Orders, decorations, and medals of Kouralia

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The Royal Union of Kouralia has an extensive system of honours and awards, both military and civil, which are used by the state to recognise deeds by its citizens. The Crown, and therefore the wearer of it, is the font of honour, and is thus ostensibly the figure responsible for determining if a particular award should be made. However, in practice this authority is usually delegated. For example, most military medals are issued on the recommendation of a commissioned officer, with that recommendation confirmed by a more senior officer. Many of these awards, particularly the superior ones, come with titles and/or post-nominals. There are three main categories of award:

  • An Order is usually the highest award for lifetime or extended actions and service. They are not issued for bravery/gallantry, and unlike medals are not issued for fulfillment of particular conditions - though they may be associated with such by custom.
  • A Decoration is an award for a particular action such as an instance of bravery or the like, whether civil or military in nature. The highest decorations rank before any other honour. It may contain the word 'Medal' in its title, but the majority are referred to as 'Stars' or 'Shields' to distinguish from the final caterogy of honour.
  • A Medal is an award for some form of service milestone. It may be for length of service, for serving in a particular campaign, for marksmanship, or for meritorious conduct. They almost universally do not confer post-nominals.

Also considered to be a class of Honour are the so-called Payras, or 'Peers of the Realm.' This encompasses a number of members of the nobility, along with the so-called Lesser-Kings. The Payras are specifically nobles who sit on the Noble Assembly, and as a group does not include Nobles who do not sit. The Payras include a number of different styles, in different grades of nobility:

  • Lesser Kings: The Lesser Kings, or Lagra-Cynegas of Kouralia are the third rank of monarch in Kouralia. Unlike the Monarch of Kouralia, and the titles of Monarch of Altonia, Monarch of Chieti, and Monarch of Kurton which are also held by the Monarch of Kouralia, the Lesser Kings are accolades given to the recipients of particular awards. They have no legal power or authority, and the title is not inheritable. A Lesser Kingship is not in fact a Peerage, however it is custom to award the recipient a Life Peerage alongside it.
  • Life Peers: Life Peers are traditionally afforded the grade of Viscount, except for those who subsequently take on offices within the Noble Assembly, who are then raised to Counts. The Peerage of a Life Peer is to ensure the Noble Assembly has sufficient expertise to act as a revising legislative chamber, thus they are traditionally given to those who are renowned experts in their field, such as captains of industry, renowned scientists and the like. The title of a Life Peer is not inheritable.
  • Hereditary Peers: There has not been a creation of a hereditary peerage outside the royal family since the Kouralian Revolution in 1963. However, members of the Royal Family may be given such a title, and surviving members of previous noble families have reclaimes their titles. Those rendered extinct have since fallen into abeyance. A hereditary Peerage is one of any grade which may be inherited by the eldest child of the current holder.


Order of Wear

There is a common order of wear which is prescribed across all uniformed services, the intelligence service, police services, and civilians. It follows the following general principles:

  • The XYZ and the ABC, the highest awards for bravery issued by the Royal Union.
  • Orders of the Royal Union, going in order of precedence by order and by grade - for example, any banneretcies would be worn in order, followed by any knighthoods, followed by any Esquiredoms, followed by any Serjeancies.
  • Decorations of the Royal Union.
  • Medals of the Royal Union to commemorate distinguished service.
  • Operational Service Medals, in order of date of award.
  • Kouralian Jubilee and Coronation Medals
  • Kouralian Long Service and Efficiency Medals
  • The above general principles, but applied to foreign orders, decorations, and medals unless authorised for wear otherwise than behind all Kouralian awards.

Manner of Wear

There are a number of parts to the honours which are visibly displayed on the recipient to indicate their receipt of the honour. They are generally worn in one of three grades: Ceremonial, Dress, and Un-Dress.

  • Ceremonial-wear is the full set of awards. This will include the seniormost order's chain or collar (and crown or sash, if there is one), and up to four Phalerae for the four seniormost orders that the bearer is a member of. There will then be the full set of medals worn across the chest in order of precedence.
  • Dress-wear may include the collar of the seniormost order if prescribed by that order, otherwise it will simply be the full bar of medals on the chest.
  • Un-Dress-wear consists of the medal ribbons, but not the full medals and ribbons as in the above forms.

