List of political parties in Pulacan

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The Republic of Pulacan is a multi-party democracy, with numerous regional parties holding tribal, class, and ideological loyalty. Though these parties are typically most active in the Republican areas of the country, some are active within the lands of the dikgosi, where they push for grassroots change through the dikgotla direct democratic system. The dominant party in the House of Delegates, the Republic's assigned lower house, elects a Chief Minister, who serves simultaneously as a member of the President's cabinet and as the head of government for the Republican subordinate areas.

Parties recognized by the Federal Election Certification Commission

These are all of the political parties registered with Federal Election Certification Commission and are eligible to run candidates in federal elections.

Parties currently represented in the House of Delegates

Name Logo Founded Ideology Leader Delegates Political position Description
Nguzo Gear-icon-blue-transparent-background.png 1966 Pan-Ozerosi cooperation, progressivism, pro-integration Moctezuma Tshireletso* 92 / 327** Center-left to left-wing Formed in the south of Pulacan, Nguzo finds most of its loyalty around Cuicatepec and among the Ngwato people across the dikgosi lands. Formed from a merger of other southern center-left progressive parties, Nguzo stands to this day as the largest of Pulatec parties by active membership.
Juwa Sun red icon.svg 1912 Soft Pan-Ozerosi skepticism, democratic socialism, Ixtleconist socialism 77 / 327 Center-left to left-wing Named for the ShiMzanzi word for "Sun," the Juwa party is the largest party in the north of the country. Founded as a moderated adaptation of foreign socialist ideas, Juwa manifestos have steadily evolved over time to encapsulate a religious message pertaining to the Tlaloc Sect of Ixtleconism. Their most recent manifesto, "Governing for the People through Divine Fire and Water," contains the party's most explicit use of religious imagery in outlining its platform.
National Jubilee Station yellow.svg Conservatism, economic liberalism, Pan-Ozerosi cooperation 58 / 327 Center-right
League for Liberty and Change Flag of the Botswana People's Party.svg Pan-Ozerosi skepticism, pro-integration, nationalist populism 50 / 327 Big tent
United in Humanity Unity Party of America Symbol.png Technocratic socialism, directorial socialism, Pan-Ozerosi cooperation Megawati Sudionoputri 26 / 327 Left-wing
Incorruptible Justice Flag of the Botswana Democratic Party.svg Anti-corruption, pro-integration, criminal justice reform, populism 20 / 327 Single-issue
Majambazi Party Piratpartiet.svg pirate party, satire politics 2 / 327 Single-issue
Landless Peoples' Movement Green Disc.svg Social democracy, progressivism, land reform, environmentalism 2 / 327 xKhasi ethnic politics

*Chief Minister **Also the party of the President