Military Equipment of Ruvelka

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The Ruvelkan Armed Forces are equipped with a wide variety of arms and armored vehicles. Following the Ruvelkan Civil War and in the aftermath of the Siduri War, the re-established Principality began to work on developing its own weapons in order to supply its armed forces. While this effort has largely succeeded, Ruvelka does still rely on importation of several types of weapons and vehicles.


For most of its modern history Ruvelka has largely supplemented its domestic suppliers with equipment from both Acrea and Cacerta. Ruvelka focused heavily on the development of its own weapons following the end of the Siduri War, seeing the expansion of its arms industry and as an important component of its doctrine of self-preservation.

Local Military Corporations

  • Small Arms
    • Principality Arms
    • Ruvelya Fegyverzet (Ruvelkan Armaments)
  • Tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles
    • Hegedüs Conglomerate
    • Ikarus Heavy Industries
    • Ruvelkan Defense Administration
    • S & T Dynamics
  • Aircraft
    • Ruvelkan Aerial Manufacturer

Imperial Army Equipment

Small Arms

Name Image Origin Type Caliber Notes


Principality Arms K6 PrincipalityArmsK6Handgun.png  Ruvelka Semi-Automatic Pistol 9×19mm
.45 ACP
P09 P09.png  Acrea Semi-Automatic Pistol 9×19mm


Albricci Mark II AlbricciMarkIIShotgun.jpg  Cacerta Pump-Action Shotgun 12 Guage
20 Guage

Infantry Rifles

Principality Arms G66 PrincipalityArmsG66AssaultRifle.png  Ruvelka Assault Rifle 7.62×39mm Primary armament of the Imperial Army.
Principality Arms G88 RK95.jpg  Ruvelka Assault Rifle 7.62×39mm Primary armament of the Imperial Fusiliers; in the process of replacing the G66 in the Imperial Army.
Vitali 07 AR VitaliZeroSevenAssaultRifle.jpg  Cacerta Assault Rifle 5.56×45mm Utilized by Ruvelkan Jump Infantry for its small size.

Sniper Rifles and Designated Marksmen Rifles

Vitali 09 SR VitaliZeroNineSniperRifle.jpg  Cacerta Sniper Rifle 5.56×45mm
G338 G338.jpg  Acrea Sniper Rifle 8.6x70mm
G29 G29.png  Acrea Sniper Rifle 8.6x70mm

Machine Guns

PH-250 PH-250.jpg  Syara General Purpose Machine Gun 7.62×39mm Examples captured during the Imerti Conflict; reverse-engineered and produced in Ruvelka.
Vitali MG50 VitaliMG50HeavyMachineGun.jpg  Cacerta Heavy Machine Gun 12.7×99mm

Ground Vehicles

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

APCs and IFVs

LHJ1 Protected Crawler LHJ1ProtectedCrawler.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier 2,000 To be phased out in favor of the LHJ2.
LHJ2 Armored Crawler LHJ2APC.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier 1,112 Larger and better armored than the LHJ1.
MTPJ3 6×6 APC MTPJ36×6APC.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier 1,200
MTPJ4 8×8 APC MTPJ48×8APC.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier 860
TSPJ1 Uhlan TSPJ1UhlanIFV.png  Ruvelka Infantry Fighting Vehicle 1,800 Armed with a 40mm autocannon.


KH2 Ghost KH2MainBattleTank.png  Ruvelka Main Battle Tank 750
Strv 104 RuvelkanStrv104.png  Acrea Main Battle Tank 200 Ruvelka acquired the Strv 104 in the aftermath of the Zemplen War.
Strv 124 Pantera RuvelkanStrv124.png  Acrea Main Battle Tank 100 Ruvelka acquired the Strv 124 in the aftermath of the Zemplen War.
KT3 Konnik KT3KonnikLightTank.png  Ruvelka Light Tank 450
TSPJ1 Uhlan TSPJ1UhlanLightTank.png  Ruvelka Light Tank 1,400 Armed with a 120mm smoothbore anti-tank gun.
KT4 Dragoon KT3DragoonLightTank.png  Ruvelka Light Tank 8 Armed with a 105mm smoothbore anti-tank gun; still undergoing test phase.

