Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Fusiliers of Horse

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Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Town-on-Crouch-Under-Wood-On-Thames-Over-Hill-On-Sea-Thorpinghamsex-Pwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Marxist Fusiliers of Horse (30th of Horse)

File:REMF Capbadge.png

File:REMF TRF.png

Cap Badge
Tactical Recognition Flash

Active 1921-Present
Country File:Nationalflag Kouralia.png Kouralia
Branch File:Kouralian army flag.png Royal Kouralian Army
Role Type One Light Role Infantry (Air Assault)
Size One Infantry Battalion (Regular)
Regimental HQ Camp Cimone
Motto "Per la Popolazione!!"
Engagements 31st Annual Demon War
Operation Caccia
Republican Revolution
Current Colonel Camille Jones

The Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Town-on-Crouch-Under-Wood-On-Thames-Over-Hill-On-Sea-Thorpinghamsex-Pwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Marxist Fusiliers of Horse, (also known as the Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Town-on-Crouch-Under-Wood-On-Thames-Over-Hill-On-Sea-Thorpinghamsex-PG Marxist Fusiliers of Horse, Royal Burnhamtonsbyshire Marxist Fusiliers and The Marxist Fusiliers) are a cavalry Regiment of the Royal Kouralian Army. More specifically they are designated as Dragoons, and are officially known as the 30th of Regiment of Horse, shortened to (30/H), or if referred to in TOEs and OrBats, frequently as the REMF (Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Town-on-Crouch-Under-Wood-On-Thames-Over-Hill-On-Sea-Thorpinghamsex-Pwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Marxist Fusiliers of Horse) (pronounced 'Reh-mph').

The Regiment was first formed in 1921, and remained in service during the Tyrannic Era because of the anti-association with the Monarchy, which ironically sided with the 'loyalist' forces in the Second Kouralian Civil War. SInce then it has served in conflicts around the world, including Karolyland and Operation Hades.


The Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Town-on-Crouch-Under-Wood-On-Thames-Over-Hill-On-Sea-Thorpinghamsex-Pwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Marxist Fusiliers of Horse was first formed in direct reaction to the Russian Civil War and the ascension of the Bolshevik Communists and the creation of the Soviet Union. Formed into the 'Corps of Cavalry', they were none-the-less a Dragoon regiment, and thus acted as Infantry: being one of the first units to receive the M-dt APC, the first true armoured personnel carrier in the Royal Kouralian Army.

The regiment was formed in response to the concept of a revolt by the populace against the government for reasons of Marxism or the such-like. In such a heavily pro-army nation as Kouralia, it was decided that one way to alleviate the (largely imagined) tensions would be to allow a regiment in the army which wouldn't require the joiner to swear loyalty to the Crown. Thus, a communist could join it, swear every oath and serve as desired: all without having to do anything which would contradict their political views. Upon joining, all crown-iconography was absent: the Colour Sergeants and the like wore stars rather than Crowns, and the use of the coat of arms on the RSM was replaced by a hammer and sickle superimposed over the four-chevrons of a WO1. The oath was sworn to the 'People and Memory' of Kouralia, rather than the 'Crown' of Kouralia, and all Commissions were signed off by a committee of one Commoner (i.e. not Nobility) civilian from each Province. The motto was chosen for a similar reason, and in the end it all seemed to be going well. However, one purpose was kept from people during the formation of the regiment: that through requesting to join it on political grounds one would identify themselves as communist (and extremely so) to the authorities, and possibly be subject to extensive surveillance for the rest of their life. Additionally, while it wasn't clear, examination of deployment reports show that, far from being deployed 'at the fore-front' of the strike-back at any amphibious landing in Kouralia, the regiment was positioned near to the elite Royal Guards battalions to ensure its own destruction if it defected.

Despite these clandestine efforts, the Regiment ultimately never accomplished anything until the turn of the century, when it took up arms at the behest of its OC and joined the fight to return the Monarchy to Kouralia. By this point the system of political joining was still in place, though hadn't been invoked in over thirty years, so the Regiment was ultimately made up of regular soldiers who had little ideological connection to its origins. The Regiment fought as a Mechanised Infantry unit down through Altonia from the Mountains, engaging and defeating only one Reserve Light Infantry battalion before seizing what was regarded as a strategically vital location and holding it for the remaining time of the war against paramilitary attacks.

For its part in the war and the promptness with which it joined the Loyalist side, the Crown rendered the regiment a 'Royal' Regiment, granting it the Royal prefix. This allowed it to change its cap badge, and ultimately its Hackle, cap badge, TRF and rank insignia were all changed in 'accordance' with the new rules. The irony of this was not lost on the Regiment, or those who have joined it.

Regimental Song

Every single Kouralian Regiment (Things like Royal Regiment of Artillery, Royal Military Police or the Land Transport Corps count as one regiment - but others like the Royal Horse Provost count as other regiments.) has at least two songs to be played by the regimental band as marches, and then at least one 'Regimental Song' which is something selected by the RSM which can be sung or played at any ranking OF/NCO's discretion, situation allowing.

The most famous of these is [Got a Brand New Combine Harvester] by the Wurzels, used by this regiment. It was selected in 1980 after the RSM and the Provost Serjeant had a drunken bet at a major Regimental do that the Provost Serjeant wouldn't be able to 'chug' a bottle of cider, throw it in the air, draw and shoot it - before repeating the task. All this after three hours of assorted partying. Unsurprisingly the Provo won and the RSM was forced by the mildly amused Colonel to uphold his end of the bet, before both were busted down (from RSM to WO2 and from P/CSjt to P/Sjt) for 'being complete twats'. Three attempts have occurred to try and change it, but at no point have both the RSM and OC of the regiment concurred on either a) whether to change it or b) what to change it to, thus it has remained.


The Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Town-on-Crouch-Under-Wood-On-Thames-Over-Hill-On-Sea-Thorpinghamsex-Pwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Marxist Fusiliers of Horse, as a Light Cavalry Regiment of the Corps of Cavalry.


The Royal East High Burnhamtonsbyshire Town-on-Crouch-Under-Wood-On-Thames-Over-Hill-On-Sea-Thorpinghamsex-Pwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Marxist Fusiliers of Horse is formed into one Infantry Battalion (they are technically a Cavalry Regiment, thus it is a single 'Regiment', though it is identical to any other Infantry Battalion. This Battalion is a Paratrooper Battalion, one of Kouralia's 60, and one of twelve that cycles through the Special Forces Support Group.