Lotus Sea

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Lotus Sea
Mar de loto
Mer de Lotus
Lotus sea.png
Lotus Sea
Lotus Barty resized.png
Bathymetry of the Lotus Sea
LocationNorth-Western Aurelia

South-Western Alharu

Eastern Thalassa
Coordinates0° 105°W
EtymologyLotus Flower
Average depth2,950 metres (9,678.478 ft)
Max. depth5,102 metres (16,738.85 ft)
Water volumelater
Shore length1later
IslandsAtleast 6
1 Shore length is not a well-defined measure.

The Lotus Sea is a sea on Eurth connected to the Oriental Ocean, surrounded by the Aurelian Shield, Cashari Island, Hei Sea, South-Western Alharan Coast and the Northern Aurelian Coast. The Lotus Sea covers an area of about X,XXX,XXX km2 (XXX,XXX sq mi), representing x% of the glubal ocean surface. The Lotus Sea encompasses a vast number of islands, some of them of volcanic origin. The Lotus Sea has an average depth of 2,950 m (9,678 ft) and the deepest recorded point is 5,102 m (16,738 ft) in the XXX, between Giokto and Goankok.

The sea was an important route for merchants and travellers of ancient times, facilitating the trade and cultural exchange between the peoples of the region. The Sheng Dynasty maintained hegemony over the sea for several centuries between .

The countries surrounding the Lotus and it's marginal seas in clockwise order are Florentia, Ocraly, Ymutz-Mizlan, Pecario, Manamana, Bushland, Kolhar, Mikochi, Goankok, Giokto and Esonice. In addition, the Maimi territory of Seylos and Isla de Rosario of Aurora also has a coastline on the Lotus Sea. The drainage basin of the Lotus Sea also extends into Great Xio.

Names and etymology





In the Esonian language, the Lotus Sea is known as Ryankai (蓮海), literally meaning 'Lotus Sea'. The name Ryankai, Lotus Sea in Esonice has been in use for several centuries, first being mentioned in texts of the emergent Serene Kingdom in the late 10th century. It is believed that the name 'Lotus Sea' entered the Anglish language through Esonian to refer to the sea.


The official name for the sea in Mitonese and most Azumic is Hasu-kai (蓮の海), or sometimes Rōtasu shī (ロータス・シー)


In Mikochinese, the name for the Lotus Sea has changed several times, however is currently named Hasu-kai (蓮の海). In early Mikochinese literature, the sea was referred to as Chuo-kai (中海), taking influence from Sheng geographers. The name stuck until 16XX, when Hakkei Yuji reunified Mikochi. He declared the name of the sea to become Miko-kai (海越の海), literally translating to Sea of Mikochi, as part of the greater Hakkei goal to assert dominance in the Lotus Sea.


During the Sheng era, the Lotus Sea was referred to as Tionghái (中海), literally meaning Middle Sea.


Mer de Lotus (WIP)


Mar de Loto (WIP)


Proto-Azumic Migrations

They moved from the desert (WIP)

Sheng Dynasty and Medieval Era

They conquered (WIP)

Aurelian Wars & Modern Era

They warred (WIP)


Marginal Seas

Bahia Del Trebol

Bahia Del Trebol (WIP)

Manamana Bay

Manamana bay (WIP)



Exclusive Economic Zone


Major Cities

City Population Country
Umikyo Mikochi
Akahama Mikochi
Kagayaki Mikochi
Sakurazaki Mikochi
Kinko Mikochi
Sisimto Goankok
Sushu Esonice
Ryuguchi Esonice
Yedo Garindina
Motoharu-chu Motoharu
Okado Esonice
Belleville Florentia
Mouvant Florentia
Teldore Florentia
Solmarina Pecario
San Cristobal Manamana
Coltington Bushland

Other Features



A list of important islands in the Lotus Sea.

Islands >= 1,000 km2 (780 sq mi)
Island Area (km2) Area (sq mi) Population Country
Cashari Island* Florentia, Aurora
Shimdo Esonice**
Ajima Esonice
Hushima Esonice
Hangoku Mikochi
Seinan Mikochi
1 Shield
2 Shield
Takarajima Mikochi
Kaiyushima Mikochi
Nijinoshima Mikochi
Mishima Mikochi
Aozorashima Mikochi
Giokto Giokto
Goankok Major Goankok
Luminara Goankok
Kolhar Major Kolhar
Kolhar Minor Kolhar
Isla de Rosario Aurelia
1 East Kolhar
Bushland Major Bushland
Bushland Minor Bushland

*Although Cashari Island extends into the Lotus Sea, it was exluded from the study as it is classified as a subcontinent of Alharu.

**Shimdō is also partially controlled by Seylos, Florentia, Motoharu and Garindina.



Vegetation & Coral

[underwater plants, coastal plants, plants only in this area/predominantly, corals]


[sharks,fish, birds...]


Sea also