Utility and Logistics Vehicles

LHJ1 Crawler LHJ1Crawler.png  Ruvelka All-Terrain Crawler Transport 1,800

Field Artillery

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

Field Guns and Towed Howitzers

Self-Propelled Artillery

OT2 Self-Propelled Howitzer OT2SPG.png  Ruvelka Self-Propelled Howitzer 1,100
OT3 Self-Propelled Howitzer OT3SPG.png  Ruvelka Self-Propelled Howitzer 800
OT4 Self-Propelled Howitzer OT4SPG.png  Ruvelka Self-Propelled Howitzer 3 Experimental self-propelled howitzer.

Rocket Artillery

S2 MLRS S2MLRS.png  Ruvelka MLRS 522

Air Defense

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

Surface-to-Air Missile Systems

LR1 SAM LR1SAMSystem.png  Ruvelka Surface-to-Air Missile System 497

Imperial Fusilier Equipment

Small Arms

Name Image Origin Type Caliber Notes


Principality Arms K6 PrincipalityArmsK6Handgun.png  Ruvelka Semi-Automatic Pistol 9×19mm
.45 ACP
P09 P09.png  Acrea Semi-Automatic Pistol 9×19mm

Submachine Guns and Personal Defense Weapons

MP 65 MP65.png  Acrea Submachine Gun 9x19mm
Gisenti CM GisentiCMSubmachineGun.jpg  Cacerta Submachine Gun 9×19mm Issued to officers and designated marksmen.

Infantry Rifles

Principality Arms G88 RK95.jpg  Ruvelka Assault Rifle 7.62×39mm Primary armament of the Imperial Fusiliers.
Ruvelkan Armaments ÚHP RuvelkanArmamentsUHP.jpg  Ruvelka Assault Rifle 5.56×45mm
Gisenti AR762 GisentiAR762BattleRifle.jpg  Cacerta Battle Rifle 7.62x51mm Special application battle rifle.
Vitali 07 AR VitaliZeroSevenAssaultRifle.jpg  Cacerta Assault Rifle 5.56×45mm

Sniper Rifles and Designated Marksmen Rifles

Vitali 09 SR VitaliZeroNineSniperRifle.jpg  Cacerta Sniper Rifle 5.56×45mm
G29 G29.png  Acrea Sniper Rifle 8.6x70mm

Machine Guns

Vitali SLMG VitaliSLMG.jpg  Cacerta Light Machine Gun 5.56×45mm

Ground Vehicles

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

APCs and IFVs

LHJ1 Protected Crawler LHJ1ProtectedCrawler.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier 20 In reserve; to be transferred to the Imperial Army.
LHJ2 Armored Crawler LHJ2APC.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier 112
MTPJ4 8×8 APC MTPJ48×8APC.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier 205
TSPJ1 Uhlan TSPJ1UhlanIFV.png  Ruvelka Infantry Fighting Vehicle 183 Armed with a 40mm autocannon.


KT3 Konnik KT3KonnikLightTank.png  Ruvelka Light Tank 100
TSPJ1 Uhlan TSPJ1UhlanLightTank.png  Ruvelka Light Tank 112

Field Artillery

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

Self-Propelled Artillery

OT3 Self-Propelled Howitzer OT3SPG.png  Ruvelka Self-Propelled Howitzer 88


Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

Attack Helicopters

HH1 Attack Helicopter HH1HelicopterGunship.png  Ruvelka Helicopter Gunship 96

Support and Utility Helicopters

ARH8 Utility Helicopter ARH8UtilityHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Utility Helicopter 112
ARH9 Utility Helicopter ARH9UtilityHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Utility Helicopter 72

Territorial Defense Force

Small Arms

Name Image Origin Type Caliber Notes


Principality Arms K6 PrincipalityArmsK6Handgun.png  Ruvelka Semi-Automatic Pistol 9×19mm
.45 ACP
P09 P09.png  Acrea Semi-Automatic Pistol 9×19mm

