Suvarovan Air Force

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Suvarovan Air Force
Vozdushnyye Sily Suvarova
Country Suvarova
TypeAir Force
RoleFrontal Aviation, Long-Range Strike, Military Transport, Air Defence
Part ofWar Ministry
HeadquartersAir Department, Mefediyopol
Commandant of the Imperial Air ForceGFM IR Ushakov

High Command of the Air Forces

1st Department (Long-Range Aviation)

The Long-Range Aviation Department (suv.: Departament Dal'nyaya aviatsiya, DDA) is tasked with Strategic Bombardment and Reconnaissance. It currently has XX aircraft and XX soldiers in service.


The Long-Range Aviation Department acts as an Corps-level command, directly subordinate to the General Staff. The Departments Headquarters is located on the outskirts of Mefediyopol, at communications hub TKT-804. Considered a "soft" facility, TKT-804's primary purpose is administration and relaying mobilisation orders from General Staff. Mission planning is mainly relegated to Divisional and Brigade headquarters. Subordinate to Department are currently three Aviation divisions:

  • 30th Air Division (Area of Operations: Polar and Trans-polar)
  • 37th Air Division (Area of Operations: General Staff's Reserve)
  • 46th Air Division "Naezdnik" (Area of Operations: Southern Suvarova)

The Long-Range Aviation Divisions are usually composed of an Communications and Automated Control Center (SAKT), two to four Heavy Bomber Brigades, and auxiliary aircraft (Dedicated Reconnaissance planes and transports).