List of countries by economic data (Ajax)

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This is a list of the countries of Ajax arranged according to different pieces of economic information.

List of countries by economic data

Nation Nominal GDP
(in NSD$ billions)
per capita
(in NSD$)
System Gini HDI ir (%) ur (%) Currency
Arthurista Arthurista 2,940 45,000 Commonwealth Pound
Ascalzar Ascalzar 22 27,342 Denario
Ayeli Ayeli 5 14,103 Unosda
Belfras Belfras 4,102 37,294 Lira
Besmenia Besmenia 937 31,536 Social market economy Besmenian Spero
Charnea Charnea 101 5,779 Dinar
Cynereth Cynereth 1,643 25,453 Vaedril
Drevstran Drevstran 810 18,000
Enyama Enyama 392 9,180 Okane
Erishland 362 50,597 Heud
Fahran Fahran 423 13,495 Riyyal
Garima Garima Thaler
Garza Garza Real
Gelonia Gelonia 343 32,891 Mixed market economy Korora
Ghant Ghant 2,000 36,061 Dual economy 40.6 0.755 1.85 3.5 Ghantmark
Gristol-Serkonos Gristol-Serkonos 1,989 30,678 Mixed market economy 31.3 0.912 1.95 5.6 Crown
Iskail Iskail Key
Jhengtsang Jhengtsang 3,100 20,000 Socialist planned economy 18.5 0.914 Labor Credit
Juwari Gurun
Kaayhltaa Tlag 250 18,652 Kal
Keuland Keuland Krone
Latium Latium 3,971 45,539 Mixed market economy Solidus
Lihnidos Lihnidos 2,977 41,109 Mixed market economy 38.9 .870 1.22 4.13 Denarius
Lyncanestria Lyncanestria 2,773 41,540 Mixed market economy 37.8 0.865 0.11 3.01 Imperial Crown
Mutul Mutul 1,800 15,000 Dirigisme economy 0,52 0,69 Baat
North Ottonia North Ottonia 1,903 20,457 Market Socialism Oto
Onekawa-Nukanoa Onekawa-Nukanoa 2,000 32,253 Tara
Ostrozava Ostrozava
Pulau Keramat Pulau Keramat 1,480 17,739 Rigganit
Sante Reze Sante Reze 3,750 35,590 Lire
Skaldafen Confederation Skaldafen 2,546 27,840 Skoldr
South Ottonia South Ottonia 681 21,281 Market Socialism Kroner
Template:Country data Sudmark Sudmark Krone
Sydalon Sydalon 403 27,425 Denarius
Talakh Talakh 163 13,981
Thraysia Thraysia 21,301 Dirigisme economy 26.1 0.855 4.31 3.7 Bezant
Tsensurii Tsensurii 170 37,292 Iari
Tsurushima Daitoa Republic 4,342 34,281 Kiku
Tulura Tulura 3,120 20,571 Mixed economy 58.1 0.794 0.27 4 Tuluran rupee
Uluujol Uluujol 1,235 12,164 Dirigiste Economy Som (U$)
Template:Country data Valgtea Valgtea 3,940 27,567 Thaler
Vardana Vardana 744 14,540 Dram
Yisrael Yisrael 893 41,794 Free market economy 43.2 0.913 3.97 5.46 New Shekel