As a result of that, Cyrene often appears in religious clothing, trying to appear a devout wearing a Christian veiling and frequently quotes religious verses during public addresses. She is filmed and pictured with her large family attending mass and other religious celebrations.

After Black Thursday, her supporters, especially among the right-wing, welcomed the her actions with celebrations and carried posters of Cyrene, chanting "The Monarchy and the People are one hand against enemies of the state." At the direction of the Oprichnina, on social networks, thousands of Cosacakayans changed their profile pictures to pictures of herself or the Cosacakayan Royal Family. Several campaigns were started online requesting that Cyrene add the title of All-Mother of the Nation.

Since 2022, foreign observers reported Cyrene's government intensifying attempts to establish an Imperial cult around the her family was the only way to counter growing opposition to the monarchy. Media in the country depict her as being combination of brilliant leader and kind mother who will restore Cosacakayan greatness and traditional values. As a result of this campaign, many of her supporters has been affectionally called her Bambashka or grandmother. In recently years, the government has been dedicating more music, art and sculpture to the glorification of the royal family.

Observer of the Cosacakayan monarchy, Michael Kofman, believed that is was part of a broader domestic policy of her trying to consolidate and strengthen her own power against nobility and her political opponents after the Black Thursday.

Anti-LGBT policies

Main Page: LGBT policies of High Archduches Cyrene III

In early 2020 Cyrene was an early support to the Parliament of Cosacakaya discussions of passing new laws criminalising same-sex relationships. Cyrene claimed that the law was necessary combat rising 'pedophilia' in Cosacakaya. In February of that year federal law was passed ban the distribution of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships" among minors was passed. If found guilty, then Cosacakaya citizens could face huge fines and public officials should be arrested and charities could also be forced to cease operations for up to 90 days. Cyrene applauded this law as a "major step forward in combating perversions of the worst of society."

In reaction to backlash and criticism both in Cosacakaya against the law, Cyrene hinted to reporters that the law made it illegal holding any sort of public demonstration in favour of gay rights, speak in defence of LGBT rights, and distribute material related to LGBT culture, or to state that same-sex relationships are equal to heterosexual relationship.

In early 2023, Cyrene spoke about the need for even stronger law targeting the LGBT community in her country and called for legalisations to pass. This quickly gained support among the right-wing and Andrei Batunin introduced legislation to make it illegal to simply identify as LGBT. Cyrene has been frequently spotted on state tv arguing for the need for further restrictions freedom of speech on LGBT civil rights and the introduction of harsher penalties for certain types of homosexual acts.

Expansion of the Counter-intelligence State

Cyrene meets with a member of the Counter-intelligence in 2014.

As Heir apparent, Cyrene's links with the Silovik faction grew and she was repeated linked with several former members of the Counter-intelligence Service between 2013 to 2018.

Cyrene has order her government exercised greater censorship and other forms of control over education, publishing, and all manifestations of public life. Critics contended that the government's actions eroded civil liberties, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to privacy.

Human rights

Military reforms

Cosacakayan naval infantry marching in the Independence Day Parade.

Since Cyrene became High Archduchess in 2018, her government has been pumping more money into Cosacakayan's military and defence industry, rapidly expanding the size and strength of the Royal Armed Forces of Cosacakaya in order to restore confidence in the armed forces following the crises of the 2018 Cosacakaya Constitutional Crisis and the Buryatya Conflict. In spite of this, concerns remained within the among foreign observers over the lack of strategic flexibly of the military and the competence of its leadership.

After the poor performance of the armed forces during the Buryatya Conflict, exposing problems with affected by rampant corruption and decay, Cyrene announced the beginning of further military reforms to aiming to modernize the Royal Armed Forces of Cosacakaya and make them significantly more effective an in any future conflict. From 2020 Cosacakaya started placing more money into its military and defense industry and in the following year, the Ministry of Defence was directed to announce plans to spend up to US$4 billion over the next twelve years, however, the final cost may climb up to $12 billion, to retire outdated equipment and acquire brand new weapons systems.

In July of 2022, the Cyrene announced plans to accelerate the ongoing modernisation programme which would see an expansion of the country's more elite and politically loyal infantry units. These include the Royal Naval Infantry Forces and the Royal Airborne Forces as part of her Cosacakaya Defence Reform Act 2035 with growing focus to the creation of a rapid-reaction force. At the same time, the Army will take the brunt of the reduction of its military capacity and see a reduction in the number of professional soldiers and an increase use of conscripts.

According to Michael Kofman, Cyrene's decision to pour money and resources into building up the country's elite infantry units ability to conduct combined arms warfare was part of a boarder strategy to concentrate her control over the country following the chaotic start of her reign. He describing them as a politically loyal counterweight to the regular armed forces and for them to act as a praetorian guard and to guard against any coup attempt.

Views on the Economy

Cyrene is a reported believer in a mixed economy, with a mixture of regulations in the private sector with market freedoms, public ownership of several key industries such as energy and defence. Her government has frequently intervened in markets and closely regulated the private sector, although often these regulations have been weaponised to target her politic enemies. A key part of Cyrene's economic policies has been in protectionism, and the regulation of global interaction with the economy, through the use of tariffs and government subsidies to domestic producers loyal to her government.

