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Realms of the Multiverse character
Void profile.png
Created byRMD
Portrayed byPark Yerim
Full nameCho Jihye (Hangul: 초지혜)
SpeciesHuman-Vampire hybrid
NationalityAmenria Amenrian
Height170 cm
Weight49 kg
Birthday22 January, 2030
AlignmentChaotic neutral
Additional information
  • Black logo transparent.png Black
  • White logo transparent.png White (from an outside source)
ShùnéngChild of Yin and Yang

Void, born Cho Jihye (Korean: 초지혜), is an alumni of the Mutiara Academy for the Spiritually Awakened. She is the daughter of Lumen, the top Superhero in Amenria. While she can only produce black , she is categorised as both a white and black Qì user due to the nature of her Shùnéng.


Jihye is an ethnic Korean in her late teens of above average height and a medium build, and is well endowed for her age. She has naturally black hair on the right side of her head and naturally white hair on the left side. Her hair is straight and long, without a fringe.

Her Superhero costume consists of a sleeveless top which is white on the right side and black on the left side, with her emblem, a stylised "V" on her chest with opposite colour arrangements, a pair of black trousers, and boots of the same colour.

While under the effects of Celestial Cloak, she gains a white robe that is black on the inside, with the eight trigrammes arranged in an octagon on the back. Her top changes into a black one with diagonal white lines resembling the git of a hanbok. She also gains a white belt and a black gat, while her trousers and boots remain the same.


Owing to her abusive upbringing, Jihye is normally cold and aloof, choosing to stay focused and unemotional as she keeps her distance from others. Due to her abilities, she has a certain degree of arrogance, underestimating the abilities of friend and foe alike and not considering the full potential of teamwork which could have been beneficial to both her and her allies. Despite her lack of social skills, she is quite perceptive and is both aware of, and annoyed with, Micron's double entendres.

Since (placeholder event), her antisocial tendencies have reduced slightly and she is more respectful of others' abilities and is more comfortable to open up to some close friends, even showing a sense of humour.

While under a pseudo-trance from her Shùnéng, she is much less reserved and more prone to screaming, laughing, taunting, and . It is for this reason that she has a loathing of her white side, and, to an extension, herself.


Even before birth, Void's life had always been planned by her father. Her chose her mother to bear his children solely due to her Qì colour and the chances of having a child with black and white Qì colours. When her mother was pregnant with Jihye, her father had her genetically modified to be stronger and more agile, as well as less likely to be tired, to pass on his dream of becoming the perfect crime fighting weapon on to her.

Shùnéng and abilities


Black logo transparent.pngWhite logo transparent.png Child of Yin and Yang

Void's Shùnéng is unique in that in can use Qì she cannot produce herself, in this case white Qì, requiring the consumption of blood belonging to a person with white Qì or a Shù using white Qì for her to use white Shù, or amplify the effects of her usual Shù with white Qì.



Jihye is an agile individual and is able to do flips, cartwheels, and other acrobatic feats. She is also capable of moving on all fours much more quickly than the average person.


While she already has an extensive Qì reserves, her mind cannot take the significant influx of white Qì that would come with consuming substantial amounts of blood from a person with white Qì, resulting in her inhibitions reduced and her fighting style to be more erratic the more she drinks. This weakness has been gradually diminished since her study in the Mutiara Academy for the Spiritually Awakened, but has not completely disappeared.

Silver still has it's effect on her as it would on any vampire, albeit to a lesser extent.

Creation and Conception

Void was initially planned to be male, and her Shuneng was the same from when she was first concepted.


  • Her primary inspiration is Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia.
  • Her Celestial Cloak outfit is designed to invoke similarities to a Korean shaman (무당 mudang) or a Korean reaper (저승사자 Jeoseungsaja).