The collar is a ribbon worn around the neck of a dress uniform, usually between the dress shirt and the dress tunic, and the appendant medal then hangs over the tie as worn. The sash is worn from the left shoulder across the chest and down to the right hip, then up the back again. The Phalerae for the senior-most orders are worn on the left side of the torso below the medal bars in ascending order of seniority. The medals are worn on the left breast in order of seniority, from left to right. If sufficient medals are worn, then a second bar is worn under the first. Chains are only worn by certain chivalric orders, and consist of a number of links interspersed with decorative imagery, and there is an ornate medal appendant suspended from it. Certain awards merit a Crown and these are referred to as the 'Lesser Kings' or Lagra-Cynegas of Kouralia, however while referred to as a king or queen they do not have any legal authority or political or statutory power.

Foreign Recipients

Decorations and medals can be worn by any foreign recipient who is so authorised with no restriction bar those imposed by their own country. Payras are unable to be awarded to anyone bar a Kouralian citizen, and if a hereditary noble title which was classed as a Peer of the Realm was inherited by a foreign citizen, the peerage would automatically be revoked. Orders are slightly restricted to foreign citizens using the following general principles:

  • A Knighthood or Banneretcy can only be awarded to a citizen, thus a foreigner is either a 'Stranger Knight' or possesses an Honorary Knighthood. These entitle the bearer to use postnominals, and add the order's signs to their coat of arms however they are not entitled to the style 'Sir' or to the wear of a surcoat. Stranger Knights only apply to the Order of the Citadel.
  • Orders which are issued on the recommendation of the government for service to the government may not be issued to a foreigner. This applies to the Order of Justiciars, of the War God, and of the Military Stuffs.
  • Finally, the Orders which are given by the monarch personally, may be issued to any foreigner - the customary rules and the first rule not withstanding. This applies to the Orders of the Citadel, Emerald, and of Royal Service.


Grades &
Order of the Legion of Honour
"Outstanding Services such as bring honour to the nation & people"
Coronial Knight (XX)
Knight-Tribune of Grand Collar ()
Knight-Tribune of Riband ()
Knight of the First Spear ()
Order of the Legion of Valour
For Military Merit
Coronial Knight (XX)
Knight-Tribune of Grand Collar ()
Knight-Tribune of Riband ()
Knight of the First Spear ()
Legionary of Valour ()
Order of the Legion of Labour
For Civilian Merit
Knight-Tribune of Grand Collar ()
Knight-Tribune of Riband ()
Knight of the First Spear ()
Order of the Star of Honour
"Foreign Dignitaries & Citizens who have brought Honour to Kouralia"
Knight-Tribune of Grand Collar ()
Knight-Tribune of Riband ()
Companion ()
Order of the Crown
"Other worthies whose actions merit Knighthood"
Knight ()


Complete Name Ranks/Post-Nominals Ribbon Notes
Grade 1
Honour's Shield Awardee (HS) File:Kour G1 Honour's Shield.png Honour's shield is Kouralia's foremost award for bravery, described as requiring "...most conspicuous bravery, or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy." There have been two awards, not including the Demon War, since the restitution of the monarchy to Kouralia. As with all 'Shield' medals, not only is the medal itself shaped like a shield rather than a simple disc, but it confers a symbol which can be added to one's heraldry, should one posses a coat of arms.
Valour's Shield Awardee (VS) File:Kour G1 Valour's Shield.png Valour's Shield is the highest honour for bravery that a civilian can receive in Kouralia. It is awarded for "... acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger," and thus does not require the acts in question to be carried out in the face of the enemy to receive it.
Grade 2
Royal Martial Shield Awardee (RMS) File:Kour G2 Martial Shield.png The RMS is a tri-service award, issued for "...an act or acts of conspicuous valour during active operations against the enemy."
Royal Paean Shield Awardee (RPS) File:Kour G2 Paean Shield.png The Paean Shield is granted for "...Conspicuous devotion to the Hippocratic Oath and Paean Principles in the face of the enemy", and is traditionally issued to medical personnel who go above and beyond the call of duty when tending to injured servicepersons.
Cold Iron Shield Awardee File:Kour G2 Cold Iron Shield Class One.png