As a result, Cyrene's reign has been marked by a concentrated effort to increase government control over the economy directly and indirectly through the nobility - which has caused a sharp increase in corruption, nepotism, and kleptocracy. A key part of this policy has been through centralisation of the economy with a growing priority on self-sufficiency and independence from other nations in the world. Although economic liberalism was an important part of her  grandfather's reign, Cyrene has been a noted critic of laissez-faire capitalism, which she describes as 'incompatible' the historical role of state control in the economy.

Foreign Policy

Cyrene holds heart hands during her visit to [PLACEHOLDER].

Political beliefs

Cyrene is a hardline social conservative and Christian Cosacakayan nationalist and has increased the power of the Orthodox Church in the country. Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality has evolved to become the ideological doctrine of her reign.

Promoting conservatism

Cyrene meets with the Patriarch of Cosacakaya.

Cyrene explicitly promotes conservative policies in social, cultural, and political matters, and use her powers to push her domestic conservate agenda .

In cultural and social affairs Cyrene has collaborated closely with the Eastern Orthodox Church, As a deeply religious monarch, Cyrene strengthened the ties between the monarchy and Eastern Orthodox Church. She sponsored religious festivals, supported religious education, and defended the rights and privileges of religious institutions.

Cyrene is a noted opponent of abortion and she has stated: "In the modern world, it's criminal how civilised names allow mass murder of children every day. This is the greatest tragedy of our generation." As heir apparent, she supported efforts to reduce the number of abortions. At the time, this put at odds with High Archduke Andriy II.

Through her reign, Cyrene has been a harden opponent of same-sex relationships in Cosacakaya and has routinely described marriage as a relationship only between one man and one woman.

Public Image

Cyrene has been frequently pictured with children since ascension.

Since her ascension, Cyrene has adopted a benevolent strongwoman image.

Cyrene has been accused of fostering a cult of personality and appear a devout motherly figure of all Cosacakayans - pushing the idea that she is the All-Mother of the Nation. Using this moniker, she has sought depict herself as a devout motherly figure when in the public eye. During public events, Cyrene frequently appears in the company of children, and spoke about commitment to the well-being and future of her nation's youth. Political commenters has noted how she has sought to project herself as the Mother of All Cosacakayans, she has embraced a nurturing and maternal persona when in public.

Propagandists frequently display Cyrene has not only embodying strength not only in a physical sense but also in her unwavering dedication to protect and empower her people. Foreign observers noted how Cyrene has tried to craft an image of her commitment to justice and fairness has earned her widespread admiration and respect.

She has sought to show an image of maternalist


Cultural Assimilation

Photo of some of the orphans believed to be in the custody of Cosacakayan families.

In 2021, Cyrene meet with representatives from the relevant departments, legislative and executive government bodies in the Buryatyan Military Authority to discuss the intergradation of Buryat children into general Cosacakayan culture. According to human rights activists, they finalised plans for the transferring of Buryat orphans from the Buryatyan Military Authority to the custody of ethnic Cosacakayan families.

Over the next few weeks, the Cosacakayan Movement For Democracy reported that the children were banned from speaking their native language in favour of Cosacakayan. While waiting to be transferred to their new families, the many of the children released videos describing the poor conditions they were being held in. While being promised that their temporary accommodations would be in a dormitory at a city college or two family-type children’s homes, they were instead left in an abandoned warehouse without any running water.

Once they had been transferred, 160 children entered into the custody of Cosacakayan families and reportedly began a process of forced assimilation into Cosacakayan identity by the teaching cultural values and practices to be held in common by the majority them. They would also be prohibited from communicating with close relatives and wouldn't be given an opportunity to return home.

According to a spokesman from Buryatyan Military Authority, the operation was launched in accordance with executive orders signed by Grand Duchess Cyrene, children from the Buryatya that have been left without parental care would enter the custody of the government and would receive a special cultural, religious education based Cosacakayan values to serve their best interests and their future.

In early 2022, Cyrene highlighted during an interview that the Buryat orphans have had their Buryat identities erased after being raised by ethnic Cosacakayan families. She admitted that they are now "indistinguishable from the locals".

Neglect and Mismanagement in Charities

In 2017, on the initiative of Cyrene, she opened a boarding house for at risk orphan teenagers, only the second in Cosacakaya. Nicknamed “ Cyrene’s House” by the press, it began operating in Zenpa, a small town located 45 minutes from Osti.

The Truth media reported that her attitude towards her wards in her charitable projects changed after she became Heir apparent and increasingly involved politics. Many problems arising from neglect and mismanagement began to be reported. In 2016, according to Truth media, "some of the orphan teenagers were allegedly issued loans to pay for the cost of staying at the boarding house, others died due to lack of proper care, and severely disabled residents were “hidden” from inspectors."


Main page: Womenwashing by Cyrene

Cyrene speaking at the Osti Women's Forum designed to encourage entrepreneurship. Critics claim that she uses it to clean her reputation.

Personal Life

Cyrene pictured by the press with her future husband in 1987.

She is said to have been captivated by his wish for a large family: "according to her, if she met a guy who wanted less than three children, there was no second date."

She went on to have 8 biological children, adopted another 3, including her cousin and daughter of Grand Prince Alexander, Princess Alina.


Marriage and issue

Styles, titles, honors, and arms


Styles of
The High Archduchess
COA of Balcia.png
Reference styleYour Majesty
Spoken styleHer Majesty
Alternative styleMiss

