Chief Justice of the Earth Humans

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Chief Justice of the Earth Humans
Joseph Hood
since February 11, 2019
Supreme Court of the Earth Humans
StyleMr. Chief Justice
Your Honor
(when addressed in court)
The Honorable
StatusChief justice
Highest judicial officer
Member ofFederal judiciary
Judicial Conference
Administrative Office of the Courts
SeatSupreme Court Building, The Citadel
AppointerThe President
with Senate advice and consent
Term lengthLife tenure
Constituting instrumentEarth Humans Constitution
FormationJanuary 6, 2019
(5 years ago)

The Chief Justice of the Earth Humans is the chief judge of the Supreme Court of the Earth Humans and as such the highest-ranking judge of the federal judiciary. The President of Earth Humans has the power to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Earth Humans Senate, appoint a chief justice, who serves until they resign, are impeached and convicted, retire, or die.

The chief justice has significant influence in the Procedures of the Supreme Court of the United States and the selection of cases for review, presides when oral arguments are held, and leads the discussion of cases among the justices. Additionally, when the Court renders an opinion, the chief justice, if in the majority, chooses who writes the Court's opinion. When deciding a case, however, the chief justice's vote counts no more than that of any associate justice.

Article I Section 3 of the United States Constitution of the Constitution designates the chief justice to preside during presidential impeachment trials in the Senate; this has occurred twice. Also, while nowhere mandated, the presidential oath of office is typically administered by the Chief Justice.

The current chief justice is Joseph Hood (L-Strongcrest).