File:Kour G2 Cold Iron Shield.png
The Cold Iron Shield unique in that, as its name implies, it is struck from iron rather than a more precious metal. It is issued in recognition of the subject "being wounded or killed in any action or as a result of an act of any enemy of the Royal Union or opposing armed forces." When issued in the Class One, it is for death in action. When issued in Class Two it is for actual or grievous wounding in action.
Grade 3
Valorous Irregulars' Shield Awardee File:Kour G3 Valorous Irregulars Shield (Army).png
File:Kour G3 Valorous Irregulars Shield (Navy).png
File:Kour G3 Valorous Irregulars Shield (AF).png
The VMS is issued for "... gallantry during irregular active operations against the enemy." It comes in three ribbon-variants, one for each service branch. It is most commonly issued to members of STRIKE Command such as special forces or commandos, and the ribbon indicates the original service the serviceperson is from (i.e. even if serving currently in the Swimmer-Cannoeist Regiment, a former Air Force Auxiliary Airtrooper will receive the Air Force Blue award). It does not require one to be formally mentioned in despatches, and while a report would be submitted, it would not be gazetted.
Valorous Military Shield Awardee (VMS) File:Kour G3 Valorous Military Shield.png The VMS is issued for "...exemplary valour during active operations against the enemy." It is not restricted to Army personnel however, and can be received by any Air Force or Naval personnel who are engaged in ground combat operations.
Valorous Naval Shield Awardee (VNS) File:Kour G3 Valorous Naval Shield.png The VNS is issued for "...exemplary valour during active operations against the enemy at sea." While it is not restricted to Naval personnel, it would traditionally be rare for Army personnel to receive it, though Fleet Air Arm personnel of the Air Force are more likely
Valorous Flying Shield Awardee (VFS) File:Kour G3 Valorous Flying Shield.png The VFS is issued for "...exemplary valour during active operations against the enemy in the air." Like the above two awards it is not restricted to Air Force personnel, however opportunities to win it could be limited.
Valorous Intelligence Shield Awardee File:Kour G3 Valorous Intelligence Shield.png The VIS is issued for "...exemplary valour by Intelligence Service Personnel who are acting in an operational capacity." This award is available only for non-Military Intelligence personnel, or for personnel embedded in an Intelligence Operation.
Valour's Medal Awardee (VM) File:Kour G3 Valour's Medal.png Valour's Medal is issued to military personnel and civilians for "... acts of great bravery" not in the face of the enemy which do not otherwise merit receipt of Valour's Shield.
Grade 4
Kouralian Gallantry Medal Awardee File:Kour G4 Kouralian Gallantry Medal.png The Kouralian Gallantry Medal is issued to military personnel and civilians for "…exemplary acts of bravery" not in the face of the enemy which do not otherwise merit receipt of the Valour's Shield or Valour's Medal.
Maritime Gallantry Medal Awardee File:Kour G4 Maritime Gallantry Medal.png The MGM is issued, primarily to merchant marine or naval personnel for "...the saving of life at sea with exceptional humanity or gallantry."
Flying Gallantry Medal Awardee File:Kour G4 Flying Gallantry Medal.png The FGM is issued to air force (or, potentially, other servicepersons) for "...an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying, though not in active operations against the enemy."
Medal of the Burning Grail Awardee File:Kour G4 Shield of the Burning Grail.png The Medal of the Burning Grail is issued for personal services to the sovereign or royal family.
Grade 5
Mentioned in Despatches To be mentioned in despatches (MiD) means that a serviceperson has been named in an official report by a superior officer which was sent to a higher command, describing their brave or meritorious conduct in the face of the enemy. It is a pre-requisite for receiving any of the medals which require valorous action in the face of the enemy, however being MiD does not automatically result in a medal, as it is up to the higher command to determine if any further decoration is suitable. Being MiD does however confer a certificate, the despatch being published in the Kurton Royal Gazette, and a single gold oak leaf decoration which is either pinned to the ribbon of the appropriate campaign medal or to the left breast of the wearer's dress tunic where no medal is issued.
Commendation for Valour To be Commended for Valour (CfV) means that a serviceperson or civilian has been named in an official report by an officer of the Crown which was sent to a higher command, describing their brave acts. It is a pre-requisite for receiving any other medals, however being commended for valour does not automatically result in a medal, as it is up to the higher command to determine if any further decoration is suitable. Being commended for valour does however confer a certificate, the despatch being published in the Kurton Royal Gazette, and a single silver oak leaf decoration which is either pinned to the ribbon of the appropriate campaign medal or to the left breast of the wearer's dress tunic where no medal is issued.


