List of Tagmatine Emperors

Revision as of 20:27, 8 July 2021 by Tagmatium (talk | contribs) (This is a list of the Tagmatine emperors, from its foundation in CE333 to the present day. Only emperors who were recognised as legitimate and exercised sovereign authority are included.)
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This is a list of the Holy Emperors of Tagmatium, starting on the ceremonial foundation of Europatorion on Easter Sunday, CE333. This marks the conventional start of what is known by most of the population of Eurth as Tagmatium, although the nation itself does not recognise this as the start of a new nation. Rather, it sees itself a continuation of the Aroman Empire, with the foundation of Europatorion viewed as merely the start of a new era. Only emperors who are recognised as legitimate rulers and exercised sovereign authority are included, to the exclusion of junior co-emperors (symbasileis) who never attained the status of sole or senior ruler, as well as of the various usurpers or rebels who claimed the imperial title.

The line of Tagmatine emperors is held to start with Methodianos the Great, the first Christian emperor, who built the city of Europatorion as the heart of a newly-refounded Aroman Empire. This was to be the imperial capital of a reborn empire that held the entirety of Europa in its sway but in reality, the empire struggled to hold onto what it had, let alone embark on a new series of conquests. Methodianos is often held up to be a model ruler and it is under him that the characteristics of Tagmatium emerged - a centralised state under the rule of an absolute monarch, with Christianity as its state religion and dominated by the Laimaic North over the Aroman South.