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Rex lætabitur in virtute tua

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Rex lætabitur in virtute tua
English: The King shall rejoice
The original publication of the modern setting of the anthem by Jeremiah Clarke in 1742.

National anthem of  Great Nortend
MusicJeremiah Clarke, 1738
Adopted1723 (words)
1789 (tune)

"Rex lætabitur in virtute tua", usaully translated into English as "The King shall rejoice", is the national anthem of Great Nortend. The words are taken from the first eight verses of Psalm 21, fit to the meter of the tune. The tune was composed by the famous Nortan composer, Jeremiah Clarke in 1738.


The origins of "Rex lætabitur" as a national or royal anthem date back to the promulgation of the new revised Book of Liturgy of the Church of Nortend in 1723 by Henry V, following the publication of the official authorised Bible of St Edmund in 1704. The first nine verses of Psalm 21 was provided as an anthem for the King at Mattins, before the state prayers and Grace.

This was reduced to the first eight verses after the ninth verse was deemed too violent for an anthem for the monarch after the accession of Mary in 1736.

From the publication of the Book of Liturgy, a suggested plain chant melody had been provided for the anthem; however, it was not popular and considered by many to be dreary and unsuited to the joyous and glorifying text. Various attempts to set the anthem to a more vivacious melody had been published throughout the 17th century.

Jeremiah Clarke, a prolific sacred and secular composer in Great Nortend during the 18th century, set the text of the anthem to a passage of incidental music in one of his operatic plays, popularly known as the Trumpet Tune, and published it as "A new melody for the Royal Anthem" in 1742. The setting gradually gained popularity, especially after it was used in the coronation of Catherine I in 1789.

The use of the anthem as a national anthem rather than merely a liturgical hymn arose during the 18th and 19th centuries. It was adopted as the musical royal salute in the 19th century, and began to be played at civic, government and institutional functions outside of its traditional church and religious fields.

Use today

"Rex lætabitur" is nowadays the de facto national anthem of Great Nortend, in addition to the royal anthem for the Sovereign. It is used in a wide variety of contexts, both to inculcate patriotism and loyalty to King and country, as well as to honour God and His chosen Sovereign.

In addition to its traditional use as a part of the Sunday Mattins church service, "Rex lætabitur" is also sung at schools, parades and ceremonies such as the raising and lowering of the flag. It is used at international sporting events, and played at the beginning of films. It is also played at the start and end of wireless radio transmissions.

Arising from its history as a sung hymn used in church services, traditions such as standing during its playing are maintained. Men are expected to remove their hats as well, and women to keep their heads covered. Certain officials may be expected to salute a royal symbol such as the flag or coat of arms during the playing of the anthem. Usually, the assembled crowd will sing the anthem.




The text of the anthem alludes to the coronation of King David.

The KING shall O Lord joy in thy strength, How
Greatly shall he joy in thy salvation.
Thou hast given him his heart’s desire,
And hast withholden not the will of his lips.

For thou didst prevent him with thy blessings,
Thou hast on him set a crown of pure gold,
He asked life of thee and thou him gavest,
A length of days for ever and ever.

His glory is great in thy salvation,
Dignity and honour hast thou sent him,
Everlasting blessings thou hast on him bestowed, Thou
Hast made him glad with the joy of thy countenance.

Because the King trusteth in the Lord, and
In the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved.
All thine enemies shall feel thy hand, and thy right hand,
Shall find out them that hate thee, that hate thee.