Complete Name Ranks/Post-Nominals Ribbon Notes
Distinguished Service Medals
Distinguished Watch Service Medal File:Kour Medal Distinguished Watch.png The Distinguished Watch Service Medal is issued to Territorial Watch, or Treasury Guard personnel for "...an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty."
Distinguished Fire Medal File:Kour Medal Distinguished Fire.png The Distinguished Watch Service Medal is issued to Fire Watch personnel for "...an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty."
Distinguished Medical Medal File:Kour Medal Distinguished Medical.png The Distinguished Watch Service Medal is issued to Emergency Medical Service personnel for "...an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty."
Distinguished Intelligence Medal File:Kour Medal Distinguished Intelligence.png The Distinguished Watch Service Medal is issued to Intelligence and Security Agency personnel for "...an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty."
Campaign Medals
(All Medals worn 'No.1'-->'No.2'-->'No.3', and Oldest to Newest)
Loyal Militia Medal File:Kour Medal Service Loyalists.png As a No.1-Graded Campaign Medal, the Loyal Militia Medal is issued for a campaign deemed to be in defence of Kouralia itself. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service as an insurgent or guerrilla fighting against the Republican Government prior to the Millennial War.
Millennial War Medal File:Kour Medal Service Millennial.png As a No.1-Graded Campaign Medal, the Millennial War Medal is issued for a campaign deemed to be in defence of Kouralia itself. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service, either fighting for or against the Government during the Millennial War. However, those who fought for the Government did not receive the Medal of the Burning Grail additionally.
Demon War Medal File:Kour Medal Service Demons.png As a No.1-Graded Campaign Medal, the Demon War Medal is issued for a campaign deemed to be in defence of Kouralia itself. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service fighting during the 31st Annual Demon War.
Karolyland Medal File:Kour Medal Service Karolyland.png As a No.2-Graded Campaign Medal, the Karolyland Medal is issued for a campaign deemed to be worthy of distinction, but not in defence of Kouralia itself. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service on operations during the Karolyland Emergency.
Banrodesia Medal File:Kour Medal Service Banrodesia.png As a No.2-Graded Campaign Medal, the Banrodesia Medal is issued for a campaign deemed to be worthy of distinction, but not in defence of Kouralia itself. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service on peacekeeping operations in Banrodesia.
D'halbrisir Medal File:Kour Medal Service D'halbrisir.png As a No.2-Graded Campaign Medal, the D'halbrisir Medal is issued for a campaign deemed to be worthy of distinction, but not in defence of Kouralia itself. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service on operations supporting the Spirean Government against megafauna.
Poldakia Medal File:Kour Medal Service Poldakia.png As a No.2-Graded Campaign Medal, the Poldakia Medal is issued for a campaign deemed to be worthy of distinction, but not in defence of Kouralia itself. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service on operations during the Invasion of Poldakia.
Irregular Service Medal File:Kour Medal Service Irregular.png As a No.3-Graded Campaign Medal, the Irregular Service Medal is issued for service on operations which are not acknowledged by the Union, or for irregular operations which do not correspond to another medal. It is traditionally issued to personnel of STRIKE Command.
General Service Medal File:Kour Medal Service General.png As a No.3-Graded Campaign Medal, the General Service Medal is issued for a campaign not deemed worthy of independent distinction, usually distinguished by a bar on the medal. It is issued for those who performed the requisite service on any regular military operations.
Older Service Medals File:Kour Medal Service Old.png There are a number of other, older service medals from before the Republican Revolution in 1963 until the first 'medalled' campaign, in the 19th century. These are represented by a golden cord supporting the medal.
Coronation and Jubilee Medals
Coronation of John Campbell File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Coronation of Robert Campell File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Coronation of Alessia Campbell File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Silver Jubilee of Alessia Campbell File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Coronation of Sebastyan Campbell File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Coronation of Alyxandra Campbell File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Efficiency and Long Service Medals
Meritorious Service Medal File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Shire Militia Medal File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Intelligence Long Service Medal File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Civil Long Service Medal File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Volunteer Reserve Long Service Medal File:Kour CO Order of Justiciar.png Something
Special Awards
Aces' Medal File:Kour Medal Special Ace.png Something
Champion Gunner's Medal File:Kour Medal Special Gunner.png Something
Champion Shot Medal File:Kour Medal Special Champion Shot.png Something



