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Onekawa-Yisrael relations

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Relations between Onekawa-Nukanoa and Yisrael have spanned over a century since Onekawa's tribal unification and independence from Arthurista.

Mutual knowledge of the Maori peoples of pre-state Onekawa and the earlier pre-royal Jewish realms date back several centuries to the 16th century (on the Yisraeli side, this was largely due to correspondence from Jewish merchants, explorers, and notables from Perateia), but relations were non-existent and trade too disattentuated and without any regularity.

Modern diplomatic relations were established in 1899 between both countries. Onekawa's unifying king, Tama Onekawa, was aware from Arthuristan contacts of the Royal Bank of Yisrael's post-1889 foreign direct investment program and immediately pressed the new Yisraeli ambassador on establishing economic ties. In the early 20th century, the Royal Bank of Yisrael loaned $1.78 million shekels to the fledgling Malaio power, which engaged in a rapid industrialization policy.

Politically, Onekawan and Yisraeli ties strengthened despite the geographic distance, with O-N providing suppport against Sydalon during the 2nd West Scipian War and Yisraeli help in return to King Tama's heir and supporters in the 1925 civil war where a Yisraeli naval squadron and expeditionary force aided the Tamaists, who won the conflict. Diplomatic ties remained so robust that O-N was one of the only nations that actvely support General David Azoulay and his Autocracy regime in the 1940s.

In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a flood of Yisraeli businesses looking to expand into Ochran and Malaio, and Onekawa was one of those beneficiaries. One cultural export by Onekawa to Yisrael and West Scipia was a form of Maori comedy that became popular entertainment in major West Scipian cities. The staunch anti-communist stance and broad support of royalism abroad from the Presidency of Binyamin Schwartz (1976-84) to the present have steadily maintained close ties between both countries, leading to defense and intelligence-sharing.

Recently, the Maori King Tama III Onekawa signaled his suppport of the ongoing Hezekian Reaction (2020-present).

Onekawa-Yisrael relations


Diplomatic mission
Onekawan Embassy, YerushalayimYisraeli Embassy,
Waimarie Herangi
Gershon Rothman

Country comparison

Onekawa-Nukanoa Ngāti Onekawa-Nukanoa Yisrael Kingdom of Yisrael
Populations 62 million (2018) 21.4 million (2020)
Area 1,074,528 km2 150,304 km2
Population density 57.7 km2 TBA
Capital Takutaiwhero Yerushalayim
Largest city Peeti-makau-rau Dervaylik
Government Federal absolute monarchy Federal presidential constitutional monarchy
Current Leader Māori Kīngi Tama III Onekawa
(head of state and government)
HRM King Hezekiah III
(head of state)
President Yitzchok Katz
(head of government)
Official languages Maori Modern Hebrew, Allamunnic English and Yiddish
Main religions TBA Jewish (75.1%)
Other (24.9%).
GDP (nominal) (2020) $2 trillion ($32,253 per capita) $892.92 billion ($41,794 per capita)
Military expenditures $70.1 billion (3.5% of GDP) $41.19 billion (5% of GDP)


Modern era (1897-1951)

Late modern era (1951-2000)

Contemporary era (2000-present)

Trade and economics

Both countries have deep ties to the other. Shortly after official diplomatic relations were established, the Yisraeli joint venture West Makrian Citrus Company established itself in Onekawa's citrus orchard estates in 1903 and within a decade became a major agricultural player locally. Several other Yisraeli companies, including the Trans-Ozeros Industrial Corporation and the Vespanic Light Manufacturing Company, set up shop in Onekawa at King Tama's invitation to help implement the Onekawan policy of rapid industrialization. These firms produced a range of items, from auto parts to rifles to household goods.

In 1987, a major Onekawan aircraft manufacturer, Ahuriri Aircraft, opened an assembly plant outside Dervaylik, Yisrael. During the 1990s and 2000s, Ahuriri's industrial footprint in West Scipia had expanded to several factories and it exported across Belisarian and Scipian markets.

Starting in the 1920s, newly enriched Onekawan elites and businessmen looking to expand westward in the Periclean starting banking in Yisrael. There are currently, as of 2020, over $670 million in accounts linked to Onekawan clients.

Onekawa mainly exports citrus fruit, light and heavy manufactured goods, aviation equipment, paper products, and renewable energy systems to Yisrael, while Yisrael exports for the most part financial products and services, luxury goods, and natural gas to Onekawa-Nukanoa.

Law enforcement

Onekawan and Yisraeli police agencies cooperate with one another, though the need is often infrequent. In the 1960s and again in the mid-2000s, Yisrael offered an extradition treaty but Onekawa declined on both occasions. Major national law enforcement agencies, such as the Ngā Pirihimana o Onekawa-Nukanoa, the Ngā Pirihimana o Roera Onekawa-Nukanoa, the Royal Yisraeli Special Political Police, and the Royal Yisraeli Security Service share information on criminals on a case-by-case basis.

Some of the most noteworthy cooperation occurred, in conjunction with counterintelligence organizations, regarding criminals linked to espionage as well as spies themselves, including the capture of a Pulaui agent in 1977, and subsequent arrest of separate Tsurushiman operatives in 1981 and 2003, respectively, along with their criminal underworld associates.

Military and security

Defense and intelligence sharing

Onekawa and Yisrael have a long, storied military relationship. Yisraeli military officers were brought in soon after the conclusion of the 1925 Civil War to train Onekawan forces in modern military strategy, tactics, and technology. The ON armed forces, in particular the Army, retained Yisraeli instructors well into the 1940s.

Starting in the 1940s, Onekawa permitted the then-Royal Yisraeli Secret Service (later the RYIS) to establish an intelligence outpost, focusing on both human and signals intelligence. In addition, in 1944 Onekawa-Nukanoa agreed to let Yisraeli warships and fighter-craft refuel at its naval and air bases.

In 2014, Yisrael and Onekawa struck a deal for the stationing of a small Yisraeli naval and marine contingent, called the Far East Station, at the Moana Tahi Pa Naval Base in northern Onekawa. Elements of the 1st Independent Marine Regiment rotate deployments to the Far East Station, training and exercising in expeditionary tactics and war-games with their Onekawan counterparts. The Royal Yisraeli Navy stations 2 corvettes, a destroyer, and a frigate. In return, units of the Royal Onekawa-Nukanoa Parachutist Rifle Brigade, a light airborne brigade, deploy to Yisrael to train in the particularly dry and rugged Great Southern Desert.

Onekawa-Nukanoan Intelligence and the Royal Yisraeli Intelligence Service maintain an intelligence-sharing program, particularly on leftist regimes in Pulau Keramat, Jhengtsang, and Tsurushima.

The Te Taua Moana Roera o Onekawa-Nukanoa and Royal Yisraeli Navy hold annual joint exercises together.

Border controls and immigration

Both countries require visas to travel to each other. Many Onekawan travelers are able to be eligible for the expedited "Strategic Partners" airport security program.

See also