Infantry Rifles

StG 51 StG51.jpg  Acrea Battle Rifle 7.62x51mm
Principality Arms G66 PrincipalityArmsG66AssaultRifle.png  Ruvelka Assault Rifle 7.62×39mm

Machine Guns

Vitali SLMG VitaliSLMG.jpg  Cacerta Light Machine Gun 5.56×45mm

Ground Vehicles

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

APCs and IFVs

LHJ1 Protected Crawler LHJ1ProtectedCrawler.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier
MTPJ3 6×6 APC MTPJ36×6APC.png  Ruvelka Armored Personnel Carrier


KT2 Lancer KT2LancerLightTank.png  Ruvelka Light Tank

Utility and Logistics Vehicles

LHJ1 Crawler LHJ1Crawler.png  Ruvelka All-Terrain Crawler Transport

Imperial Air Force

Fixed Wing Aircraft

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

Air Superiority Fighters and Interceptors

AFASF-10 Donnola AFASF10Donnola.jpg  Cacerta Multirole Fighter 166
AFASF-12 Drago AFASF12Drago.jpg  Cacerta Air Superiority Fighter 1,360 AFASF-12EA export variants and the domestically produced AFASF-12K.
EF 135 LuH EF135LuH.png  Acrea Multirole Fighter

Close Air Support and Strike Aircraft

AFSF-8 Folivori AFGSF4Folivori.jpg  Cacerta Strike Fighter
AFSF-9 Martora AFSF9Martora.jpg  Cacerta Strike Fighter

Strategic Bombers

AFSB-2 Spettro AFSB2Spettro.jpg  Cacerta Strategic Bomber 21 Three AFSB-2s were shot down as part Operation Eclipse during the Zemplen War.
AFSB-3 Fenice AFSB3Fenice.jpg  Cacerta Strategic Bomber 8 6 AFSB-3v1, 2 AFSB-3v2

Surveillance and Control Aircraft

AFEWC-1 220M AFEWC1220M.jpg  Cacerta Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft 8

Support and Logistics Aircraft

AFMRTT-1 220M AFMRTT1220M.jpg  Cacerta Aerial Refueling Tanker 12 Can be configured with a tail boom or two probe-and-drogue lines.


Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes

Attack Helicopters

HH1 Attack Helicopter HH1HelicopterGunship.png  Ruvelka Helicopter Gunship 886
HH2 Attack Helicopter HH2AttackHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Attack Helicopter 554
HH3 Attack Helicopter HH3AttackHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Attack Helicopter 356

Support and Utility Helicopters

ARH6-H Heavy Transport Helicopter ARH6HHeavyTransportHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Heavy Transport Helicopter 6
ARH6 Utility Helicopter ARH6UtilityHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Utility Helicopter 600
ARH7 Utility Helicopter ARH7UtilityHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Utility Helicopter 285
ARH8 Utility Helicopter ARH8UtilityHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Utility Helicopter 375
ARH9 Utility Helicopter ARH9UtilityHelicopter.png  Ruvelka Utility Helicopter 296

Imperial Navy

Surface Vessels

Name Image Origin Type No. of Units Notes


T1964-Class Destroyer T1964ClassDestroyer.png  Ruvelka Guided Missile Destroyer 2
T1977-Class Destroyer T1977ClassDestroyer.png  Ruvelka Guided Missile Destroyer 2
T1981-Class Destroyer T1981ClassDestroyer.png  Ruvelka Guided Missile Destroyer 3


T1968-Class Frigate T1968ClassFrigate.png  Ruvelka Multi-Purpose Frigate 4
T1975-Class Frigate T1975ClassFrigate.png  Ruvelka Multi-Purpose Frigate 5


T1990-Class Corvette T1990ClassCorvette.png  Ruvelka Hovercraft 6
T2001-Class Corvette T2001ClassCorvette.png  Ruvelka Corvette 4
