Electoral systems in Liberalia

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This is a list of electoral systems in Liberalia.


For legislature system colors, see here.

Country Body System Details Seats per District Total seats Threshold
 Ardalia National Assembly Party-list proportional representation Constituency borders match provincial borders; d'Hondt method is utilized. n/a 386 n/a
 Caropsyne Pontanore Pontiana First past the post Each state has a certain number of seats based on total population and each constituency is roughly equal in size. 1 840 n/a
Fostana No direct election Members of the Fostana are appointed by the Premier. n/a 60 n/a

Heads of state

For heads of state system colors, see here. Only applicable if you elect your head of state.

Country Body System Details
 Ardalia National Assembly Election by legislature The President is elected by the National Assembly every five years by secret ballot.