Party Name
Seats in Folksmot
Seats in Landsmot
Provincial Presidents
Sun and Crescent Party Partiya Tavê û Heyv
Social democracy Liberal conservatism Gülen movement
National Development Party Partiya Pêşketina Neteweyî
Classical liberalism Liberal conservatism
Sotirian Democrats Sortiren Folksrâgelen
Sotirian democracy
The Radicals Radikaalen
Social liberalism Centrism
Green Party Groonpartii
Green politics Federalism
People's Party Folkspartii
Right-wing populism National liberalism Anti-immigration
Kurdistan Worker's Party Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê
Democratic socialism Left-wing populism Anti-capitalism
New Azmara Ny Azmaara
Immigrants' rights Multiculturalism Social democracy
Free Alliance 08 Friibinden 08
Regionalism Federalism Big tent
Grey Party Grejpartii
Pensioners' interests