List of political parties in Rajyaghar

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This article lists political parties in Rajyaghar.

National Political Parties

Party logo Party name Leader Seats in the
House of Representatives
Seats in
Union State legislatures
RRP.png Rajyani Rashtriya Party
Rajyani National Party
PM Modi Portrait(cropped).jpg
Madhava Thakur
272 / 500
1,603 / 4,000
Founded in 1935 by Prakash Chaudhari, the Rajyani Rashtriya Party is a big-tent party for the political right. The RRP has held government several times and, since 2010, has led the Central Union Government with Madhava Thakur as Premier. The party first came to power in the 1960s amidst rising ethnic and religious divisions with a manifesto focused on charsidhanism. Following the Emergency in 1964, the party was ousted from power for a decade before returning as a centre-right, economy-focused political party which, during its time in government during the 80s, would deregulate and dramatically grow the economy. The party is seen as socially conservative, economically liberal and responsible and overall ruthlessly pragmatic.
CPLogo.png Cooperative Party Rajyanipersontemplate.png
Ekanath Nayak
97 / 500
1,575 / 4,000
Founded in 1949 following a split of the People's Party into the CP and Liberal Party, the CP is a centre-left political party which has, since 1949, held government numerous times. Since 2010, the party has formed the official opposition in the House of Representatives. Coming to power in 1951, the party continued the work of the People's Party but was unable to quash rising seperatist movements and was voted out in the next elections. Following the emergency, the party was seen as a safe pair of hands and ruled the country for over a decade. Alternating with the RRP, the CP would come in and out of government with the last CP Government of 1995-2010 ushering in a new era of social liberalism. The party is socially progressive and fiscally socialist.
Placeholder view vector.svg Liberal Party Rajyanipersontemplate.png
40 / 500
358 / 4,000
Founded in 1949 following a split of the People's Party into the Liberal Party and CP. Founded by Onkar Jariwala, it's only Premier serving from 1955-60, the party was founded on the ideals of centrism, individual liberty, small federal government and more powers to state authorities.

Regional Political Parties

  • Tarkhana National Party (nationalist) - TNP (13)
  • Irfanic Coalition (religious) - IC (49)
  • Sabraj Congress Party (centre-left) - SCP (9)

State-Level Political Parties

  • Karmee Sangh (socialist) (Sangam, Sasipur) - KS
  • Pinjar Liberation Union (pinjar-unionist party) (Pinjar) - PLU (2)
  • Khisako Party (progressive party) (Sanosra, Lakhana, Chanak, Harringhata) - KP (8)
  • Prakrati Party (green party) (multiple states) - PP (7)

State-level political parties are those with:

  • Representation in Union State Legislatures
  • Do not operate at the federal level