  • Royalty:
    • Her Majesty, Queen Alyxandra Campbell
    • Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess of the Blood Elena Campbell has been made a Lay Justiciar, a Royal Knight of the Citadel, the Great Master and Principal Knight of the Emerald Hall, a Knight Bachelor of the Realm, and has been awarded the Cold Iron Shield and the Valorous Military Shield.
  • Other Notables:


  • Monarchs, Presidents, Heads of States and other Leaders:
    • His Most Excellent Imperial Highness and Majesty, Alexander Artharian III, Lord Artarius of the Imperial Commonwealth of Celritannia was made a Stranger Knight of the Citadel.
    • His Imperial Majesty, Alexander Blaken-Kazansky, King of Allanea and Emperor of Greater Prussia, and his wife Her Imperial Majesty, Cassiopeia Blaken-Kazansky, Queen of Allanea and Empress of Greater Prussia were both made Stranger Knights of the Citadel. Alexander was also made an Honorary Banneret of the Arean Order for his role in the 31st Annual Demon War.
    • Her Grace, Arch-Duchess Daffydill the first of her name of the Grand Duchy of Muffinvania, was made a Stranger Knight of the Citadel.
    • Their Majesties Helena and Myka Wells, Queens of Malgrave were both made Stranger Knights of the Citadel.
    • Her Grand Royal Highness, Luna, Princess of Equestria was made a Stranger Lady of the Citadel.
    • His Excellency, Maven Kethir Auryn, High Chancellor of the Beastling States of Crystal Spires was made an Honorary Knight of the Emerald Order.
    • His Imperial Majesty, Oskar auf Stjärnkhrone, High King of the Absolute Royal Federation was made a Stranger Knight of the Citadel.
    • His Majesty, Percival IV, King of the Freethinkers was made an Honorary Knight of the Citadel.
    • His Imperial Majesty, Primus auf Stjärnkhrone, High King of the Absolute Royal Federation was made a Stranger Knight of the Citadel.
    • Her Imperial Supremacy, Sirithil Finlaurë Silmariel Nerdanel nos Fëanor, Elentári of Menelmacar was made a Stranger Knight of the Citadel.
    • His Supremacy Telissat Amris, Supreme Overlord of the Necrontyr Dynasties was made a Stranger Knight of the Citadel.
  • Other Royalty or Nobility:
    • His Imperial Highness, Maglor nos Fëanor, Haryon of Menelmacar and Chief bard of the First Age Elves was made an Honorary Banneret-Companion of the Onstæl aþ’Aran Æfenhlyttena
  • Military Commanders:
  • Other Worthies:
    • Lord Celebrimbor nos Fëanor, Menelmacari Prefect of Science and Education, Founder of the Archive of Ages, and Forger of the Three Great Rings was made an Honorary Knight-Companion of the Onstæl aþ’Aran Æfenhlyttena
    • Lady Miriel nos Fëanor, Heroine of the Wilwarin War was made an Honorary Knight-Companion of the Onstæl aþ’Aran Æfenhlyttena